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Fortnite adds Gyro aiming to PS, Switch

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20 minutes ago, ghostz said:

This is one area MS fucked up, big time. Props to Nintendo for starting the trend, and glad Sony caught on. gyro aiming on consoles>>>>


I give it a year until MS releases a gyro enabled Xbox controller, and If they don’t, TLHBR

Gyro aiming has been around forever. It’s a good feature, but not essential. 

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Just now, ghostz said:

What consoles supported it before Switch? 

PS3, vita and ps4. Many devs didn’t use it, but it was used at least 4 times with the Vita (uncharted golden abyss being the flagship title for feature). 

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1 minute ago, ghostz said:

interesting, yeah it should be an option for any controller that allows it

No doubt. I loved it in golden abyss. I loved it in splatoon 2, as well. The games still play great without it, but gyro does give a noticeable edge. 

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2 hours ago, ghostz said:

What consoles supported it before Switch? 

it definitely makes any shooting game better imo. 


Wii and Wiiu had gyro as well. 


Sony added it to the PS3 as well and every Sony console has had it since then. 

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