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Jeff G leaving Giantbomb

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9 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Holy shit, he started a patreon and its already up to 4,101 subscribers paying a minimum of $5/month. That's $20K a month and its not even taking into consideration people who subscribed to the $10 and $20 tiers. 


If you're somewhat well known on the internet there's pretty much no reason not to go this route.

the thing is that giant bomb is TRYING to cover all types of games, and they even tried to introduce their own encyclopedia database of all games.


that shit is useless now.


the type of games that Gerstmann is interested in, is usually the type of games that people over 30 are wanting to play.


why would I go to Gerstmann for what's going on in the world of Fortnite, or some other free-to-play thing that young kids are into? That's not his wheelhouse.


His strength are the traditional AAA games from major studios, and picking out the best indie games from talented developers that probably used to work for a major studio. He has alot of knowledge and credibility in that area, and should just stick to that.


Also, at the end of his podcast, he was getting a bit emotional, and was basically saying that he was getting so stressed that it was affecting his behavior whenever it got back home. Almost insinuating that he was taking it out on his family, and he didn't like being like that anymore.

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59 minutes ago, jehurey said:

the thing is that giant bomb is TRYING to cover all types of games, and they even tried to introduce their own encyclopedia database of all games.


that shit is useless now.


the type of games that Gerstmann is interested in, is usually the type of games that people over 30 are wanting to play.


why would I go to Gerstmann for what's going on in the world of Fortnite, or some other free-to-play thing that young kids are into? That's not his wheelhouse.


His strength are the traditional AAA games from major studios, and picking out the best indie games from talented developers that probably used to work for a major studio. He has alot of knowledge and credibility in that area, and should just stick to that.


Also, at the end of his podcast, he was getting a bit emotional, and was basically saying that he was getting so stressed that it was affecting his behavior whenever it got back home. Almost insinuating that he was taking it out on his family, and he didn't like being like that anymore.

Taking video games out on his family? SMH…

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

the thing is that giant bomb is TRYING to cover all types of games, and they even tried to introduce their own encyclopedia database of all games.


that shit is useless now.


the type of games that Gerstmann is interested in, is usually the type of games that people over 30 are wanting to play.


why would I go to Gerstmann for what's going on in the world of Fortnite, or some other free-to-play thing that young kids are into? That's not his wheelhouse.


His strength are the traditional AAA games from major studios, and picking out the best indie games from talented developers that probably used to work for a major studio. He has alot of knowledge and credibility in that area, and should just stick to that.


Also, at the end of his podcast, he was getting a bit emotional, and was basically saying that he was getting so stressed that it was affecting his behavior whenever it got back home. Almost insinuating that he was taking it out on his family, and he didn't like being like that anymore.


Vinny actually said a similar thing when he left about how he was overworked. But I don't understand how thats the case when they've been putting out such little content lately. Even when they're not planning new shows they go entire days without posting anything.

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6 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

The shakeup is definitely a good thing so far. The amount of content they've put out in the last few days (including over the weekend) is basically as much as they would usually post in a 1-2 week timeframe.

Well I mean... they're probably actually putting in effort now because they're literally trying to get something new off the ground lol



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  • 4 months later...
1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

interesting twist to this but Jeff confirmed on a recent stream that he was actually fired. DId not expect that.

Could be that his contract had a pay rate so high, that they wouldn't want to renew him at the same rate. So they let his contract expire.


I wonder if that classifies as being fired.


Or, the contract comes with an option to continue, but that option is left to the employer, and they decided they didn't want to do that. Therefore, not picking up the option counts as "being fired."


I get the impression that all four of them, Jeff, Brad, Vinny, Alex, negotiated contracts extensions before Giantbomb got sold to Red Venture back in 2020.


Jeff's contract was the longest. And whenever their contracts are up, their new employer doesn't want to pay them at the same rate, so they bolt or simply let their contracts expire.

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been digging the game boys to men series. some cool stories about the gaming business through the years.


seems like the new direction is paying off for him...still at 5500 patreons. pushing 25k a month even if we assume those are all the lowest tier, and that's before twitch subs and whatever else he's monetizing.

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2 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

The new show is occasionally interesting but really has no energy. Dude needs a producer and a co-host.

The whole "video game podcast that's 3 hours long" needs to end.


Fuck, make two podcasts a week that are 60-90 minutes long.

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21 minutes ago, jehurey said:

The whole "video game podcast that's 3 hours long" needs to end.


Fuck, make two podcasts a week that are 60-90 minutes long.

Kinda Funny is killing the game right now, respect to them. DLC is still pretty good, tho I find their style a little fake/poptimist. Jeff's SNL+CIA liberalism is grating when it comes through.

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