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Season 1 of BF2042 is off to a good start

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So the season 1 trailer is actually false advertising


The trailer shows bigger battles involving multiple air attack vehicles (Choppers & jets) but the latest patch caps the amount of those vehicles to 1 per team (even in 128 player matches).


DICE just can't stop fucking up. Between this and removing 128 player breakthrough, the game is actually getting smaller and less epic over time.

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Season officially started so I hop into the game and immediately get hit by a connection error after launching it. I look on twitter and literally everyone else is getting that same error and unable to play


This would have been funny months ago but now its hard to even laugh at this incompetence anymore.

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Was able to play a few matches. The new map is actually really good, it might be better than all of the base ones. There’s a lot of variety to the battles/locales. You can choose to focus on the inside of the facility if you want intense close quarters infantry battles, or you can focus on the open ended bases which run alongside the top of the maintain and the bottom. There’s always transport choppers flying around and people parachuting off the peak, so the chaos and verticality reminds of the fantastic damavand peak from BF3. 

The battle pass items are mostly cosmetics that aren’t too exciting, but the progression seems well thought out and the weekly missions have a decent carrot on a stick feel to them. 

it’s impossible to overlook the lack of content (especially when this season was delayed for a whole 5 months) but the game is in the best state it’s been in since launch, so that’s something at least.


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