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Russia has officially invaded Ukraine

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https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov   This guy posts daily summaries of the main events in the war (He also covered that explosion which was old btw). He's Ukrainian, but he's not afraid t

Wasn't Aza going to Crimea on vacation this month? Well I hope he has a.....blast 

Facts over feelings.

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14 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Nope. Drilling here and using the copious amount of oil available would absolutely decrease gas prices and boost the economy. Biden is just scared of the backlash he would receive from the dumb progressives in his party like AOC if he did that. He would rather buy oil from dictators in other countries even though the effect on the climate would be the same. So much for his 'Made in America' campaign.



The Biden Administration is calling for the oil companies to INCREASE drilling right here in America. 


Anything else you care to make up? :umad:



Biden shut down US importing oil from Russia. Curious how you were calling for that and when it happened you all of a sudden went silent. 


Even before the war, drilling within then US has increased under Biden and now he is calling for the oil companies to increase that even further. 


In the interim, the oil has to come from somewhere (hence the talks with Venezuela and the Saudis) until the Oil companies get off their ass and increase their drilling capacity in the US. 


Edited by Goukosan
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9 hours ago, Twinblade said:

John Deere and Amazon just pulled out. Lada, a major Russian car manufacturer also had to shut down because they can no longer source the components needed to make their cars.


Im really hoping someone will have the balls to go up to Putin and be like 'sir, this isn't sustainable for our country. We need to pull our troops back and end the war and hope the west will ease up on us.' But of course that person might end up mysteriously falling out of a window.


It's like the sanctions are umm working. 


It's ok, you can say it :umad:

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New right wing conspiracies my white Karen friends are now spit balling on social media. 


Putin is the good guy because he actually went to Ukraine to destroy the bio-labs that were going to be used by bill gates, George soross, the Biden's and the Clinton's to start a new pandemic :sabu:



These clowns are coming up with all kind of theories as to why they should back Russia in this conflict and why Ukraine, Biden and the west are the bad guys. 


Can't make this shit up. 

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

New right wing conspiracies my white Karen friends are now spit balling on social media. 


Putin is the good guy because he actually went to Ukraine to destroy the bio-labs that were going to be used by bill gates, George soross, the Biden's and the Clinton's to start a new pandemic :sabu:



These clowns are coming up with all kind of theories as to why they should back Russia in this conflict and why Ukraine, Biden and the west are the bad guys. 


Can't make this shit up. 

On the right? As in China? 




















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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


And the right wing conspiracies nuts believe that shit :sabu:

And so does China. That makes them right wing conspiracy nuts. 

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29 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You still haven't explained your whole Biden/pipeline theory. 

Theory? It's pretty simple. More north American energy means less dependence on Saudi Arabia, Russia, and whatever other dictator is selling oil. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Theory? It's pretty simple. More north American energy means less dependence on Saudi Arabia, Russia, and whatever other dictator is selling oil. 

Yeah, but that decade old project was less than 10% completed when he signed it out on January 2021. So I'm confused how it would affect gas prices right now seeing as it would still be held up in court and less than 10% competed? 


Make that make sense. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Theory? It's pretty simple. More north American energy means less dependence on Saudi Arabia, Russia, and whatever other dictator is selling oil. 

No you are very wrong about that.


U.S. Refineries were designed to refine "heavy crude"oil.


The oil drilling on AMERICAN soil is mostly "light crude" oil.


Yes, you've heard that correctly.


A great amount of American Refineries are NOT DESIGNED to refine THE VERY OIL THAT WE DRILL OUT OF THE GROUND IN AMERICA.


I'm going to repeat that again......................because you are generally a stupid person who doesn't see the big picture.


Our own refineries WITHIN AMERICA, which is where we refine out oil into gas and other products...........is not designed for the type of oil that we drill in America.


Therefore, America has no choice but to buy "heavy crude"  from outside the country, importing.


We can drill and drill and drill and INCREASING DRILLING within America all we want.............but its "light crude" oil, and that oil is not refined in America.


That's actually refined in Europe.


Do you understand that?


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The way things are must be the way they are for eternity. Yes jehurey, I understand that's your short sighted thinking and view of the world.  

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25 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yeah, but that decade old project was less than 10% completed when he signed it out on January 2021. So I'm confused how it would affect gas prices right now seeing as it would still be held up in court and less than 10% competed? 


Make that make sense. 

If it wasn't cancelled by Obama 10 years ago it would be done. Cancelled again just means another future problem. 

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23 minutes ago, Cooke said:

The way things are must be the way they are for eternity. Yes jehurey, I understand that's your short sighted thinking and view of the world.  

I didn't design this world.


neither did joe biden


These are PRIVATELY-OWN companies, sweetie.


Are you too stupid to understand that, as well?


Why are you talking about the United States Government as if they have NATIONALIZATION OVER OIL DRILLING.


That would mean that you don't understand the United States, or Free Market Capitalism, in general.

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23 minutes ago, Cooke said:

If it wasn't cancelled by Obama 10 years ago it would be done. Cancelled again just means another future problem. 

No, it wasn't cancelled by Obama.


Do you have trouble reading his post?


It was contested in the Federal Court System.


It wasn't cancelled by Obama.

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Thnaks Obama for the federal court blocking the pipeline :feelsbadman:

I actually laughed out loud when I read it. Cooke's ability to say profoundly stupid things and just say another stupid thing as a double down without flinching. 

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13 hours ago, Goukosan said:



The Biden Administration is calling for the oil companies to INCREASE drilling right here in America. 


Anything else you care to make up? :umad:



Biden shut down US importing oil from Russia. Curious how you were calling for that and when it happened you all of a sudden went silent. 


Even before the war, drilling within then US has increased under Biden and now he is calling for the oil companies to increase that even further. 


In the interim, the oil has to come from somewhere (hence the talks with Venezuela and the Saudis) until the Oil companies get off their ass and increase their drilling capacity in the US. 




Come on dude, Biden can't make up his fucking mind from one day to the next when it comes to drilling. Also, there's a HUGE difference between LEASES and PERMITS. Just because a company has a permit to drill doesn't mean they have a lease for that land to drill upon. Which is why they can't up production. The Biden admin refuses to grant the leases to drill on federal lands. 

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