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What's your stance? 


I think once there's a heartbeat it's too late and you're killing a tiny human. But if that tiny human was  going to put the mother at risk if she carried it full term then yes its OK to abort. 


Basically if you had unprotected sex and didn't realize you were pregnant in the first 6 weeks then too bad. Give the baby up for adoption.  Use condoms, morning after pills. Pregnancy tests should be free and easily accessible. 

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15 minutes ago, Cooke said:

What's your stance? 


I think once there's a heartbeat it's too late and you're killing a tiny human. But if that tiny human was  going to put the mother at risk if she carried it full term then yes its OK to abort. 


Basically if you had unprotected sex and didn't realize your were pregnant in the first 6 weeks then too bad. Give the baby up for adoption.  Use condoms, morning after pills. Pregnancy tests should be free and easily accessible. 

Yeah but you hate women so... 

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I think a few months is more than enough time for a woman to decide whether or not they want to keep their baby. But Im generally on the side of having that choice and being able to go through with an abortion if she feels its necessary. If a woman and her partner aren't ready to be parents then why bring a baby into the world that they're aren't going to be able to properly raise, or be given away to eventually end up in foster care.


But as Cooke said a focus should be on preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Don't be a homophobe

Oh, you're so stupid and short sighted you don't seem to realize straight men hate women too, actually more so than most gay men would. How are you incapable of not saying retarded shit all the time. 


How can you be this fucking dumb and useless? 

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31 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Oh, you're so stupid and short sighted you don't seem to realize straight men hate women too, actually more so than most gay men would. How are you incapable of not saying retarded shit all the time. 


How can you be this fucking dumb and useless? 

Are you gonna talk about the op? Or just talk about your boyfriend? 

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32 minutes ago, Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess said:

Are you gonna talk about the op? Or just talk about your boyfriend? 

Lol you're the one always simping for Cooke's stupid ass. You're probably his boyfriend or alt account as you are the only person on this site who doesn't treat him like the retard he is. 

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The rights of an embryo/fetus don't even come into consideration until it's viable outside the womb, IMO. Past 24 weeks and the fetus needs to have a pretty good reason to be aborted, such as a risk to the mother's health or a serious birth defect that wasn't discovered earlier.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Oh, you're so stupid and short sighted you don't seem to realize straight men hate women too, actually more so than most gay men would. How are you incapable of not saying retarded shit all the time. 


How can you be this fucking dumb and useless? 

I don't hate women you tit. 

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Overturning Roe is really dumbfuck idiotic 3rd world backwards bullshit. As are the several bans and restrictions that will follow or have already happened recently.


Every single study shows this. Abortion bans barely work, and pretty much just end up hurting the mother.  Especially poor mothers.


But you can't expect conservatives to listen to science and facts. I mean look at climate change or Covid.

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Ireland.........a country that is Catholic up to its gills...........just passed a law allowing abortion. And they had a press release backing up that position signed by that country's major doctors, and scientists.


The basic answer is that if it cannot survive outside the womb, outside of medical equipment.........then its not alive and conscious.


Its very simple, do you believe that Terry Schiavo was alive or dead at the time that they disconnected her from life support?

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3 hours ago, Substatic said:

Overturning Roe is really dumbfuck idiotic 3rd world backwards bullshit. As are the several bans and restrictions that will follow or have already happened recently.


Every single study shows this. Abortion bans barely work, and pretty much just end up hurting the mother.  Especially poor mothers.


But you can't expect conservatives to listen to science and facts. I mean look at climate change or Covid.

Science is irrelevant to the argument since it's mostly a reaction based on religious feelings. The church isn't supposed to have a say in state law. If the fetus can't live independently of the mother then it's still her body to do with as she chooses. 

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1. The basic question is what are the necessary and/or sufficient characteristics a being must have in order have a right to life. You first have to establish that principle.


Without getting into the weeds, I think it's higher intelligence, and a human fetus gains a right to life when its cerebral cortex begins to come online during the end of the second trimester. As such I think abortion is fully ethical up until that point.


2. I've always thought Roe was a poor ruling and a prime example of judicial activism, which I think is blatantly anti-democratic and anti-constitutional.  


3. On the other hand I dearly wish we would pass a constitutional amendment explicitly giving women the right to have an abortion, but that hasn't been possible and will continue to be impossible for the foreseeable future.


4. The Right always finds new and creative ways to shoot itself in the foot. The timing of this ruling couldn't be much worse for them. It also covers the slippery slope of abortion rights with a thick layer of ice by putting the morning after pill and many types of birth control pills in the crosshairs because they're abortifacients. They don't stop the zygote from becoming fertilized, they stop it from adhering to the wall of the uterus. 


5. I wish there was some grand bargain that the Right and the Left would strike that would allow abortions through the first trimester like most European countries.


6. What a mess. 

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13 hours ago, jehurey said:

The basic answer is that if it cannot survive outside the womb, outside of medical equipment.........then its not alive and conscious.


You never fail to come up with the dumbest takes imaginable. 

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12 hours ago, Saucer said:


You never fail to come up with the dumbest takes imaginable. 

No, lately you pretty much resort to lying and misrepresenting information from the very outset of your arguments.......that's how bad your debate skills have deteriorated over the course of just a few years.


Let me know when you can actually argue with adults.


What's even funny is that your post is aligned very closely with what I was saying, but since you're just full of butthurt, you felt like you had to react like as if I was saying something way different that you were (I wasn't).

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