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Does anyone actually believe in 'Protected classes'?

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Of course, soy boys like Miss. Impossible over here is a protected class that requires a safe space and a different set of rules than everyone else, reality doesn't apply.


Don't mess up his/her/zer preferred pronoun of the day, please.

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

Of course, soy boys like Miss. Impossible over here is a protected class that requires a safe space and a different set of rules than everyone else, reality doesn't apply.


Don't mess up his/her/zer preferred pronoun of the day, please.

 Lots of buzz words with zero tangible content.. Nice. 

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7 hours ago, Ramza said:

Of course, soy boys like Miss. Impossible over here is a protected class that requires a safe space and a different set of rules than everyone else, reality doesn't apply.


Don't mess up his/her/zer preferred pronoun of the day, please.

Lol yall have become sentient memes. 

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Remy is so easily bought by the corporate democrats who kneel with kente cloth and say the right words but never actually accomplish anything. How many super majorities have the democrats had and they didn't once try to put abortion rights into law? 


Same goes for all the woke big businesses. They take the easiest path. It's easy to put up a rainbow flag or hire a queen black non binary, but actually paying your employees living wages is painful for them. 


So we are stuck focusing on the bullshit nonsense that accomplishes nothing but more division,  and that's exactly what's the media and government want. It's easy to sell culture wars than it is to make actual structural changes. 

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16 hours ago, Goukosan said:

 Lots of buzz words with zero tangible content.. Nice. 

You'd think it couldn't be any more obvious that I don't care about talking about the topic at hand in any serious capacity and am just shitting on Liquid Pampers. Guess not, or maybe you're just that dumb and slow.


14 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol yall have become sentient memes. 

Says the leftist NPC that has the exact same view points as the other NPCs. lol 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Remy is so easily bought by the corporate democrats who kneel with kente cloth and say the right words but never actually accomplish anything. How many super majorities have the democrats had and they didn't once try to put abortion rights into law? 


lol Here you go sounding like a Briebart algorithm again. WTF even talks like this. You present a glib view of Democratic pandering as if the Republican side isnt pandering to racist and religious fundamentalist. As if one side has not maniacally worked tooth and nail to vilify the same groups of people you guys are upset vote for Dems. Go figure. Ironic your type never blame Conservatives for voting Republicans who cater to their concerns. It's just a terrible thing when other people do it. 



1 hour ago, Cooke said:


Same goes for all the woke big businesses. They take the easiest path. It's easy to put up a rainbow flag or hire a queen black non binary, but actually paying your employees living wages is painful for them. 


Yes, but conservatives dont care about low wages at all. Even if Dems and companies are doing the bare minimum, it's better than doing nothing at all. Republicans fight any progress in any areas that help worker needs vs corporate wants. Very nakedly, and out in the open. So where is  your outrage about that? This what I mean about you dishonest and stupid you are. 


1 hour ago, Cooke said:


So we are stuck focusing on the bullshit nonsense that accomplishes nothing but more division,  and that's exactly what's the media and government want. It's easy to sell culture wars than it is to make actual structural changes. 


Yes, you are. Complaining about heavy people and lesbians on TV is the stupid shit you get caught up on. I know you think you're some sort of intellectual maverick but in reality you're a stupid lemming. You're so anti-left yet dont feel you're far right. Make that make sense. 

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4 hours ago, Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess said:

Because I think identity groups create division and an endless cycle of racism and bigotry? No its called looking at the big picture. But you are too dumb  to attempt that.  


Because you're his little sidekick bitch. lol "looking at the big picture" STFU

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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2 hours ago, Ramza said:


You'd think it couldn't be any more obvious that I don't care about talking about the topic at hand in any serious capacity and am just shitting on Liquid Pampers. Guess not, or maybe you're just that dumb and slow.


Right right that must be it.... That's why you can't post beyond buzz words.. Gotcha. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:


You'd think it couldn't be any more obvious that I don't care about talking about the topic at hand in any serious capacity and am just shitting on Liquid Pampers. Guess not, or maybe you're just that dumb and slow.


Says the leftist NPC that has the exact same view points as the other NPCs. lol 


lol uh huh. It's totally not that you just dont know WTF you're talking about. 

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Two retards baffled that I might not give a shit about the topic at hand. I mean, this was such a great thread to begin with, how could I not care to respond to such an though provoking question in a thoughtful and respectful manner. And they're trying to sound smart on top of that, like they're on to something. This is what desperation looks like, that or mind numbing stupidity.

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6 hours ago, Ramza said:

Two retards baffled that I might not give a shit about the topic at hand. I mean, this was such a great thread to begin with, how could I not care to respond to such an though provoking question in a thoughtful and respectful manner. And they're trying to sound smart on top of that, like they're on to something. This is what desperation looks like, that or mind numbing stupidity.


Uh huh... Right right.  For someone who doesn't care you keep posting buzz words and no substance. 


As I said, you're beyond your depth.. Its ok kid. 

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7 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Uh huh... Right right.  For someone who doesn't care you keep posting buzz words and no substance. 


As I said, you're beyond your depth.. Its ok kid. 

Keep acting like this thread is some hot intelligent debate materials. Lmao, you clown. 


All I wanted was to shit on Pampers. Why am I even supposed to care about here? Err, deer do you believe protected classes actually exists? :diplo:


I have better things to do than entertain your low level intelligence on topics I don't care about. Kthxby

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9 hours ago, Ramza said:

Keep acting like this thread is some hot intelligent debate materials. Lmao, you clown. 


All I wanted was to shit on Pampers. Why am I even supposed to care about here? Err, deer do you believe protected classes actually exists? :diplo:


I have better things to do than entertain your low level intelligence on topics I don't care about. Kthxby


Lol you're trying too hard. We already know what kind of person you are. 

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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol you're trying too hard. We already know what kind of person you are. 

Says the guy who thought he knew everything about my relationship with my GF because I mentioned her once on here. :D 


Sit down, fgt. 

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