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Russia has officially invaded Ukraine

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https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov   This guy posts daily summaries of the main events in the war (He also covered that explosion which was old btw). He's Ukrainian, but he's not afraid t

Wasn't Aza going to Crimea on vacation this month? Well I hope he has a.....blast 

Facts over feelings.

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7 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Was just about to post this...Bbbbbbut Ukraine should give up and surrender to Russia.. Even thought Ukraine is winning :awww: lmfao... @Cookeand @Ramza

Never have I once said SURRENDER you disingenuous dumb fuck little shit. 

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8 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Never have I once said SURRENDER you disingenuous dumb fuck little shit. 


Agreeing to the Russian "peace" terms which sees Russia gaining everything they invaded for is a surrender you dumb cunt. 

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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Agreeing to the Russian "peace" terms which sees Russia gaining everything they invaded for is a surrender you dumb cunt. 

i love how they pretend to play stupid and act like they don't know what Russian appeasement looks like.

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I posted this on GAF a few weeks ago, just so people get an idea of how big of a loss Kherson will be.



If Russia retreats from Northern Kherson over the dnipro, it can't be underestimated just how much of a major defeat that'll be for them for several reasons. The biggest since Kyiv, and bigger than Kharkiv


1) Thats been the site of some of the most fiercest fighting since the beginning of the war, especially recently. Russia has lost thousands of soldiers in what is a relatively small part of the frontline when you look at its size. All those Russians will have basically died for nothing.
2) Kherson city was the only regional capital Russia managed to capture since Feb 24th. From a political standpoint, losing it will be devastating.
3) Russian morale will plummet even further, while Ukranian soldiers will be in even higher spirits than they already are.
4) The river will make the perfect natural defense line that Ukraine will further fortify to make any future Russian offensive in that area basically impossible. Putin's dream of taking over Mykolaiv and Odessa to eventually build a land corridor with Transnistria will never be realized.


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16 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Agreeing to the Russian "peace" terms which sees Russia gaining everything they invaded for is a surrender you dumb cunt. 

Obviously that wouldn't be the agreement dumb turd 

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Remember when people (including some here) used the terrible argument that Ukraine should just cede their territory because those people are Pro-Russian anyway and would rather be a part of Russia? Interesting how all the video evidence seems to contradict that..

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Just now, Cooke said:

A guarantee Ukraine does not join nato and Russia pays reparations for the damage. 


Lmfao at the first part, this conflict pretty much had the opposite effect.  If Ukraine was part of Nato this conflict would have already been over. 


Pays how? 

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Ukraine won't sign any deal that doesn't result in them getting security guarantees of some kind. Not saying it'll be NATO but after all thats happened they aren't going to stay neutral and give Russia the opportunity to attack again.


Some kind of shared security agreement that includes the U.S., UK, and a few military powers in Europe (like Germany and France) should be the bare minimum.

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

A guarantee Ukraine does not join nato and Russia pays reparations for the damage. 

The 1991 agreement between Russia and Ukraine was that Ukraine does not join NATO, as well.


So you're idea of a "peace agreement" is something Russia and Ukraine had ALREADY agreed to, and Russia clearly broke? And has been breaking since Crimea in 2013?



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6 hours ago, jehurey said:

The 1991 agreement between Russia and Ukraine was that Ukraine does not join NATO, as well.


So you're idea of a "peace agreement" is something Russia and Ukraine had ALREADY agreed to, and Russia clearly broke? And has been breaking since Crimea in 2013?



And set up a demilitarized zone like in the Korea's. Crimea is unfortunately a lost cause.. 


Ukraine has been flirting with NATO for years. They should drop any ambitions of joining. 


Because what else is there Jehurey?  Is Ukraine going to invade Russia and occupy and kill Putin to prevent this from happening again?  Since you seem to think an agreement would fail, what's do stop them from trying another invasion 5 years later? The only difference is one involves less death and destruction.  

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Putin's position is weakening with every day and he continues to lose any leverage he had over Ukraine (especially after the Kherson retreat).


Crimea is still a complicated issue. Its not ideal but I think a good scenario for both sides is Ukraine either ceding Crimea, or it getting divided between both countries under some kind of co-operative deal. For example, Ukraine gets the northern portion along with shared access to the gas reserves and other resources in the black sea. Russia gets to hold onto Sevastopool and the ports/harbors there, that way they can still have a military presence which for some reason they believe is vital to their national security.


But in either of those cases Russia will need to give Ukraine back every other piece of their territory, including the Donbas.

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