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David Jaffe absolutely rips into Phil Spencer's ass on video

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but I am interested in how Sony actually had a young David Jaffe work on a project that failed, and then still gave him another chance with the right people that eventually led to God of War. Seems like good management can be responsible for taking somebody out of a failing situation and put them together with the right people and create a successful video game in the right situation.

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Fanboy bs aside you can see the professionalism in how Sony has handled their studios, especially from when they really went all on in their own games and less reliant on third party games in the PS3 era. They have it mastered at this point. You see them take studios with rough edges like Guerilla games and right out of the gate they flopped with KIllzone, but with the guidance of Sony they went on to make gems like KZ2 and Horizon. Likewise NIntendo managed to get Eternal Darkness out of silicon knights, and metroid prime out of retro whose games in development were all looking rough at that point. It doesn't seem like rocket science, fill your positions with people with experience who know how to get results and have them help development studios reach their full potential.


Microsoft...with all the money they have releases dud after dud after dud. Not only are they unable to help developers but they have a reputation of ruining previously good studios. Its at the point now where all they can do is spend money to buy outright existing successes like CoD or Bethesda rpgs - because they have been unable to create anything themselves in a long time.


I know a guy who knows a guy who works for a large British healthcare system. I imagine Microsoft is very similar to this healthcare system. So much money being thrown around, seemingly infinite amounts and yet somehow performance gets worse over time and they end up need to keep hiring more and more and more people due to mismanagement of resources. People get into positions they aren't qualified for because their face fits and they say the right things or in most cases they're simply friends with the right people. Then the company suffers for it. Phil Spencer seems like one of these people. almost 10 years in and xbox has been in the worst shape its ever been in - and I say this as someone who has spent 20 years ripping on xbox. The OG xbox was a fucking masterpiece compared to what xbox is now. I wonder if money being too plentiful in these kinds of organizations plays into it, like theres no fire lit under their ass because they know the company will just shrug off any loss and hand out cash to spend like its monopoly money.

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Phil deserves this. The way he’s handling Xbox Studios is nothing short of embarrassing. All through the tail end of last gen they didn’t have any worthwhile releases and everyone thought they were saving the big guns for this gen only for them to reveal Craig in Summer of 2020 and force Halo Shitfinite to get delayed till 2021.


They ended up delaying Halo and launching it in 2021 with content missing. The console is almost 2 years old and since it’s launch it has only had incomplete Halo Shitfinite and Fartza, same old boring shit for the last 2 decades. They can’t come up with new IPs to save their lives. 

In the time it has taken them to launch bullshit Halo Shitfinite which was first revealed in 2018, Sony has launched God of War, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima and TLOU2. Those games are now getting sequels MS is still telling their stupid fanbase to wait for Halo co-op. 

You can’t pay people to be this stupid and incompetent. I don’t even like MS and the shit is embarrassing to me and if I was in charge I’d fire all the execs and bring in some new faces. It’s very clear to me that they have a serious mismanagement problem and anyone who tries to deny this is delusional.

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Phil does deserve this type of criticism, absolutely.  He needs to hear it too, because obviously the people around him aren't giving him it straight.


It's pretty sad when you don't have any announced titles with dates for an entire calendar year... when you're a company that can afford to drop $70B on a publisher...



At this point I'm not even sure replacing Phil would do anything.  I think the entire MS company culture just reinforces this type of management.  They need to bring someone in, put them in charge of a few of the most promising studios, and give that person complete control over those companies to build a different culture.  One where they don't interact with the MS side of it.  As it is, they just get bogged down.  They aren't disciplined enough to manage themselves properly.. their teams need structure and need to execute.  As it seems right now, they are just wasteful don't get shit done under the current management.


I think Jaffe's right and Phil needs to handle certain aspects of the business, but get entirely out of the way and allow someone more qualified to manage the teams.

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I literally do not understand Microsoft's vision and direction with the Xbox brand and that falls squarely Phil Spencer's shoulder.   Imagine if we were all that incompetent at our jobs.... How long would we last?

Edited by lostfool
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It's amazing how much the gaming press has pumped up Phil Dispencer as "one of us", a guy who "gets it", who isn't a suit like the douche Don Mattrick who wanted to turn the Xbox into a TiVo. Under Spencer, Lemmings don't even get that!



Edited by sugarhigh
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21 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

It's amazing how much the gaming press has pumped up Phil Dispencer as "one of us", a guy who "gets it", who isn't a suit like the douche Don Mattrick who wanted to turn the Xbox into a TiVo. Under Spencer, Lemmings don't even get that!



Phil Dispenser :tom: 

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On 2022-05-13 at 9:23 PM, Remij said:


It's pretty sad when you don't have any announced titles with dates for an entire calendar year... when you're a company that can afford to drop $70B on a publisher...



Has that ever happened in the history of videogames? where are console that's not 2 years old has ZERO count em ZERO first party games for an entire calendar year? :monkas:



To make matters, worse lemmings expected a nonstop onslaught of games from MS by now because of all the studios they bought.  So far they have nothing tangible to show for it.   


The games will eventually come, but the question is.. How good with they be. 

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38 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Has that ever happened in the history of videogames? where are console that's not 2 years old has ZERO count em ZERO first party games for an entire calendar year? :monkas:



To make matters, worse lemmings expected a nonstop onslaught of games from MS by now because of all the studios they bought.  So far they have nothing tangible to show for it.   


The games will eventually come, but the question is.. How good with they be. 

Not that I can think of.  I mean,  sure they have an upcoming event in which they could announce something that releases this year (probably Forza Motorsport) but as it stands right now.. they actually have NOTHING slated for 2022.  Nothing AAA.  That's pathetic indeed.


And yea, you would think that by now they would have a steady stream of first party games hitting consistently.  I was sure that after Halo and FH5, things would be falling into place for their other studios to follow up on a timely basis because many of these games in development have been so for years.  That was kinda the point of buying all those new studios...


Who knows?  I'm getting tired of hearing about delays and development issues, as well as their excuses and calls for understanding.  Also getting tired of Phil always saying they're hearing the feedback... and yet repeating the same mistakes over and over again.


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14 hours ago, Remij said:

Not that I can think of.  I mean,  sure they have an upcoming event in which they could announce something that releases this year (probably Forza Motorsport) but as it stands right now.. they actually have NOTHING slated for 2022.  Nothing AAA.  That's pathetic indeed.


And yea, you would think that by now they would have a steady stream of first party games hitting consistently.  I was sure that after Halo and FH5, things would be falling into place for their other studios to follow up on a timely basis because many of these games in development have been so for years.  That was kinda the point of buying all those new studios...


Who knows?  I'm getting tired of hearing about delays and development issues, as well as their excuses and calls for understanding.  Also getting tired of Phil always saying they're hearing the feedback... and yet repeating the same mistakes over and over again.



You say that now until the show comes and they promise stuff then you're back like :adhd:believing they will deliver.. Again and again and again. 

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8 hours ago, Goukosan said:


You say that now until the show comes and they promise stuff then you're back like :adhd:believing they will deliver.. Again and again and again. 

They fall for it everytime and the cycle continues. It’s been like this since the XB1 which was a decade ago. People like Lemij are why Phil still has a job :hest:

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22 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

They fall for it everytime and the cycle continues. It’s been like this since the XB1 which was a decade ago. People like Lemij are why Phil still has a job :hest:


I do give Phil more benefit of the doubt than he deserves.. but I'll tell you exactly why I do that.  It's because he's single handedly responsible for saving Xbox, and for bringing their games to PC.  When that happened, I was like ok, he's bringing MS back to PC gaming.. good shit.  He started bringing over the games, which was great.. and as a PC gamer, him failing on his promises, didn't really affect me as it would have an Xbox gamer.. because I only game on PC, and there's always a metric shit ton of awesome PC games releasing.  So then Phil started buying studios.  Ok this is great!  More content to come, and it's all coming to PC, perfect.  Gears, Halo, Forza... awesome, I love those games.  But of course I understand that for a company like MS, it all takes time.  But it at least things were moving in a positive direction.


So I like Phil Spencer.  I think he's a good guy, I think he did what he had to do to save MS.  But despite doing some good work, it seems the same studios still have the same troubles, and they're falling back on the same shit again.  As much as I defend them.. I'm pretty sure I've always admitted that.  When I actually see some new stuff from them that I think looks promising I do get excited, because I want to believe things are turning around.  So while I might get excited again, it doesn't mean that I don't still believe or agree that Phil needs to step aside and let someone better manage those companies.


I don't really lose anything by getting excited for Xbox games.  As I said I play on PC.. it doesn't really affect me like it might a lemming.

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13 minutes ago, Remij said:


I do give Phil more benefit of the doubt than he deserves.. but I'll tell you exactly why I do that.  It's because he's single handedly responsible for saving Xbox, and for bringing their games to PC.  When that happened, I was like ok, he's bringing MS back to PC gaming.. good shit.  He started bringing over the games, which was great.. and as a PC gamer, him failing on his promises, didn't really affect me as it would have an Xbox gamer.. because I only game on PC, and there's always a metric shit ton of awesome PC games releasing.  So then Phil started buying studios.  Ok this is great!  More content to come, and it's all coming to PC, perfect.  Gears, Halo, Forza... awesome, I love those games.  But of course I understand that for a company like MS, it all takes time.  But it at least things were moving in a positive direction.


So I like Phil Spencer.  I think he's a good guy, I think he did what he had to do to save MS.  But despite doing some good work, it seems the same studios still have the same troubles, and they're falling back on the same shit again.  As much as I defend them.. I'm pretty sure I've always admitted that.  When I actually see some new stuff from them that I think looks promising I do get excited, because I want to believe things are turning around.  So while I might get excited again, it doesn't mean that I don't still believe or agree that Phil needs to step aside and let someone better manage those companies.


I don't really lose anything by getting excited for Xbox games.  As I said I play on PC.. it doesn't really affect me like it might a lemming.

I honestly like Phil too. I think he’s probably a good guy in real life but yea he’s terrible at managing these studios and he definitely needs to be replaced.


Well, I can see where you’re coming from since I’m also a PC gamer myself that benefits from MS games coming to PC. I just wish people would be more critical of him in terms of the quality he’s bringing to the table.



Yea Forza is cool and Halo and Gears are fun although both are in a downward spiral as of late. I honestly don’t know why he’s so bad at creating new IPs. He gets the funding and has the resources to buy entire publishers but creating IPs from scratch is such an impossible task for him.


He definitely needs to go. Sony and Nintendo don’t have anywhere close to the amount of money and resources Phil has and they release a steady stream of new IPs and don’t get caught with their pants down when their tent pole franchises get delayed the same MS does.


I don’t like the way people forget about Phil being incompetent at his job the moment he announces that he’s buying new studios or the moment a third party game comes to GP. That shit needs to end, you all can’t keep falling for his tricks over and over again. He does that shit to deflect from the fact he’s bad at his main job which is making quality first party content.


I’m glad I’m seeing some honesty though with this latest setback from MS. I’ve seen a lot of lemmings who were otherwise okay with Phil come out to criticize his approach. Hopefully this is the start of some good change at Xbox because the brand definitely deserves better than Phil running it. Xbox could be so much better if it had competent people in charge.

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"I like Phil Spencer.  I think he's a good guy"


Man fuck this. These are all company men. First, it's pathetic to assess them based on whether they're "good people". Have some self-respect. Second, all that matters is how they manage the production pipelines. Shawn Layton seemed like a bad combination of awkward nerd and corporate fart-sniffer, but he oversaw a strong period for Playstation hardware and software. I don't need to imagine him as my friend.

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On 2022-05-16 at 3:40 PM, sugarhigh said:

"I like Phil Spencer.  I think he's a good guy"


Man fuck this. These are all company men. First, it's pathetic to assess them based on whether they're "good people". Have some self-respect. Second, all that matters is how they manage the production pipelines. Shawn Layton seemed like a bad combination of awkward nerd and corporate fart-sniffer, but he oversaw a strong period for Playstation hardware and software. I don't need to imagine him as my friend.

Agreed, this is retarded. Whatever effect Phil has on these people is likely what keeps him in a job, he walks into the room, flashes a big smile, politely introduces himself and the microsoft big wigs are like " I like him, he's a good guy" then Phil finds himself promoted to jobs he is completely unqualified for.


He's a sleazeball and a liar. Microsoft has a habit of attracting the used car salesmen types. Fuck all of them.

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