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Jan 6th Committee public hearing official thread.

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Quite strange that fox isn't covering this..... Oh wait... Their own "news" anchors are implicated in this as the txt messages show, no wonder they aren't covering it... Hmm fair and balanced indeed. 




Day 1 of the public hearing showed that early on, Trump and his team was well aware that they lost the election but still pushed the lie that the election was stolen. 





Trump's attorney General Bill Bar saying as much plain as day.



Trump's own daughter saying as much. 





Trump's own senior campaign manager saying as much. 




In the weeks after Jan 6th happened... Several Republicans in congress contacted the Whitehouse requesting pardons for their roles in trying to overturn the election. 





And this was just day 1:leo:

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No one is surprised that you listen to that dweeb 

Unironically posting Fox News

i've yet to see you make any claim as simple and observationally correct as "the sky is blue"    

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So Wait a minute.


Just on Day One..........just today.........we have pre-recorded video of Trump's own US Attorney General, in no uncertain terms, make it clear to the rest of Donald Trump's White House staff that there was NO ELECTION FRAUD.




None of Trump's about election fraud were remotely true, or had any merit. William Barr specifically said that those claims were "bullshit."


So in other words, everything that Trump and Trump's people were doing, were with the full knowledge that they had ALREADY BEEN TOLD BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL that they clearly lost the election, and there was no fraud...........and Joe Biden was the apparent winner.


So in other words.......they knew they were criminally trying to overturn an election result.


And the people in Congress that were trying to help them even KNEW it was CRIMINAL.......that they were already asking for pardons?


Which is clear sign that they know what they are doing is wrong.

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Potatoes are food. All humans eventually die. Crops require water. Some farmers have drought problems. Trump eats potatoes and drinks water. Therefore, Trump wants you to die.

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15 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Next up for the committee, the fake elector plot and how it ties into Jan 6th.


Look at these crooks squirm :sabu:


Just look at the two righties in here just babbling about nonsense. They are endorsing this violence by saying nothing. :shake: 

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1 hour ago, Saucer said:

The funny part about this Soviet show trial is that it helps De Santos win the '24 nom. 


The Democrats' monkey paw curls another finger. :biggrin:

It's not a trial dumbass. They are literally releasing the facts of a year and half long investigation. But yeah keep sucking fetal alcohol DeSantis dick. :tom: 

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23 minutes ago, Ike said:

It's not a trial dumbass. They are literally releasing the facts of a year and half long investigation. But yeah keep sucking fetal alcohol DeSantis dick. :tom: 

yeah, he's like the idiot who tries to recite history, and does it incorrectly and hopes nobody notices.


hell, the guy in the "how you like them apples" scene in Good Will Hunting, as predictable as he was, would run circles around Ol' Saucey.

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Damn, the right is so scared of the Jan 6th hearings they didn't even have a commercial break during Tucker Carlson and their homepage is full of nonsense. :omglol: 

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19 minutes ago, Ike said:



No wonder they were so quiet. Fox was totally complicit in trying to overthrow democracy. :D 


Fox fired him because he approved the call of Arizona for Biden. 


They literally fired him for reporting the news. 


Meanwhile Hannity and Laura Ingraham are employed after they help spread the election lie, downplay Jan 6th and be the Literal propaganda wing of the Trump white house as seen by the text messages that were released. 

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Trump's inner circle admits to the Jan. 6 committee: He lost the election, but wanted to overturn it

The panel aired never-before-seen footage of the deadly insurrection and statements from people in the mob saying they came to D.C. at Trump's urging.


So now, all the people inside the White House and Trump's administration are admitting, under oath, that they were all aware that Trump had lost the election.

And that Trump himself was plainly aware that he had lost. And that he clearly wanted to plan and act on attempting to overturn the election, which includes targeting the American government in an illegal manner to achieve this.




‘Coordinated and Planned’: Proud Boys Ran Recon at Capitol Hours Before Jan. 6 Attack


Documentarian Nick Quested revealed on Thursday that the militia group cased the Capitol on the morning of the insurrection




Also, Gen. Mark Milley confirmed that it was Vice President Pence who called in the National Guard............and nobody from the White House, including Trump.


Mark Meadows then tried to tell Milley to not reveal that information, because "the narrative must always be that the White House is the one making all the decisions."


Mike Pence literally went beyond Trump to issue to order, to help protect himself.


And, supposedly Pence was aware that this was an attempt to try and scare Pence to run away from the Capitol building so that he could not perform his duty in confirming the election results.  So, as some security people were trying to get Pence to get out of there, Pence was angry and actually saying that he wasn't going to be pressured to leave, and was going to fulfill his duty.


So Pence clearly knows what Trump was trying to do.

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7 hours ago, Goukosan said:

New footage released to the public, including body cam from the capitol police. 


When the left doesn't get their way they respond with violence and intimidation.  Yiiikes:holeup:




Literally the softest riot I ever seen from the US. Cops being pushed by a crowd, like in literally every riot I've ever seen only difference here is the cops are overwhelmed and unprepared for once.


Some windows and fences are being broken and you have politicians running scared shitless. People marching in the capitol and chanting. Wow, those are the extremely violent insurrectionists? Damn, we don't have the same insurrections we used to.

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4 hours ago, Ike said:

Damn, the right is so scared of the Jan 6th hearings they didn't even have a commercial break during Tucker Carlson and their homepage is full of nonsense. :omglol: 


Millions of people still tuned in despite Fox's best effort to distract them. 



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Holy shit, 20 million viewers?


Trump's never achieved those types of ratings.


And the thing is just barely getting started, and I didn't even realize that the first day of public hearings was coming up this week.

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18 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So people are getting banned on Truth Social for posting about Jan 6 hearings Lmfao. Also you're not allowed to make fun of Trump on there either? Wasn't this about free speech? 



Lmao, wow. They want their own echo chamber and for Trump specifically. I'm glad I never made an account there. 

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