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DNC goes full Orwell: Officially create a Ministry of Truth under the Homeland Security department; appoints batshit Hunter laptop denier as its head

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Meet the vagina-haver in charge:








On October 20, 2020, the AP interviewed Jankowicz who insisted the laptop was a non-story:


"The actual origins of the emails are unclear. And disinformation experts say there are multiple red flags that raise doubts about [the email authenticity, including questions about whether the laptop actually belongs to Hunter Biden," said Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the nonpartisan Wilson Center in Washington. [The Wilson Center is named after famous racist Progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson and is a leftwing NGO. - Ed.]


“We should view it as a Trump campaign product,” Jankowicz said.




Back to October 2020. Jankowicz linked to a news article that cast “yet more doubt on the provenance of the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story.” She added, “Not to mention that the emails don’t need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. Voters deserve that context, not a [fairy] tale about a laptop repair shop.”


She gushed over Christopher Steele, the man who pushed the debunked “Steele dossier” alleging Russian/Trump collusion. “Listened to this last night – Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo,” Jankowicz tweeted in August 2020.


In other words, the DHS anti-disinformation group will be led by a leading purveyor of disinformation.



You're doing great, comrades.



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Disinformation is code for "its true but it goes against our narrative, how can we blame Russia?"

So are Twitter and the Disinformation Board going to do something about this tweet? This is just more concrete proof that Twitter is made up of far left activists who only allow content that fits thei

THAT WAS THE WHOLE PART OF THE PLAN. Getting them to healthcare workers first, they were DISTRIBUTED to them......Its crazy how much you're twisting the narrative to try to make a UNFACTUAL statement

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Its no coincidence that they're suddenly focusing on 'disinformation' when the mid terms are right around the corner. Are people really so blind that they don't see what the Biden admin is doing here? But somehow republicans are the biggest threat to our democracy.....

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Its no coincidence that they're suddenly focusing on 'disinformation' when the mid terms are right around the corner. Are people really so blind that they don't see what the Biden admin is doing here? But somehow republicans are the biggest threat to our democracy.....



You're truly retarded. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Disinformation is code for "its true but it goes against our narrative, how can we blame Russia?"

if its true...........then how come you can't seem to prove it true when we continually ask you for proof on it being true?


So...........no, it doesn't appear to be code at all.


Something you claim, that is a lie, and you continue claiming it..............is..................literally.........the............definition.........of.............disinformation.

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2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


America now has an organization dedicated to controlling speech. How fucking dense do you have to be to defend that?


You pack such a high level of stupidity and dishonesty in such short sentences lol. So you're pro disinformation? It's a hypothetical question since you're almost always wrong and misinformed so of course you are. 

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15 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


You pack such a high level of stupidity and dishonesty in such short sentences lol. So you're pro disinformation? It's a hypothetical question since you're almost always wrong and misinformed so of course you are. 


Except we already have plenty of evidence that 'disinformation' to the left is just a way of them censoring what they disagree with, no matter how tangible and factual it is.

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3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Except we already have plenty of evidence that 'disinformation' to the left is just a way of them censoring what they disagree with, no matter how tangible and factual it is.

Except we have you, Ramza, and Cucke proving that disinformation is the only contribution to society the right has. This forum is a cathedral of stupidity built by you guys and others like Dynocuck. Probably 9 out of 10 threads is you idiots saying stupid, untrue shit and when you're proven wrong you guys make shit up. If I'm wrong or exaggerating, please point me to threads and post where you guys were proven right or proved someone else wrong and I'll link thread where you were proven wrong and or lied and made something up. 


How many Republicans are claiming that the 2020 election was rigged? Still. Democrats can't even get their pet projects passed with majorities but we're supposed to believe they orchestrated a clandestine nationwide electoral coup in plain site? Which also included prominent Republicans? 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

Disinformation is code for "its true but it goes against our narrative, how can we blame Russia?"


5 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Its no coincidence that they're suddenly focusing on 'disinformation' when the mid terms are right around the corner. Are people really so blind that they don't see what the Biden admin is doing here? But somehow republicans are the biggest threat to our democracy.....


The 2020 election was stolen. 

Ukraine is not a democracy. 

Putin is innocent and Zalinsky is the one who committed everything Putin was simply accused of. 

Stop the steal. 

Stop the count. 

Trump didn't lose he won it fair and square. 

Fake electors. 

Jan 6th. 

The million of fake stories pumped out by QAnon. 


All true :patpatpat:


Edited by Goukosan
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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:



The 2020 election was stolen. 

Ukraine is not a democracy. 

Putin is innocent and Zalinsky is the one who committed everything Putin was simply accused of. 

Stop the steal. 

Stop the count. 

Trump didn't lose he won it fair and square. 

Fake electors. 

Jan 6th. 

The million of fake stories pumped out by QAnon. 


All true :patpatpat:


Lol Twincel doesn't care about people lying as long as they aren't woke. 

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On 2022-04-29 at 3:55 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

 If I'm wrong or exaggerating, please point me to threads and post where you guys were proven right or proved someone else wrong and I'll link thread where you were proven wrong and or lied and made something up. 

@Twinblade we're still waiting. 

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14 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

who exactly are you referring to?

Nigga, I clearly replied to you and tagged you. Please put up some receipts of you successfully proving a truth or cotrecting someone else who was wrong. 


You and Cooke kept talking about truth and unfiltered information yet you're both almost always wrong. That could be my imagination but it seems y'all always getting dunked on tho. 


I don't believe in a government truth factory but I also don't know how we remedy how retarded the right wingers have become. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Nigga, I clearly replied to you and tagged you. Please put up some receipts of you successfully proving a truth or cotrecting someone else who was wrong. 


You and Cooke kept talking about truth and unfiltered information yet you're both almost always wrong. That could be my imagination but it seems y'all always getting dunked on tho. 


I don't believe in a government truth factory but I also don't know how we remedy how retarded the right wingers have become. 

Lmao, there is no way I’m going to take time out of my day to do that just to stroke your ego.

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7 hours ago, Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess said:

What is this governance board even going to do? What is their authority? 

you know what.........you're actually asking a good question that a regular, calm person who wants to think about this rationally would stop and ask themself.


as far as I can tell, they only thing they can do is respond back through public communication if they want to announce that there is something that they deem as being "misinformation." They have no censorship powers.


Which, doesn't align with the whole alt-right'ers screaming "Ministry of Truth" comparisons, because that had many censorship processes.


So in other words, the only thing that it appears that they can do is make a press conference or public statement declaring "this thing that has been going around is misinformation."


So, almost like their version of PolitiFact.

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9 hours ago, jehurey said:

you know what.........you're actually asking a good question that a regular, calm person who wants to think about this rationally would stop and ask themself.


as far as I can tell, they only thing they can do is respond back through public communication if they want to announce that there is something that they deem as being "misinformation." They have no censorship powers.


Which, doesn't align with the whole alt-right'ers screaming "Ministry of Truth" comparisons, because that had many censorship processes.


So in other words, the only thing that it appears that they can do is make a press conference or public statement declaring "this thing that has been going around is misinformation."


So, almost like their version of PolitiFact.

So you would have been totally cool with Trump administration setting something like this up? 

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