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Digital Foundry - Chrono Cross Remaster PS5/Switch/PS1 Analysis + comparisons

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-3D elements 900p to 936p in both modes

-terrible performance (New Mode fluctuates between 10-30fps in battles, around 20-30fps in field)

-PS1 runs better than PS4 version on PS5

-Classic mode runs better than New mode and performs more like PS1 version (I can confirm this on PC too)

-Music in FMVs is more compressed

-In game music is a touch clearer



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Classic graphical style mode might run better but you get none of the improvements that way.


The backgrounds are a pixelated mess, the new filters might not look all that great but it's still better than just a stretched out and pixelated CGI background.


The fonts are also only in HD with the new graphics. Pixelated as fuck in classic mode. 


You don't get the new improved character portraits. Honestly, it might just be the best new thing in this port lol.


And obviously no new characters models, although I'm still debating which models actually looks better. 


I'm 10 hours in and this port is crap no matter what you do with it. 

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13 minutes ago, jehurey said:

It seems like they hired a really shitty outside contractor to reverse engineer the game from a PS1 disc and just creator a really bad emulator or executable.

It's not reverse engineered, it's simply the PS1 rom emulated which includes an injection layer for the new visuals.. packaged inside a launcher.


You can literally open up the .dat files on PC with Winrar and look at all the files inside.  I've already modded my copy and can play with the classic character models in new mode, or vice versa, also with the original portraits and original backgrounds and what have you.


On the discord, modders are already working on bringing over the better quality "original mods" over to this new version.  But as I understand it, the character model textures are going to be more difficult.


But yea, definitely a shitty low effort job.



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7 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Classic graphical style mode might run better but you get none of the improvements that way.


The backgrounds are a pixelated mess, the new filters might not look all that great but it's still better than just a stretched out and pixelated CGI background.


The fonts are also only in HD with the new graphics. Pixelated as fuck in classic mode. 


You don't get the new improved character portraits. Honestly, it might just be the best new thing in this port lol.


And obviously no new characters models, although I'm still debating which models actually looks better. 


I'm 10 hours in and this port is crap no matter what you do with it. 

You can already mod that shit on PC to mix and match however you like haha.


I use the classic mode with the new portraits lol.  I don't want smeared crappily upscaled backgrounds.. I prefer the pixelated look.

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