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New Valkyrie Profile game? PS5, PS4, Steam.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

Is this set in the same universe? It’s nothing like a VP game.

I don't know the details but the song at the beginning sound like a remix of a song from VP1, the character designs looks like Valkyries, they're talking about Ragnarok, it's a SE game and the logo is the same as previous games in the series. It's safe to assume it is part of the same franchise.


The big difference is I didn't see anything about Tri Ace being involved. Tri Ace always handled the development of these games and Enix/SE just published them.


But like I said, I don't know much more than that. It's definitely not want I wanted from a new VP game so I don't really care.

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30 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I don't know the details but the song at the beginning sound like a remix of a song from VP1, the character designs looks like Valkyries, they're talking about Ragnarok, it's a SE game and the logo is the same as previous games in the series. It's safe to assume it is part of the same franchise.


The big difference is I didn't see anything about Tri Ace being involved. Tri Ace always handled the development of these games and Enix/SE just published them.


But like I said, I don't know much more than that. It's definitely not want I wanted from a new VP game so I don't really care.


They probably must have thought that nobody would enjoy a traditional VP game so they just made some budget action game. That seems to a be a trend nowadays. I mean fuckin capcom of all companies decided to make a new game with dinosaurs, yet its not the one game with dinosaurs that so many people have been asking for :D 

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


They probably must have thought that nobody would enjoy a traditional VP game so they just made some budget action game. That seems to a be a trend nowadays. I mean fuckin capcom of all companies decided to make a new game with dinosaurs, yet its not the one game with dinosaurs that so many people have been asking for :D 

SE has absolutely no faith in traditional turn based RPG of any kind. Main FF series hasn't been turned based since FFX, a game I played when I was still in high school. They believe that kind of gameplay doesn't sell with western audience. Every time they actually make a turn based RPG it's usually low budget affairs except for Dragon Quest. The only reason why DQ is still turn based is because they don't want to mess with the series formula, fearing the Japanese audience backlash. Yet, every time they make a spin off that play differently it sell like 1:10 what the main series sells. Yet Octopath managed to sell really well. They seriously need to revise their market strategy here, they're completely out of touch.


And wow, Exoprimal was it? It looks like a dumb attempt at capturing the multiplayer western audience. It doesn't even look like a Capcom made game in any way. I haven't been that disappointed by a Capcom announcement since the 360/PS3 era when they outsourced their games to shitty B tier non Japanese studios. It will probably sell under expectations and they will release a quick RE cash in game to mitigate their losses.


This is fucking sad to see. I mean why the change after their massive successes? RE7, RE2, RE3 and RE Village all sold incredibly well. Monster Hunter is more popular than ever and DMC5 sold a couple million copies as well. Why the sudden change towards building some new IP that feels completely different than their usual stuff all of a sudden, it makes no commercial sense. A Dino Crisis sequel or remake that plays like survival horror RE2 remake style would sell a couple million easy, plus you have brand recognition from the current fanbase. Fuck em.

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