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Russia has officially invaded Ukraine

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2 hours ago, jehurey said:

You are directly contradicting the things President Zelensky says


and are now trying to say that the ACTUAL UKRAINIAN PILOT who fly these MIGs.........are wrong.


You have no credibility in lecturing other people about being wrong and stubborn.


You are projecting your failures, 100% here.


This topic about MIGs is over..............the Ukrainian pilot has basically said as much.


You are so wrong and misinformed and refuse to accept it. Its actually comical.


Why do you think Germany lost the Battle of Britain? Why were they never able to successfully land ground forces on Britain's shores?


Because they couldn't take out their airforce to achieve Air Superiority.


You are basically convinced that MIGs are useless. Do you actually think if Ukraine had zero of them in the first place the current state of the war wouldn't be different? Thats basically what you're arguing towards.


There are numerous interviews within the past few weeks where Ukranian soldiers are asked what their most afraid of on the battlefield. And you know what their answer always is? Its Russian airpower. That's consistently their biggest fear, yet you're convinced that Russian planes flying overhead without being contested by Ukraine's MIGs wouldn't have had a major effect on the direction of the war....




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https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov   This guy posts daily summaries of the main events in the war (He also covered that explosion which was old btw). He's Ukrainian, but he's not afraid t

Wasn't Aza going to Crimea on vacation this month? Well I hope he has a.....blast 

Facts over feelings.

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4 hours ago, jehurey said:

1.) Poland MIGs are actually in worse condition, so they were never going to be of any use


You're a pathological liar, groomer.


"Of course, we need them,” Juice said of the additional MiG-29s. “For primary interception, for primary air defense against bombers, against other attackers, other strikers, they are pretty effective.”

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8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

You are basically convinced that MIGs are useless.


You're being far too charitable with him. He's not convinced they're useless. He's lying about their effectiveness because he doesn't want to lose face. 

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


You are so wrong and misinformed and refuse to accept it. Its actually comical.


Why do you think Germany lost the Battle of Britain?




:tom:this looks like a scene out of goodwill hunting, where he thinks reciting something out of a history book is going to win him an argument about modern warfare.



“I think the Ukrainians are right — you’re basically a target in the air if you don’t have any of that modern capability,” said Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, a retired U.S. Air Force general. “It’s not just an airplane up there. You have to have all of that sophisticated equipment on it to make it really a viable air platform.”

Oh boy I've pissed off little Saucer, now.


Another sign he knows he got bitchslapped in that other thread, so he needs to come in here and try to find some wins. LOL


Its so obvious.

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4 hours ago, jehurey said:

:tom:this looks like a scene out of goodwill hunting, where he thinks reciting something out of a history book is going to win him an argument about modern warfare.


Oh boy I've pissed off little Saucer, now.


Another sign he knows he got bitchslapped in that other thread, so he needs to come in here and try to find some wins. LOL


Its so obvious.


You implied the Ukrainian pilot thought they were useless. Now you're trying to cover up your lie buy quoting an American and pretending the pilot said it. 

You're a pathological liar. :kaz:


Edited by Saucer
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9 hours ago, Saucer said:


You implied the Ukrainian pilot thought they were useless.


Where did I use the word useless?


Go find it.


I'll wait.


(Holy shit, Saucer's slight-of-hand technique is getting so sloppy and obvious at this point. Its easy to spot and shut down whenever he's obviously trying to change the parameters of what is being argued)

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That video should not be overlooked, because Russia is trying to rile up their OWN PEOPLE to support the war, by acting like victims.


Like as if they are being oppressed.


Imagine what they would be saying if one fucking american soldier steps on Ukrainian soil and kills a Russian.


They would rile up their own citizens, and that is what will keep Putin in power.


That's why Biden and NATO and the other western states have to play it this way.

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14 hours ago, jehurey said:

That video should not be overlooked, because Russia is trying to rile up their OWN PEOPLE to support the war, by acting like victims.


Like as if they are being oppressed.


Imagine what they would be saying if one fucking american soldier steps on Ukrainian soil and kills a Russian.


They would rile up their own citizens, and that is what will keep Putin in power.


That's why Biden and NATO and the other western states have to play it this way.


That is some of the dumbest reasoning i've heard in a long time :D The average Russian already hates the U.S. and the west because Russia propaganda has already convinced them that they're the biggest to Russia's existence. They also already have an unreasonable amount of support towards Putin.


So if Russia suddenly decides to drop a tactical nuke somewhere on Ukraine everyone should just sit back and let that happen because they don't want to upset these poor Russians? Don't worry im sure Biden already has a new sanctions package developed for that scenario 'In the event of a nuclear strike, we will hit Russia with devastating new sanctions and seize X more yachts' :lul: 

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


That is some of the dumbest reasoning i've heard in a long time :D The average Russian already hates the U.S. and the west because Russia propaganda has already convinced them that they're the biggest to Russia's existence. They also already have an unreasonable amount of support towards Putin.


So if Russia suddenly decides to drop a tactical nuke somewhere on Ukraine everyone should just sit back and let that happen because they don't want to upset these poor Russians? Don't worry im sure Biden already has a new sanctions package developed for that scenario 'In the event of a nuclear strike, we will hit Russia with devastating new sanctions and seize X more yachts' :lul: 

LOL you an idiot in how you just suddenly transitioned to "so if Russia drops a nuke"


You have no frame of reference to ANY SCENARIO you are describing..............because you're just a fucking idiot chickenhawk who wants to ramp up America's War Footing like its a fucking game.


Once again, your cowardly ass doesn't list ANY SPECIFIC SOLUTION as to what the US should do.


And I love how you seem to think the only thing they've done is "a new sanctions package."

Edited by jehurey
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Its amazing the amount of things that Jerry is an expert at, aside from all the other strings to his bow we can add military aviation to the list as well. Whatever the subject, he's ready to debate the topic with quotes and facts.  :killzone:

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1 hour ago, Cell said:

Its amazing the amount of things that Jerry is an expert at, aside from all the other strings to his bow we can add military aviation to the list as well. Whatever the subject, he's ready to debate the topic with quotes and facts.  :killzone:

quickest way to make me not look like an expert..........would be to prove me wrong with quotes and facts.


after all these years......people still haven't figured that out, for some odd reason.

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The battle for Donbas has officially begun. Frontline is being bombed to hell and Ukrainian forces are running low on ammunition. Doesn't seem like much of the military aid has arrived in the east yet. I guess we'll find out tomorrow for sure, but tonight is going to be an absolute bloodbath for both sides (hopefully more so for the Russians).

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14 hours ago, Twinblade said:


'Two major 🇺🇦 asks from West that are still unfulfilled: Soviet-era MiGs and MLRS systems'


jerry :reg:

That's not part of the Zelensky quote.


Thanks for failing, again.


Dumbass even said he was done with the discussion of MIGs, and he brings it back up like a butthurt bitch.












We've already settled the part about Poland's MIGs. They're useless.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

That's not part of the Zelensky quote.


Thanks for failing, again.


Dumbass even said he was done with the discussion of MIGs, and he brings it back up like a butthurt bitch.












We've already settled the part about Poland's MIGs. They're useless.


Zelensky has been asking for Migs since the invasion

Top Military leaders in Ukraine have been asking for Migs

Ukranian pilots have mentioned how useful additional Migs would be

Retired & experienced Military officials in the west have mentioned several times the need for additional Migs


Also, Ukraine was just able to bolster their dwindling numbers of active Migs with spare parts that were given to them by other European countries



Why would other countries have the same parts compatible with MIGs, but not have any MIGs themselves?

And why Ukraine want parts for their MiGs if they're supposedly useless?


So we've established that


- More MIGS would be a clear advantage as said by pretty much everyone with a military background along with the president of the country being invaded

- They're clearly out there, and presumably other countries besides Poland have some in their arsenal, since they were able to provide parts for them


So yeah, you're wrong once again and need to accept it already instead of continuing to beat this dead horse.

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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Zelensky has been asking for Migs since the invasion


No, you don't have a quote. That issue is settled.


it was explained by an actual Ukrainian pilot.


You've already lost this talking point.


Quit crying about it............its obvious you don't have any fucking answers, you just bitch and complain.

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