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Russia has officially invaded Ukraine

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https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov   This guy posts daily summaries of the main events in the war (He also covered that explosion which was old btw). He's Ukrainian, but he's not afraid t

Wasn't Aza going to Crimea on vacation this month? Well I hope he has a.....blast 

Facts over feelings.

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42 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Remember when you kept on praising the sanctions?




Context dumbass context. 


Zelensky is talking about new sanctions that will be imposed for the war crimes committed over the last few days.   I agree that for these war crimes that sanctions alone aren't enough..... Putin will be branded a war criminal and will be treated as such, that will take a little time to happen.


"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday that the West would impose a new package of sanctions on Russia over the killing of civilians in Bucha and other Ukrainian cities, but he said that was not enough of a punishment." 


He was not talking about the previous sanctions which he praised and which he helped formulate.... Nice try though:umad:




At least I along with Zelensky praised the early sanctions..... While your boy Trump praised Putin for this invasion of Ukraine as Genius and Brilliant :trump2:

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8 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Context dumbass context. 


Zelensky is talking about new sanctions that will be imposed for the war crimes committed over the last few days.   I agree that for these war crimes that sanctions alone aren't enough..... Putin will be branded a war criminal and will be treated as such, that will take a little time to happen.


"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday that the West would impose a new package of sanctions on Russia over the killing of civilians in Bucha and other Ukrainian cities, but he said that was not enough of a punishment." 


He was not talking about the previous sanctions which he praised and which he helped formulate.... Nice try though:umad:




At least I along with Zelensky praised the early sanctions..... While your boy Trump praised Putin for this invasion of Ukraine as Genius and Brilliant :trump2:


Lol you are such a clown. You talk about context but post a Trump quote from a month ago and act like he was glorifying genocide. You're so biased you can barely see straight.


and of course despite this being the worst genocide in Europe since WW2, Germany and the rest of the EU still refuses to cut off Russia's oil & gas, indirectly contributing to these massacres. Go ahead and keep acting like sanctions are going to prevent Russia from continuing to leave a path of a death and destruction in Ukraine.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


Lol you are such a clown. You talk about context but post a Trump quote from a month ago and act like he was glorifying genocide. You're so biased you can barely see straight.


and of course despite this being the worst genocide in Europe since WW2, Germany and the rest of the EU still refuses to cut off Russia's oil & gas, indirectly contributing to these massacres. Go ahead and keep acting like sanctions are going to prevent Russia from continuing to leave a path of a death and destruction in Ukraine.


Oh, your boy Trump didn't stop. 


Just last week he was asking Putin to release propaganda on Hunter Biden. 


Instead of condemning Putin, he was asking for favors from his BFF:trump:

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President Biden Calls for Putin to be tried as a war criminal on the world stage. :salute:




Biden calls for war crimes trial after Bucha images surface


“We have to continue to provide Ukraine with the weapons they need to continue the fight. And we have to gather all the detail so this can be an actual -- have a war crimes trial,” Biden said.



 Today, most war crimes are now punishable in two ways: death or long term imprisonment. In order to be given one of these sentences, any instance of a war crime must be taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC was founded on July 1, 2002 for the purpose of bringing war criminals to trial.



Trump on the other hand calls the invasion "smart and genius" and followed that up by recently asking Putin for help to spread propaganda :trump2:

Edited by Goukosan
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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

President Biden Calls for Putin to be tried as a war criminal on the world stage. :salute:




Biden calls for war crimes trial after Bucha images surface


“We have to continue to provide Ukraine with the weapons they need to continue the fight. And we have to gather all the detail so this can be an actual -- have a war crimes trial,” Biden said.



 Today, most war crimes are now punishable in two ways: death or long term imprisonment. In order to be given one of these sentences, any instance of a war crime must be taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC was founded on July 1, 2002 for the purpose of bringing war criminals to trial.



Trump on the other hand calls the invasion "smart and genius" and followed that up by recently asking Putin for help to spread propaganda :trump2:

Why is that you’re always deflecting back to Trump? Are you going to include the part where Biden said his response will be to reveal new sanctions eventhough we already know they’re not making a difference? 
We are seeing the results of decades worth of left leaning policies designed to appease and strengthen Russia yet all you can do is bitch about Trump. 

it all started with Bill Clinton making Ukraine give up their nukes 


Then in 2008 Ukraine had an opportunity to join NATO but Germany’s Merkel shot that down because she was scared of Russia  


Then in 2014 under the Obama administration Russia invaded Crimea and nobody did anything in response besides more useless sanctions 


Now Russia has the blood of thousands of innocents on their hands and are committing actual genocide, and once again the world just lets it happen. Germany actually bought their largest amount of gas from Russia since the invasion happened…..TODAY. A day after the Bucha massacre was revealed. Let that sink in…..If you don’t see a clear problem here and would rather dump all the blame on Trump then you’re part of the problem.


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The Russian manifesto for genocide was released today.
State website RIA Novosti calls for UA statehood to be destroyed. Openly justifies the need for ethnic cleansing and mass repression.
"Denazification" = "de-Ukrainization".

Moscow's Ukraine Solution.

Here are some highlights from their article on "What should be done in Ukraine:

-The Bandera elite must be liquidated, its re-education is impossible.

-The terms of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification.

-The name "Ukraine" apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in a territory liberated from the Nazi regime.

-Denazification will inevitably also be a de-Ukrainization.

-Unlike, say, Georgia and the Baltic countries , Ukraine, as history has shown, is impossible as a nation state, and attempts to "build" one naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construction that does not have its own civilizational content, a subordinate element of an alien and alien civilization.

-The denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach with regard to denazification. The ideology of the denazifier cannot be disputed by the guilty party subjected to denazification.

-Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

Why is that you’re always deflecting back to Trump? Are you going to include the part where Biden said his response will be to reveal new sanctions eventhough we already know they’re not making a difference? 
We are seeing the results of decades worth of left leaning policies designed to appease and strengthen Russia yet all you can do is bitch about Trump. 

it all started with Bill Clinton making Ukraine give up their nukes 


Then in 2008 Ukraine had an opportunity to join NATO but Germany’s Merkel shot that down because she was scared of Russia  


Then in 2014 under the Obama administration Russia invaded Crimea and nobody did anything in response besides more useless sanctions 


Now Russia has the blood of thousands of innocents on their hands and are committing actual genocide, and once again the world just lets it happen. Germany actually bought their largest amount of gas from Russia since the invasion happened…..TODAY. A day after the Bucha massacre was revealed. Let that sink in…..If you don’t see a clear problem here and would rather dump all the blame on Trump then you’re part of the problem.



If I seem to remember correctly you kept bringing up Trump when the conflict first started, until he opened his dumb mouth and start sucking Putin's dick.... Now you want to act like bringing up his comment are off topic?:trump:




Trump praising Putin's invasion of Ukraine and asking Putin for help is current news and is indefensible... You have yet to condemn Trump's stance on this :umad:



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Twinblade is absolutely getting roasted, to the point where he now doesn't want Trump to be brought up, even though he was the one who brought up Trump at the beginning of this war.


And then he purposely tries to find any headline to make Biden look bad............and its just headline, because he can't be bothered to read the articles for context.


What an imbecile.

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10 hours ago, jehurey said:

Twinblade is absolutely getting roasted, to the point where he now doesn't want Trump to be brought up, even though he was the one who brought up Trump at the beginning of this war.


And then he purposely tries to find any headline to make Biden look bad............and its just headline, because he can't be bothered to read the articles for context.


What an imbecile.


Trump has nothing to do with the fact that the sanctions are failing to stop Russia from waging this war. Bringing up Trump for no reason and ignoring that fact just proves that you are unable to come up with a legitimate argument.


If you can look at the pictures from Bucha and think 'oh no we need to hit them with more sanctions!1!' then you're clearly lost.

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23 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Why is that you’re always deflecting back to Trump? Are you going to include the part where Biden said his response will be to reveal new sanctions eventhough we already know they’re not making a difference? 
We are seeing the results of decades worth of left leaning policies designed to appease and strengthen Russia yet all you can do is bitch about Trump. 

it all started with Bill Clinton making Ukraine give up their nukes 


Then in 2008 Ukraine had an opportunity to join NATO but Germany’s Merkel shot that down because she was scared of Russia  


Then in 2014 under the Obama administration Russia invaded Crimea and nobody did anything in response besides more useless sanctions 


Now Russia has the blood of thousands of innocents on their hands and are committing actual genocide, and once again the world just lets it happen. Germany actually bought their largest amount of gas from Russia since the invasion happened…..TODAY. A day after the Bucha massacre was revealed. Let that sink in…..If you don’t see a clear problem here and would rather dump all the blame on Trump then you’re part of the problem.


Lol Ukraine never had nukes you fucking retard. Soviet nukes were there but they didn't have control of them and they were returned to Russia. At this point can you please stop trying to sound smart. 


Your lane is what random videogame developers had for lunch or what videogame engine they plan to use for a game that's coming out in 4 years. In everything you sound sooooooo stupid and uninformed. 


Your intellectual curiosity ends at "what can I say to make liberals look bad" for some reason. Again, in the conservative hellscape utopia you wish for, you're still going to be a lonely, cowardly incel. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol Ukraine never had nukes you fucking retard. Soviet nukes were there but they didn't have control of them and they were returned to Russia. At this point can you please stop trying to sound smart. 


Your lane is what random videogame developers had for lunch or what videogame engine they plan to use for a game that's coming out in 4 years. In everything you sound sooooooo stupid and uninformed. 


Your intellectual curiosity ends at "what can I say to make liberals look bad" for some reason. Again, in the conservative hellscape utopia you wish for, you're still going to be a lonely, cowardly incel. 


Here you again failing to say anything true or of any real substance.


First off, they had control of the nukes and only returned them to Russia because of the Budapest Memorandum which was STARTED by Clinton and his administration. He holds a big part of the blame, but the Obama administration and Biden administration who failed to act on Russian aggression during Crimea and the current war are equally culpable. Those security assurances amounted to nothing and Ukraine was betrayed (not unlike how Biden betrayed Afghanis last year).


And this just sets a worst precedent for all the other dictators out there. Kim Jung Un just straight up came out and said this conflict is proof you need nuclear weapons to prevent yourself from being invaded. So now North Korea is never going to give up their nuclear ambitions despite Trump trying to plant the seeds to get them going in that direction. I expect them to continue ramping up their missile tests and relations with SK will only worsen over time.


The whole world is less stable and less safe because of the decisions of the political party you associate with. And there's plenty of evidence going back decades to support that.




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17 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Here you again failing to say anything true or of any real substance.


First off, they had control of the nukes and only returned them to Russia because of the Budapest Memorandum which was STARTED by Clinton and his administration. He holds a big part of the blame, but the Obama administration and Biden administration who failed to act on Russian aggression during Crimea and the current war are equally culpable. Those security assurances amounted to nothing and Ukraine was betrayed (not unlike how Biden betrayed Afghanis last year).


And this just sets a worst precedent for all the other dictators out there. Kim Jung Un just straight up came out and said this conflict is proof you need nuclear weapons to prevent yourself from being invaded. So now North Korea is never going to give up their nuclear ambitions despite Trump trying to plant the seeds to get them going in that direction. I expect them to continue ramping up their missile tests and relations with SK will only worsen over time.


The whole world is less stable and less safe because of the decisions of the political party you associate with. And there's plenty of evidence going back decades to support that.





"When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, there were thousands of former Soviet nuclear warheads, as well as hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers, left on Ukraine’s territory, which it decided to transfer to Russia. Ukraine never had an independent nuclear weapons arsenal, or control over these weapons, but agreed to remove former Soviet weapons stationed on its territory. In 1992, Ukraine signed the Lisbon Protocol and it joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapon state in 1994. The transfer of all nuclear material took some time, but by 2001, all nuclear weapons had been transferred to Russia"


Now here is where you should think for yourself. There is a difference between having the nukes physically and actually having control over  (launching and arming) them. Your pussy ass is obsessed enough with the military from the safety of your Xbox, do you think they could just use those nukes and had the launch codes themselves? 


And you are talking about taking nukes out of circulation like it's a bad thing. Yes, if every nation had nukes no one would get invaded (maybe) but does a world where every country has nukes sound appealing to you? I'm sure it would make for interesting Battlefield gamea but we're talking about real life, dry dick. 


Lol are you quoting Jung Un now? Lmfao is that where you stupid ass has landed now? 

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9 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Trump has nothing to do with the fact that the sanctions are failing to stop Russia from waging this war. Bringing up Trump for no reason and ignoring that fact just proves that you are unable to come up with a legitimate argument.


If you can look at the pictures from Bucha and think 'oh no we need to hit them with more sanctions!1!' then you're clearly lost.

No, Obama sanctions and Zelensky unseating a Trump puppet is what ultimately caused Putin to realize that his time is running out.


Dude.........Zelensky presidential term ends in 3.5 years................why didn't Putin wait to try and get another of his puppet's to win and unseat Zelensky?


Why couldn't Putin simply wait, and then he controls Ukraine with one of his puppets?


He couldn't wait 3.5 years................because he doesn't have 3.5 years. They were continually getting weaker with the Obama sanctions that began in 2013. We now know this, look at their fucking army.


They don't actually have money. Obama has been saying this for a while. One of his last speeches back in late 2016, he said that Russia ain't shit. Their economy is smaller than Italy's.


Once Putin lost his puppet in the U.S., he realized that he couldn't wait in Ukraine. Zelensky was cutting off water to the Crimea region (the water comes from up north...........take a wild fucking guess which regions Putin was trying to "liberate" from Ukraine).

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26 minutes ago, jehurey said:

No, Obama sanctions and Zelensky unseating a Trump puppet is what ultimately caused Putin to realize that his time is running out.


Dude.........Zelensky presidential term ends in 3.5 years................why didn't Putin wait to try and get another of his puppet's to win and unseat Zelensky?


Why couldn't Putin simply wait, and then he controls Ukraine with one of his puppets?


He couldn't wait 3.5 years................because he doesn't have 3.5 years. They were continually getting weaker with the Obama sanctions that began in 2013. We now know this, look at their fucking army.


They don't actually have money. Obama has been saying this for a while. One of his last speeches back in late 2016, he said that Russia ain't shit. Their economy is smaller than Italy's.


Once Putin lost his puppet in the U.S., he realized that he couldn't wait in Ukraine. Zelensky was cutting off water to the Crimea region (the water comes from up north...........take a wild fucking guess which regions Putin was trying to "liberate" from Ukraine).


You're speculating based on nothing. Obama downplayed Russia's threat in a 2012 debate with Mitt Romney, and then shortly after Russia took over Crimea and his administration (including VP Biden) did nothing. Even a Obama official came out recently and said they should have done more in 2014.


And no those sanctions back then did almost nothing to Russia's economy or the military development. The reason their army is a failure is because Russia is corrupt as fuck and Oligarchs along with other wealthy government officials stole a lot of the money that was intended to be funneled into developing their military. That unintentional self sabotage actually did the world a favor.


Fast forward to the Biden administration and its disastrous handling of Afghanistan among other foreign policy failures and Putin knew it was time to go all in with Ukraine because he knew there wasn't much a weak president like Biden would do to deter him.



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51 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


You're speculating based on nothing.



No, I'm not.


Obama issued sanctions in 2013 after Crimea.


Pay attention to the timeline, sweetie.


Did you honestly think mentioning something earlier debunks what he does afterwards?

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


You're speculating based on nothing. Obama downplayed Russia's threat in a 2012 debate with Mitt Romney, and then shortly after Russia took over Crimea and his administration (including VP Biden) did nothing. Even a Obama official came out recently and said they should have done more in 2014.


And no those sanctions back then did almost nothing to Russia's economy or the military development. The reason their army is a failure is because Russia is corrupt as fuck and Oligarchs along with other wealthy government officials stole a lot of the money that was intended to be funneled into developing their military. That unintentional self sabotage actually did the world a favor.


Fast forward to the Biden administration and its disastrous handling of Afghanistan among other foreign policy failures and Putin knew it was time to go all in with Ukraine because he knew there wasn't much a weak president like Biden would do to deter him.




Lol this nigga a meme come to life. 

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Like, this nigga accuses Jerry of speculation and Twincel legit makes shit up. Like historical facts this motherfucker just inserts his perverse worldview and dumbfuckery.


This fool legit thought that Clinton made the Ukraine give up "their" nuclear weapon capability and made a fool of himself with his asshole condescending tone. 

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On 2022-04-05 at 6:13 PM, Twinblade said:




Fast forward to the Biden administration and its disastrous handling of Afghanistan among other foreign policy failures



he literally tells other people to not bring up politics and blaming certain presidents.


.............and he's literally bringing up Afghanistan in the Russia war thread.


He's such a straight-up hypocrite, its not even funny.


And nobody is talking about Afghanistan, because nobody ever gave a shit about Afghanistan. And it wasn't a failure on the US side.

Can you imagine trying to keep up with the costs of being in Afghanistan, and possibly even a troop surge, while trying to give money to Ukraine, and trying to fend off the inflation effects because of all the uncertainty?


Biden was absolutely correct with putting a cap on Afghanistan, because bigger things were coming.

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