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Russia has officially invaded Ukraine

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Two Russian Oligarchs have, on the surface, killed their families and then "killed" themselves; within a 24 hour span.



Questions look set to be asked after two Russian oligarchs, both linked to gas giants, apparently murdered their wives and daughters before killing themselves—within two days of each other.

In both cases, the alarm was raised by the slain families' surviving child.


Former Kremlin official and Gazprombank vice-president Vladislav Avayev, 51, was found dead in his luxury Moscow apartment alongside the bodies of his wife and 13-year-old daughter on Monday. It appeared he had shot them before turning the gun on himself. The bodies were found by distraught 26-year-old daughter Anastasia after she was unable to get hold of her family.


The following day former Novatek deputy chairman Sergey Protosenya, 55, his wife Natalya, 53, and 18-year-old daughter, Maria, were found dead at their Spanish mansion. The scene suggested the women had been stabbed, before Protosenya hanged himself in the garden. The alarm was raised by the couple's teenage son, who was staying in France, after he was unable to reach his parents at their home in the coastal town of Lloret de Mar.



Seems like Putin might be trying to purge oligarchs and anybody that might seem like a threat to him.


Let's hope this causes the other oligarchs to weigh their options because they may need to do something to help protect themselves.

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https://www.youtube.com/@DenysDavydov   This guy posts daily summaries of the main events in the war (He also covered that explosion which was old btw). He's Ukrainian, but he's not afraid t

Wasn't Aza going to Crimea on vacation this month? Well I hope he has a.....blast 

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Jerry is on top form in this thread. I find it absolutely baffling how you totally fail to form a nuanced, holistic view of the situation and instead can see absolutely NO benefit to giving FIGHTER JETS to a country which is OUTNUMBERED and technically LOSING. Simply thinking that because they’re outdated compared to Russian planes (debatable in itself due to Russian lies) they’re totally worthless is pretty ridiculous and insanely narrow minded. You would only have a point in a situation where they would only be used to fight other Russian planes, which is completely ignoring everything else you can use a fighter jet for. To just write them off and say they’re simply not needed is taking a completely ignorant stance and ignores the much wider picture. 

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On 2022-04-23 at 2:00 AM, Cell said:

Jerry is on top form in this thread. I find it absolutely baffling how you totally fail to form a nuanced, holistic view of the situation and instead can see absolutely NO benefit to giving FIGHTER JETS to a country which is OUTNUMBERED and technically LOSING. Simply thinking that because they’re outdated compared to Russian planes (debatable in itself due to Russian lies) they’re totally worthless is pretty ridiculous and insanely narrow minded. You would only have a point in a situation where they would only be used to fight other Russian planes, which is completely ignoring everything else you can use a fighter jet for. To just write them off and say they’re simply not needed is taking a completely ignorant stance and ignores the much wider picture. 

The fucking UKRAINIAN PILOT told us that they can't beat a Russian jet with a MiG.


Who the fuck am I supposed to believe?




Or the actual Ukrainian Pilot?


The Polish MiG are in WORSE CONDITIONS and HAVE LESS FEATURES than the ones that Ukrainian pilots have.


This is also supported by the fact that the west helped Ukraine with obtain maintenance parts for their existing MIGS, because its probably better to just try and keep their existing planes in good condition.


You want nuance...............I posted the article that goes in depth and gives multiple reasons, and I highlighted the important parts because dipshits like you are too stupid to spend the whole 5 minutes to read.


Here's your fucking nuance:

On 2022-04-14 at 3:58 PM, jehurey said:


But here................let me put your ass to rest regarding the MIGs once and for all.




And here's the entire article, I'll point out the most relevant parts:




Ukrainian fighter pilots in old jets take on better-equipped Russians

Isabelle Khurshudyan
6-8 minutes

ODESSA, Ukraine — The fighter pilot known as “Juice” usually just has a few minutes to scramble. When he is on-call, which is pretty much always these days, he cannot be more than a bathroom break away from his cockpit. When a cruise missile or a Russian fighter is spotted moving toward the area Juice is assigned to by the Ukrainian air force, he doesn’t even have time to run through standard safety checks before taking off.


“We’re ready to be killed,” said Juice, who provided only his call sign for security reasons.


“But we don’t want this, of course,” the 29-year-old added. “We want to kill Russians and take down their bombers that are killing our cities and our families.”


Juice is one of the pilots helping Ukraine pull off the biggest surprise of this war: Its military has kept the airspace over Ukraine contested despite Russia’s more advanced jets and superior numbers. But he and other pilots say that’s not enough. While Kyiv’s forces have perhaps even outperformed Moscow’s on the ground, Russia has continued to inflict heavy losses on Ukraine from the sky.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has appealed to the United States and other NATO allies to establish a no-fly zone over the country — a step that leaders in the military alliance refused to take, citing fears of touching off a world war with Moscow. Now Zelensky is pushing for more advanced air-defense systems and jets.


But Juice and others have said the weapons that countries have discussed transferring to Ukraine — particularly Russian-made MiG-29 fighters and U.S.-made Stinger antiaircraft missiles — won’t help Kyiv’s air force tip the scales in its favor. The gap between the weapons Ukraine wants and what Western countries are willing to supply has become a key tension nearly two months into the fighting.


Nowhere is that divide more evident than in the proposed air materiel transfers. Juice flies the MiG-29, which is a Soviet-era staple of the Ukrainian air force. But he said Ukrainian pilots are “just targets” for Russian adversaries who fly far more advanced jets. Obtaining more outdated MiGs would not improve Ukraine’s position in the skies, he said.


“We have losses almost everyday in our air force,” he added. “You won’t see this on TV because everything is classified right now, but actually we have a lot of losses. That’s why we need to be technically equal with the Russians. Just our mental advantage is not enough to fight with these technologies.”


Poland last month offered to send a number of MiG-29 jets to Ukraine via a U.S. air base in Germany, blindsiding U.S. officials. In exchange, Poland requested that the United States send it replacement planes, presumably newer U.S.-manufactured F-16s, which would constitute a major upgrade. Washington rejected the plan.


Then on Monday, Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger told reporters that Slovakia will consider providing Ukraine MiG-29 fighters if alternative protection of its own airspace can be arranged.

But for Ukrainian pilots, more MiG-29s aren’t the answer. The jets Poland offered to transfer them are even older — some date back to the late ’80s — than their current stock.


“I think the Ukrainians are right — you’re basically a target in the air if you don’t have any of that modern capability,” said Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, a retired U.S. Air Force general. “It’s not just an airplane up there. You have to have all of that sophisticated equipment on it to make it really a viable air platform.”


Countries have proposed sending Ukrainians MiG-29s in large part because that’s what the country’s pilots already know how to fly. If they received F-16s, Carlisle said, it’s not just the pilots who would have to learn a flight system he described as “significantly different” from Soviet-style jets; personnel on the ground would have to train on how maintain the aircraft and load them with compatible munitions.


But Juice and another Ukrainian pilot, whose call sign is “Nomad,” said the learning curve isn’t as substantial as it’s often made out to be. Nomad, who is in the United States as part of a training program, said it would probably take Ukrainians about two weeks to learn the nuances of the U.S.-made F-series planes.


Many of the pilots already speak English and have participated in joint exercises with the U.S. Air Force, so they’re familiar with the terminology of those planes’ systems, they said.


The pilots were also critical of the effectiveness of Stinger antiaircraft missiles, which have been part of U.S. aid packages. Nomad said that “it’s almost impossible” to hit an agile, fast-moving Russian jet with the missiles. Carlisle agreed, adding that Stingers aren’t designed to take down fighters — they’re intended to be used against helicopters and other slow-moving, low-flying aircraft.


If Western countries are hesitant to give Ukraine modern jets its pilots haven’t trained on, Juice said they should at least consider sending more advanced air-defense systems. He said those are much easier to learn how to operate.


Military analysts expected Russia to wipe out Ukraine’s air-defense systems, airfields and aircraft on the very first day of the war, when Moscow still had the element of surprise. But Rob Lee, an expert on the Russian military and a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, said Russia “didn’t really go for a death blow,” and in some cases, their missiles hit the airfield but missed the runway.


Ukrainian pilots were able to improvise from there. Juice said the fight in the sky doesn’t feel fair when he’s going up against a more modern Russian jet. He often has to just avoid his adversary entirely to stay alive. Sometimes, he and his fellow pilots manage to trick the Russians into flying into an area where the Ukrainians have an air-defense system ready and waiting.


Analysts at the Oryx Blog, which tracks Russian military losses, documented 20 aircraft and 30 helicopters destroyed or damaged in Ukraine.


“We are just trying to do something nonstandard, and sometimes it’s successful and sometimes it’s not,” Juice said. “Sometimes they’re just stupid and Russians are just showing their incompetence and underestimating our training.


“But in general, we cannot gain a real air superiority, unfortunately.”



In other words, sending more MIGs doesn't do anything to help win in the air. Because the main strategy in the air is to simply act as bait, because they can't engage with a Russian jet one-on-one


And Poland was trying to send even SHITTIER, OLDER MIGs, with less equipment, than the ones Ukraine already has. Hoping to score some new jets while trying to peddle off clunkers.


And, even if the pilots could learn to get into F16's, they don't have the maintenance crew for it.


And, the Ukrainian pilots even agree that better weapons that could be given to ALL Ukrainian military to easily use all over the country would be more advanced anti-aircraft weaponry, which was what was described in the recent $800 million dollar package just yesterday.


AND, the pilot is basically saying, without giving us specific numbers............there's not that many Ukrainian pilots left, so what's the point of trying to give them more planes if there's aren't more people to fly them?


Imagine if you're stupid enough to still try and whine about getting more MIGs at this point.


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13 hours ago, jehurey said:

The fucking UKRAINIAN PILOT told us that they can't beat a Russian jet with a MiG.


Who the fuck am I supposed to believe?




Or the actual Ukrainian Pilot?


The Polish MiG are in WORSE CONDITIONS and HAVE LESS FEATURES than the ones that Ukrainian pilots have.


This is also supported by the fact that the west helped Ukraine with obtain maintenance parts for their existing MIGS, because its probably better to just try and keep their existing planes in good condition.


You want nuance...............I posted the article that goes in depth and gives multiple reasons, and I highlighted the important parts because dipshits like you are too stupid to spend the whole 5 minutes to read.


Here's your fucking nuance:



You keep on clinging to one single article while ignoring the mountain of evidence in favor of Migs


Including the exact words of the SAME EXACT PILOT from a different interview


"Of course, we need them,” Juice said of the additional MiG-29s. “For primary interception, for primary air defense against bombers, against other attackers, other strikers, they are pretty effective.”


You still can't make a single argument in favor of why having NO Migs in the sky is somehow better than having some, when nearly every piece of data and information out there says otherwise. Just stop, all you're doing is continuing to embarrass yourself.


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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:


“For primary interception


notice how none of what he says results in air superiority.


he wants MIGs................that they can actually use, and are actually equipped to the existing versions that they are flying, at MINIMUM.


the Polish MIGs aren't that.


you keep on wanting to return to this subject, and I put you in your place.


and you just pretend to not read ALL THE INFORMATION.


the Polish MIGs do not help them, its as simple as that.

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On 2022-04-23 at 8:00 AM, Cell said:

You would only have a point in a situation where they would only be used to fight other Russian planes, which is completely ignoring everything else you can use a fighter jet for.


4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

You still can't make a single argument in favor of why having NO Migs in the sky is somehow better than having some


Meanwhile, Jerry:


55 minutes ago, jehurey said:

and you just pretend to not read ALL THE INFORMATION.


Jerry you're so obtuse it hurts my brain. 


I've got a challenge for you, prove to me you're not off the autism scale by answering mine and Twinblade's point against you in less than two sentences.


While you're doing that, heres a recent article by CNN:




This one talks about spare fighter jet parts being delivered that Ukraine desperately needs. Do you think these are for planes which match Russia's, or, older planes that Ukraine already has? See, I think its probably the latter. Also notice this fun little quote:


Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky has repeatedly asked other countries for Soviet-era MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter jets, which Ukrainian pilots already know how to fly.
Zelensky has asked other Eastern European countries with the fourth-generation airframes to send them to Ukraine, but no country has yet agreed to do so.


Madness, this crazy bastards wants people to send him fighter jets in a war! Fucking lunatic. If only he knew like you do that not having fighter jets is better than having some fighter jets. 

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4 minutes ago, Cell said:



Meanwhile, Jerry:




No, that means that you are simply promoting a false strawman argument.


because I never once argued that Ukraine should stop flying their jets altoghether.


Did I?


So.............you're the one arguing without the slightest bit of nuance, correct?

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

No, that means that you are simply promoting a false strawman argument.


because I never once argued that Ukraine should stop flying their jets altoghether.


Did I?


So.............you're the one arguing without the slightest bit of nuance, correct?


No no no, Jerry. No. 


Point conceded, you never said Ukraine shouldn't have any planes in the sky, and actually I wasn't trying to say you were. 


We're talking SOLELY about additional planes. I ask again, please make an argument IN FAVOUR of NOT having MORE planes from a third party country. 


You get additional points if you can also address the the article I posted which discusses how Ukraine is repairing its existing planes in place of the receiving new ones, the same planes you say wouldn't benefit them. 

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1 minute ago, Cell said:


No no no, Jerry. No. 


Point conceded, you never said Ukraine shouldn't have any planes in the sky, and actually I wasn't trying to say you were. 


you literally reposted it, and enlarged the letters in the post.


which means you are making it a vital point in your response.


So.............yes...........you were CLEARLY USING THAT POST to try and pretend that I was wrong about something.


You were using a strawman talking point, that you pulled out of your ass.


Which makes a hypocrite, especially considering that you accuse me of arguing without nuance.

Essentially accussing ME of attempting to install strawmen talking points.


You were doing that, in fact.


The rest of my post goes on to say that MORE MIGs are not useful.


Did you actually read the article?


Did you not see the MULTIPLE reasons why that is?


The Ukranian pilot basically said "yeah..........there's not really alot of us left to even fly those planes"

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40 minutes ago, jehurey said:

you literally reposted it, and enlarged the letters in the post.


which means you are making it a vital point in your response.


So.............yes...........you were CLEARLY USING THAT POST to try and pretend that I was wrong about something.


You were using a strawman talking point, that you pulled out of your ass.


Which makes a hypocrite, especially considering that you accuse me of arguing without nuance.

Essentially accussing ME of attempting to install strawmen talking points.


You were doing that, in fact.


The rest of my post goes on to say that MORE MIGs are not useful.


Did you actually read the article?


Did you not see the MULTIPLE reasons why that is?


The Ukranian pilot basically said "yeah..........there's not really alot of us left to even fly those planes"


No, you didn't post multiple reason. The article you posted had one reason repeated several times - head to head Russian planes will beat the older MIG's.


What I've asked you to do repeatedly is state why:

  • Its better to NOT have them than to have them and use them for other reason. Other reasons might be:
    • Shooting down cruise missiles,
    • Delivering tactical weapons which can only be deployed from Jets,
    • Attacking ground targets 
    • Shooting down other aircraft rather than Russian fighter jets SUCH AS: Bombers, military transport, helicopters etc. 

Please also explain why:

  • Ukraine is repairing the same planes you are trying to claim it would not be advantageous to have more of.


I'll wait. 


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7 minutes ago, Cell said:


No, you didn't post multiple reason. The article you posted had one reason repeated several times - head to head Russian planes will beat the older MIG's.


What I've asked you to do repeatedly is state why:

  • Its better to NOT have them than to have them and use them for other reason. Other reasons might be:
    • Shooting down cruise missiles,
    • Delivering tactical weapons which can only be deployed from Jets,
    • Attacking ground targets 
    • Shooting down other aircraft rather than Russian fighter jets SUCH AS: Bombers, military transport, helicopters etc. 

Please also explain why:

  • Ukraine is repairing the same planes you are trying to claim it would not be advantageous to have more of.


I'll wait. 


Yes I did............if you noticed I posted MULTIPLE sections of the article in red.


Because each represented a different reason.


Russian planes are more equipped than the MOST-EQUIPPED, MOST-FULLY FEATURED MIG available.


That's why.


Reason #2

The Polish MIGs have LESS FEATURES than the MIGs that the Ukrainians currently own.


Reason #3

The pilot basically said that they've lost enough pilots already, so they don't really need more planes, because they don't have anymore pilots left to operate them.


Reason #4

If you gave Ukraine new U.S.A. F16s today.............then can't be serviced or maintained in Ukraine, because the plane support crew isn't trained on F16s.


Reason #5

The Ukrainian pilot and others have said that anti-aircraft weapons are a better way to stop Russian aircraft than trying to take them take with planes.


Repairing the same planes:


They're repairing the same planes because:

#1 They can get replacement parts to keep their planes maintained

#2 Their support crew on the ground is ALREADY TRAINED in repairing and replacing parts on their existing planes.

#3 Replacement worn parts on their currently owned MIGs is better than taking Polish MIGs which would require much more extensive work to bring up to date. Since I imagine time is a factor, working on their own planes is also a much faster option.


There you go...............this all got explained to you. And had you actually read the article, all of these things are things you should've been able to surmise by yourself.

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25 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Yes I did............if you noticed I posted MULTIPLE sections of the article in red.


Because each represented a different reason.


Russian planes are more equipped than the MOST-EQUIPPED, MOST-FULLY FEATURED MIG available.


That's why.


Reason #2

The Polish MIGs have LESS FEATURES than the MIGs that the Ukrainians currently own.


Are you really trying to say:


Reason 1: Russian Planes have more features


Reason 2: Ukrainian and Polish Planes have less features


You think those are two separate reasons do you? 


The overall point is that both sets of MIG-29s have less capability than SOME Russian planes, we get it, but I've been pointing out several other benefits to you for hours now. 





Reason #3

The pilot basically said that they've lost enough pilots already, so they don't really need more planes, because they don't have anymore pilots left to operate them.


Guess they don't need more Jets if this is true. 


But wait they keep asking for more jets. Twinblade has posted this multiple times. 


Theyre even crowdfunding to get more jets. 




Ukrainian pilots launch 'Buy Me A Jet' campaign to help defeat Russia's massive air superiority

they've lost enough pilots already, so they don't really need more planes


Both of these statements cannot be correct.




Reason #4

If you gave Ukraine new U.S.A. F16s today.............then can't be serviced or maintained in Ukraine, because the plane support crew isn't trained on F16s.


Why are you talking about F16s. Nowhere have I mentioned F16s. 




Reason #5

The Ukrainian pilot and others have said that anti-aircraft weapons are a better way to stop Russian aircraft than trying to take them take with planes.


Lets Recap:


What I've asked you to do repeatedly is state why:

  • Its better to NOT have them than to have them and use them for other reason. Other reasons might be:
    • Shooting down cruise missiles,
    • Delivering tactical weapons which can only be deployed from Jets,
    • Attacking ground targets 
    • Shooting down other aircraft rather than Russian fighter jets SUCH AS: Bombers, military transport, helicopters etc.


Anti-aircraft weapons address 2/4 of my points. Arguably, jets would be better at shooting down cruise missiles, especially away from the front in western Ukraine, which means the use of anti-aircraft weapons only addresses 1/4 of the points I raised to you, which would be 'shooting down other aircraft'. 




Repairing the same planes:


They're repairing the same planes because:

#1 They can get replacement parts to keep their planes maintained

#2 Their support crew on the ground is ALREADY TRAINED in repairing and replacing parts on their existing planes.

#3 Replacement worn parts on their currently owned MIGs is better than taking Polish MIGs which would require much more extensive work to bring up to date. Since I imagine time is a factor, working on their own planes is also a much faster option.


There you go...............this all got explained to you. And had you actually read the article, all of these things are things you should've been able to surmise by yourself.


The article actually mentions brining 20 more planes online, not repairing existing planes. And the fact the support crew is already trained only lends weight to giving them more planes from other countries. 


You've still failed to make an argument as to why they shouldn't be sent. I'm done with you, I have shit to do and I might as well try explaining calculus to my one year old than try and make you see outside of your autistic tunnel vision that you see the world through. 

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8 minutes ago, Cell said:


Are you really trying to say:


Reason 1: Russian Planes have more features


Reason 2: Ukrainian Planes have less features


You think those are two separate reasons do you? 




Guess they don't need more Jets if this is true. 


But wait they keep asking for more jets. Twinblade has posted this multiple times. 


Theyre even crowdfunding to get more jets. 




Ukrainian pilots launch 'Buy Me A Jet' campaign to help defeat Russia's massive air superiority

they've lost enough pilots already, so they don't really need more planes


Both of these statements cannot be correct.


That's right.........the article with an actual Ukrainian pilot saying "we've lost more pilots than what has been publicly disclosed"



There, i solved that for you.


I'm pretty sure the crowdfunding stunt............................is just a stunt.


8 minutes ago, Cell said:





Why are you talking about F16s. Nowhere have I mentioned F16s. 




Because, there are no more MIGs available. None that are currently useful to the Ukrainian pilots.


So dumbasses like Twinblade would say "THEN JUS GIVE THEM US FIGHTER JETS!!!!!!!!!!"


And the article goes on to explain why that is not a feasible option, and does not help them right now.

8 minutes ago, Cell said:





Lets Recap:


What I've asked you to do repeatedly is state why:

  • Its better to NOT have them than to have them and use them for other reason. Other reasons might be:
    • Shooting down cruise missiles,
    • Delivering tactical weapons which can only be deployed from Jets,
    • Attacking ground targets 
    • Shooting down other aircraft rather than Russian fighter jets SUCH AS: Bombers, military transport, helicopters etc.


Anti-aircraft weapons address 2/4 of my points. Arguably, jets would be better at shooting down cruise missiles, especially away from the front in western Ukraine. 



The article actually mentions brining 20 more planes online, not repairing existing planes. And the fact the support crew is already trained only lends weight to giving them more planes from other countries. 


You've still failed to make an argument as to why they shouldn't be sent. I'm done with you, I have shit to do and I might as well try explaining calculus to my one year old than try and make you see outside of your autistic tunnel vision that you see the world through. 

No, that was already explained.


The Polish MIGs are in worse condition, and would require extensive repairs and reworking to bring them up to date to what the Ukrainians already have.


So that means.


A MIG support crew/repairman, which is a LIMITED RESOURCE...........is being pulled away from maintaining your EXISTING MIG, which can be put up in the air faster.......................to move them over to doing a complete overhaul of an older jet, that would take far much longer time.




You're question just got answered............and all I did was use simple common sense.

Apparently you weren't able to do that on your own.


You're leaving because you know that the very thing you tried to accuse me of.............you were wrong. And I had been delivering posts WITH NUANCE and detailed explanations.


That's what I thought. Now go piss off somewhere else.

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Jerry I'm leaving because you're fucking retarded and I'm getting off the Jerry go round before I waste any more of my evening. 



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23 minutes ago, Cell said:

Jerry I'm leaving because you're fucking retarded and I'm getting off the Jerry go round before I waste any more of my evening. 



No, you're leaving because your ass got handed to you.

And what you claimed about me is wrong............and you basically TRIED TO SAY that I left unanswered questions..........and that claim was wrong as well, because you intentionally tried to play stupid and not use common sense to answer your OWN "unanswered questions."

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45 minutes ago, Cell said:


Are you really trying to say:


Reason 1: Russian Planes have more features


Reason 2: Ukrainian and Polish Planes have less features



I want to go back and take care of this bullshit you attempted, as well.


You're trying to say that I listed the same thing, TWICE.


And you are wrong.


And you KNOW you are wrong............that you actually modified what I actually said in order for it to fit your accusation.


You modified and misleadingly altered what I said for Reason #2.


Reason #1 is different than Reason #2.


Reason #1 is straightforward: A Russian plane can beat a MIG one-on-one. Therefore their primary strategy for Ukrainian pilots is not to engage in one-to-one fights, but to act is a diversionary target.


Reason #2 is that the Polish MIGs are in worse condition, older, and have less features than the Ukrainian MIGs.


You altered my post in a misleading way. By trying to say Ukrainian and Polish MIGs "are the same" and both not as good as a Russian plane.


I said, and am clearly insinuating, that on-board equipment that the Ukranians are using on their own MIGs right now, are not on the Polish MIGs. That's could be radar, or modifications to help the plane manuever better. that SAVES THE PILOTS life.


The Polish MIGs may lack the equipment for the Ukrainian pilots to even be able to act and perform their primary "diversionary" tactics should they come into contact with a Russian jet.


Therefore there is a differentiation between a Ukrainian MIG and a Polish MIG, that matters to the Ukranian pilots trying to stay alive.


You tried to lump them together as INTERCHANGEABLE.


I just caught you on your bullshit.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2022-08-11 at 8:58 AM, Twinblade said:


Wasn't Aza going to Crimea on vacation this month? Well I hope he has a.....blast :sass2:

You're just as bad as he is. At least he's living under an out and open despot and you're living with actual options to see the truth. 

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