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Russia has officially invaded Ukraine

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:


Ukraine is shelling residential areas in Donetsk.

Nothing coming from Russian occupied territory can be taken at face value.

Yes there have been Donbas casualties, but most of them were a result of Russian shelling. This is an absolute fact. Russia killed far, FAR more civilians in Mariupol alone than Ukraine ever killed during the entirety of the Donbas conflict stretching from 2014 - 2022. Hell, even NAZI GERMANY didn’t kill as many people in Mariupol during their own invasion and occupation during WW2. Let that sink in. 

The fact that one of Russia’s main narratives for the war is that they’re ‘liberating’ the Donbas is laughable. All they’ve done is turn bustling, lively cities into smoldering ruins and massive graveyards. And let’s not forget that even in 2014 they were the ones who started that war. They’re 100% culpable for the disastrous events of the last decade in Eastern Ukraine.

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https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov   This guy posts daily summaries of the main events in the war (He also covered that explosion which was old btw). He's Ukrainian, but he's not afraid t

Wasn't Aza going to Crimea on vacation this month? Well I hope he has a.....blast 

Facts over feelings.

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22 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Nothing coming from Russian occupied territory can be taken at face value.

Yes there have been Donbas casualties, but most of them were a result of Russian shelling. This is an absolute fact. Russia killed far, FAR more civilians in Mariupol alone than Ukraine ever killed during the entirety of the Donbas conflict stretching from 2014 - 2022. Hell, even NAZI GERMANY didn’t kill as many people in Mariupol during their own invasion and occupation during WW2. Let that sink in. 

The fact that one of Russia’s main narratives for the war is that they’re ‘liberating’ the Donbas is laughable. All they’ve done is turn bustling, lively cities into smoldering ruins and massive graveyards. And let’s not forget that even in 2014 they were the ones who started that war. They’re 100% culpable for the disastrous events of the last decade in Eastern Ukraine.

When Ukraine was taken over by the Nazis, they were seen as liberators so there was no major animosity of Ukrainians towards Nazi Germany. Ukrainians celebrated their arrival.


It's also worth nothing war has changed. Nazis didn't have devastating long range air to surface missiles like we see today.


Goering came in, saw the native population, decided they were inferior stocks with no place in Nazi Germany and told them that would work them to death in factories and in the fields for the Fuhrer. That's exactly what they did. Ukrainians were nothing but slave laborers. If you think occupied Nazi Countries during WW2 had it better than anything Russian has done under Putin you're delusional.


Putin also isn't shipping off 6m Jews in concentration camps and stealing all their assets.


The goal isn't to point out who the good guys and who the bad guys are. This doesn't change who invaded first, this doesn't take away Russia's war crimes, nor does it takes away that of Ukraine. The fact is Ukraine is shelling residential areas. Not amount of ''but look over there'' will neglect the fact. 


I'm totally neutral now in this conflict, my loyalty belong to Quebec only. 

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13 minutes ago, Ramza said:

When Ukraine was taken over by the Nazis, they were seen as liberators so there was no major animosity of Ukrainians towards Nazi Germany. Ukrainians celebrated their arrival.


It's also worth nothing war has changed. Nazis didn't have devastating long range air to surface missiles like we see today.


Goering came in, saw the native population, decided they were inferior stocks with no place in Nazi Germany and told them that would work them to death in factories and in the fields for the Fuhrer. That's exactly what they did. Ukrainians were nothing but slave laborers. If you think occupied Nazi Countries during WW2 had it better than anything Russian has done under Putin you're delusional.


Putin also isn't shipping off 6m Jews in concentration camps and stealing all their assets.


The goal isn't to point out who the good guys and who the bad guys are. This doesn't change who invaded first, this doesn't take away Russia's war crimes, nor does it takes away that of Ukraine. The fact is Ukraine is shelling residential areas. Not amount of ''but look over there'' will neglect the fact. 


I'm totally neutral now in this conflict, my loyalty belong to Quebec only. 

I don’t understand how you can be neutral in a conflict when Russia is the clear aggressor & on the wrong side in every way possible. Putin held a speech yesterday praising children right after he bombed Kyiv for the 17th time in a span of a month killing a 9 year old girl. This is the kind of evil that Ukraine is fighting against. If you can somehow be neutral in this type of conflict then I would seriously question your moral values. 

The ‘what about Ukraine?!?’ excuse you’re using does not work. Ukraine is defending themselves. They have made mistakes in that process, but to somehow put them in the same group as Russia, who’s soldiers have been caught having casual conversations with one another about all the civilians they’ve raped and executed does nothing but make you look bad.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I don’t understand how you can be neutral in a conflict when Russia is the clear aggressor & on the wrong side in every way possible. Putin held a speech yesterday praising children right after he bombed Kyiv for the 17th time in a span of a month killing a 9 year old girl. This is the kind of evil that Ukraine is fighting against. If you can somehow be neutral in this type of conflict then I would seriously question your moral values. 

The ‘what about Ukraine?!?’ excuse you’re using does not work. Ukraine is defending themselves. They have made mistakes in that process, but to somehow put them in the same group as Russia, who’s soldiers have been caught having casual conversations with one another about all the civilians they’ve raped and executed does nothing but make you look bad.

I don't understand how I can't be neutral and acknowledge the fact that Russia invaded and acted first. I told you already, my loyalty only belongs to my home country of Quebec. Do we have a geo political agenda in this? Not even a little. 


There's no 'what about Ukraine?' coming from me. I'm not trying to divert attention of anything that Russian has done. Did I ever deny any atrocities coming from their side? Am I trying to pass a false narrative? No.


Ukraine bombed residential areas intentionally. Time for you to deal with it. That's what war is, atrocities will come from all sides who participate in it. This isn't the movies. 


Think of all the poor blokes that are forced to go fight for their countries, yes that's plural. Most of them are shit scared shitless and doesn't even want to be there. I pity all men on the ground. 


Don't ever question my moral stand ever again when you act like war is a fucking football game where you root for one side and laugh at absolute horror, misery and death on the other. Fuck you. 

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I watched about 100 of hours of footage from this war. I always wanted to be a soldier before, I dreamed of being a career soldier in high position. My heroes are all war generals of the past. 


But now, I don't. Ukraine is about the last place where I'd want to be on this planet right now. 


The west likes to downplay Russian military actions but man, it's insane how tough the fighting is. The problem is I'm not sure the people that remains in Ukraine and it's brave soldiers will have the moral to keep going forever like this. The amount of weapons used is just appalling. Both sides are burning up the world supply of armaments. Let's just keep pounding them into submission. 

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15 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I don't understand how I can't be neutral and acknowledge the fact that Russia invaded and acted first. I told you already, my loyalty only belongs to my home country of Quebec. Do we have a geo political agenda in this? Not even a little. 


There's no 'what about Ukraine?' coming from me. I'm not trying to divert attention of anything that Russian has done. Did I ever deny any atrocities coming from their side? Am I trying to pass a false narrative? No.


Ukraine bombed residential areas intentionally. Time for you to deal with it. That's what war is, atrocities will come from all sides who participate in it. This isn't the movies. 


Think of all the poor blokes that are forced to go fight for their countries, yes that's plural. Most of them are shit scared shitless and doesn't even want to be there. I pity all men on the ground. 


Don't ever question my moral stand ever again when you act like war is a fucking football game where you root for one side and laugh at absolute horror, misery and death on the other. Fuck you. 


You posted a video that was basically Russian propaganda and somehow it was enough to make you brush off Russian atrocities and are equivalating them with Ukraine. Thats your 'neutrality'




Interesting how the 'journalists' in the garbage video you posted conveniently managed to miss this on their way to Donetsk. 


The fact of the matter is that this war is the clearest indication of good vs evil since WW2. If you can't see that then that's your problem. 


And yes, I will continue to laugh at and make fun of Russians who deserve it. If I see a video of wagner mercenaries being blown to pieces, I will absolutely rejoice in that. Because they decided to invade Ukraine and kill people for money. And every time one of them dies, thats less Ukrainians that might die at their hands.




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Just now, Twinblade said:

You posted a video that was basically Russian propaganda 

You say it's propaganda, then reinforce your point by showing Russian military vehicle? Not sure I understand, you're pointing out a false flag operation or that Ukraine intentionally show civil areas to get to Russian hidden forces?


Also the other invasion forces you talked about the other day apparently attacked Russian residential areas as well. More than once too. So yeah.


2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

The fact of the matter is that this war is the clearest indication of good vs evil since WW2. If you can't see that then that's your problem. 

I don't like the idea of portraying Russia as being anything like Nazi Germany and the second world war. If you can't see that's stupid then that's your problem. You probably think the US won WW2. Lmfao. Yeah, here's a reminder, the country that broke Nazi Germany starts with an R. 


5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

And yes, I will continue to laugh at and make fun of Russians who deserve it. If I see a video of wagner mercenaries being blown to pieces, I will absolutely rejoice in that. Because they're there of their own choice, and every time one dies thats less Ukrainians that might die at their hands

I'm not going to get lectured by a psychotic kid who loves seeing soldiers dies. :D I understand not feeling bad for mercenaries but the Wagner PMC is just one component of the Russian forces you immature partisan. 

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7 minutes ago, Ramza said:

You say it's propaganda, then reinforce your point by showing Russian military vehicle? Not sure I understand, you're pointing out a false flag operation or that Ukraine intentionally show civil areas to get to Russian hidden forces?


Also the other invasion forces you talked about the other day apparently attacked Russian residential areas as well. More than once too. So yeah.


I don't like the idea of portraying Russia as being anything like Nazi Germany and the second world war. If you can't see that's stupid then that's your problem. You probably think the US won WW2. Lmfao. Yeah, here's a reminder, the country that broke Nazi Germany starts with an R. 


I'm not going to get lectured by a psychotic kid who loves seeing soldiers dies. :D I understand not feeling bad for mercenaries but the Wagner PMC is just one component of the Russian forces you immature partisan. 


Uhhh you should open a history book. You do realize that many people would argue that the Soviet Union was the reason why WW2 started in the first place right? Stalin literally JOINED FORCES with Hitler to invade Poland ffs :D 


And one of the main reasons why they were able to hold off Germany was due to U.S. aid. The military aid the U.S. is giving Ukraine right now is actually nothing compared to what they gave Russia and the Soviet Union during WW2



400,000 jeeps & trucks
14,000 airplanes
8,000 tractors
13,000 tanks
1.5 million blankets
15 million pairs of army boots
107,000 tons of cotton
2.7 million tons of petrol products
4.5 million tons of food


And no, I don't like seeing anyone die. I don't view it in the narrow minded way you make it seem. I view it as Ukranian lives, you know the ones defending their land and their homes, being saved.



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23 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Uhhh you should open a history book. You do realize that many people would argue that the Soviet Union was the reason why WW2 started in the first place right? Stalin literally JOINED FORCES with Hitler to invade Poland ffs :D 


And one of the main reasons why they were able to hold off Germany was due to U.S. aid. The military aid the U.S. is giving Ukraine right now is actually nothing compared to what they gave Russia and the Soviet Union during WW2



And no, I don't like seeing anyone die. I don't view it in the narrow minded way you make it seem. I view it as Ukranian lives, you know the ones defending their land and their homes, being saved.



Nah, you're just ignorant. Let me educate you, fool.


Everyone knows Stalin and Hitler was allied before Hitler invaded Russia, his biggest mistake. You're not being very smart though for pointing that out.


Here's a couple of facts:


Russia had more war casualties than any other countries in world war 2 against Nazi Germany and the same can be said from the other side.

The eastern front was far more brutal than Normandy beeches, Italy, Greece and anything that happening in France from the combined UK, American and Canadian forces in actions. Not even close. Id argue you even North Africa and the Pacific was far deadlier.

Russia pushed back Nazi Germany after Stalingrad, also the deadliest battle in all the war against Nazi Germany.

Russian pushed by the Axis and broke intro Berlin first. 

The US supplied vast amount of weapons and tanks to Stalin way before they even considered sending their forces in Europe. 

The US had been neutral for most of the conflict coming in very late.


Any WW2 historian, they will tell you the same, that Russia is the country that broke Hitler Germany. 


This is fact. 

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29 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Nah, you're just ignorant. Let me educate you, fool.


Everyone knows Stalin and Hitler was allied before Hitler invaded Russia, his biggest mistake. You're not being very smart though for pointing that out.


Here's a couple of facts:


Russia had more war casualties than any other countries in world war 2 against Nazi Germany and the same can be said from the other side.

The eastern front was far more brutal than Normandy beeches, Italy, Greece and anything that happening in France from the combined UK, American and Canadian forces in actions. Not even close. Id argue you even North Africa and the Pacific was far deadlier.

Russia pushed back Nazi Germany after Stalingrad, also the deadliest battle in all the war against Nazi Germany.

Russian pushed by the Axis and broke intro Berlin first. 

The US supplied vast amount of weapons and tanks to Stalin way before they even considered sending their forces in Europe. 

The US had been neutral for most of the conflict coming in very late.


Any WW2 historian, they will tell you the same, that Russia is the country that broke Hitler Germany. 


This is fact. 


You can glorify them all you want, but the Soviet Union was incredibly problematic during the early to mid 1900s and they contributed to the destabilization of Europe and the breakout of WW2. Its no surprise that modern Russia is a shithole considering what their roots were.

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:


You can glorify them all you want, but the Soviet Union was incredibly problematic during the early to mid 1900s and they contributed to the destabilization of Europe and the breakout of WW2. Its no surprise that modern Russia is a shithole considering what their roots were.

I'm not glorifying anyone. I'm stating a well known fact, and I was speaking in the context that comparing today Putin's Russia to Nazi Germany makes very little sense.


I don't care if you trash the Soviet Union for the cold war or communism though but you were missing the point. 


Oh and check this out. 


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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I'm not glorifying anyone. I'm stating a well known fact, and I was speaking in the context that comparing today Putin's Russia to Nazi Germany makes very little sense.


I don't care if you trash the Soviet Union for the cold war or communism though but you were missing the point. 


Oh and check this out. 



You should read Bloodlands. It brings to light why Ukraine views this war as an existential crisis. The pain and suffering that Russia has inflicted on them throughout history is unbelievable and really puts current events into perspective.

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2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


You should read Bloodlands. It brings to light why Ukraine views this war as an existential crisis. The pain and suffering that Russia has inflicted on them throughout history is unbelievable and really puts current events into perspective.

I'll admit I missing quite a piece of their history to put things into perspective from that point of view. I'll check it out.

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4 hours ago, Ramza said:



It's about AI but it goes into the Ukraine war and how it and might affect the conflict. Timestamp. I thought it was interesting. (excellent channel btw)



Lol of course you watch shit like this. To be fair it's much smarter than what I expected of you but it explains a bit. 

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20 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol of course you watch shit like this. To be fair it's much smarter than what I expected of you but it explains a bit. 

I fail to see the problem. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Very interesting. Captivating, truly. 


To keep it simple, an example is him making a video about birth rates. He mentions something real like needing 2 household incomes. But then also gives "degeneracy" as another component as his visual example is a trans person. 


He sprinkles stuff like in like some snipe and shit. He's not right wing and at times calls out some people on the right.. Well Elon Musk, but like his intent may be deep seated but it remains evident. 




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54 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


To keep it simple, an example is him making a video about birth rates. He mentions something real like needing 2 household incomes. But then also gives "degeneracy" as another component as his visual example is a trans person. 


He sprinkles stuff like in like some snipe and shit. He's not right wing and at times calls out some people on the right.. Well Elon Musk, but like his intent may be deep seated but it remains evident. 




So his intent is being a closet transphobe who makes interesting and well documented videos about various topics, sprinkled with subtle transphobe bigotry? 


Also that's the reason why I'm posting his content? 


I didn't knew you wore a tin foil hat. 



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