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Martha is Dead getting decent reviews

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Martha is Dead is a confronting, compelling, and increasingly disorientating detour into darkness, one that made me appropriately uncomfortable at times but ultimately left me feeling somewhat unfulfilled by its inconclusive ending. It’s therefore not especially satisfying in a traditional ‘Whodunnit?’ sense, but as a surreal and grotesque examination of the effects of trauma it provides an unflinching and utterly absorbing ordeal to be endured rather than enjoyed.


7 from ign. Might just play this while waiting for Elden Ring to get fixed :hest:

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IGN video review is up. 



This reviewer liked it even more.



Looks great. I have backlog and it's taking me forever to finish games so I'm going to hold off but it's definitely going on my play list.

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13 hours ago, -GD-X said:

Ahhh shit. Let us know how it is! 


Will do. I have Elden Ring on PS5 sitting here but im going to blast through MiD first. Its only like 6-7 hours long apparently so it'll be a good palette cleanser, especially after having sunk so much time into open world games lately.

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Just now, Twinblade said:


Will do. I have Elden Ring on PS5 sitting here but im going to blast through MiD first. Its only like 6-7 hours long apparently so it'll be a good palette cleanser, especially after having sunk so much time into open world games lately.

yeah, if you like it, i'll cop it. i would like to play something other than an open world game this weekend (except the side missions i have left in FW).

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