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SquareEnix puts out video showcasing technologies in Forspoken, including DirectStorage loading comparisons

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1st example
1.9 sec on an NVMe SSD
4 sec on a SATA SSD
21.5 sec on an HDD


2nd example
1.7 sec NVMe SSD
3.2 sec SATA SSD
19.9 sec HDD


That's all drives utilizing DirectStorage... I wonder how that compares to the same drives without DirectStorage? :whew: 


Under 2 seconds already... and DirectStorage on PC doesn't even have GPU based decompression yet.. it's going to get even faster and less taxing on the CPU :blessed:

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5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Are there actually serious PC gamers who still use HDDs? Seems pointless to continue including them in these kind of comparisons.

Well, there's lots of games which don't really benefit much from even SSDs on PC.  People who have tons of Steam games installed at any given time probably have a huge 4TB+ HDD connected, like I do.. for older games.


But it's pretty obvious why it's there.... it's meant to make it look more impressive compared to "last gen".


2 seconds though is impressive.. and that's without GPU based decompression.  That's basically what the most optimized for PS5 games do in terms of loading times. Now with batched I/O requests, the CPU can basically use that throughput that was always there much more efficiently.


There's really no reason to even be faster than 2 seconds IMO.. you need SOME kind of transition time, otherwise it will just look stupid lol

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10 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Are there actually serious PC gamers who still use HDDs? Seems pointless to continue including them in these kind of comparisons.


I have an 8TB drive just to keep backups of my games in case the SSD I have them on shits the bed. But yeah, no serious gamer has his games installed to a spin drive. 

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Who wouldn't have a HDD as a backup? When I got mine it cost a small fortune for a 2TB NVMe SD, not only are HDDs more space for less cash but personally most games run just fine off a HDD. 360/PS3 era games were designed to run off a disc, PS4/XB1 games were designed to run off a 5200rpm drive. A 7200rpm drive is just fine imo I don't see any excessively long loading times.


Sure open world games like GTA or Skyrim I'll install to the SSD and you can feel a big performance increase but most other games dont have very long load times anyway.


Speaking about olfer games. This generation of games are designed to run off an SSD so going forwards I expect it to be beneficial but if like me you play older games too then having a HDD to offload them to is a good choice.

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