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Jan 6th Committee public hearing official thread.

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Life comes at you fast. 


On June 4th, 2022 GOP senator made this claim. 




And now today, the video was released of him giving the same "tour"  he claimed he didn't give:drake:




Mind you the capitol was closed to the public for tours... Yet somehow people who stormed them capital were given private tours by GOP members of congress on Jan 5th, one day before the insurrection.



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No one is surprised that you listen to that dweeb 

Unironically posting Fox News

i've yet to see you make any claim as simple and observationally correct as "the sky is blue"    

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13 hours ago, Twinblade said:

This whole charade is pretty much the definition of grasping for straws. Liberals really think this is somehow going to turn the upcoming elections in their favor.

Yes, nearly everyone in Trump's circle admitting that he has been lying for nearly two years about the election results, raising hundreds of millions of dollars, and causing a riot at the capitol where people died, is a nothing burger. 


You are fucking slime. 


Trump should be spending the rest of his life in court paying damages to people hurt on January 6th as well as damages and also for raising hundreds of millions of dollars based on lies. 


I don't know how much cuck DNA a person needs to look at all of this and think nothing of it. I mean unless it was a Democrat then you would be saying the complete opposite since you are such a piece of shit. 



Edited by Mr. Impossible
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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, nearly everyone in Trump's circle admitting that he has been lying for nearly two years about the election results, raising hundreds of millions of dollars, and causing a riot at the capitol where people died, is a nothing burger. 


You are fucking slime. 


Trump should be spending the rest of his life in court paying damages to people hurt on January 6th as well as damages and also for raising hundreds of millions of dollars based on lies. 


I don't know how much cuck DNA a person needs to look at all of this and think nothing of it. I mean unless it was a Democrat then you would be saying the complete opposite since you are such a piece of shit. 



And what about BLM? Did they ever pay for the billions in damage caused by the riots they encouraged and supported? And did they pay damages for the families of countless black people killed in cities that defunded their police departments? If only you put as much effort into actual issues instead of January 6th which had almost no effect on the average American and their livelihoods.

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10 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

And what about BLM? Did they ever pay for the billions in damage caused by the riots they encouraged and supported? And did they pay damages for the families of countless black people killed in cities that defunded their police departments? If only you put as much effort into actual issues instead of January 6th which had almost no effect on the average American and their livelihoods.

First of all retard, you don't know anything about any issues. You never talk about issues. All you do is post reactionary bullshit you see the idiots you follow say. Nigga we see you getting dunked on EVERYTIME you try to argue issues so what are you even talking about? 


Secondly, Has BLM been posting proven lies in order to raise money designated for a specific purpose? I'm sure there's definitely some impropriety by BLM "members" but it's also open source which makes it harder to cite than a centralized organization like let's say the NRA. 


Anyone scamming money under the guise of BLM absolutely should be held accountable. This is how fucking twisted your mind is. You only care about people you don't like being held responsible. You hate BLM and blame them for every issue in the world outside of COVID but still simp for Trump. Like that says VOLUMES for the type of person you are. 


As much as you hate Trump supporters, even more than I hate Trump, I feel people who sent him money or even stormed the capital should sue him and he actually owes them compensation for he's done. 


Never has one man destroyed so many lives and careers and just walks around like nothing happened because of boot locking cowards like yourself cucking for him. You're the type of nigga who helps hold someone down while others assault them because you are too much of a coward to do stand up and do the right thing. 


He's still actively trying to ruin Republican politician careers who won't say out loud he won the election when he didn't. 

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

And what about BLM? Did they ever pay for the billions in damage caused by the riots they encouraged and supported? And did they pay damages for the families of countless black people killed in cities that defunded their police departments? If only you put as much effort into actual issues instead of January 6th which had almost no effect on the average American and their livelihoods.


BLM protesters that broke the law were prosecuted. 


Which cities defunded their police department? Biden passed a bill that funded millions to police departments across the country.  Every single republican voted against it.  :umad:


Trump defrauded the American people to the tune of a quarter billion with his election fund. 


Plotted to overthrow the government and subvert and election. 


His children and Son in law got billions in Chinese patents and shady money from the Saudis while serving in his cabinet. 


And his corruption goes on and on and on. 


Every American deserves to know how corrupt he is, the Jan 6th Committee is bringing this stuff to the forefront. 


On the other hand, you would have no problems if his plot to steal the election worked...Disgusting. 

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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, nearly everyone in Trump's circle admitting that he has been lying for nearly two years about the election results, raising hundreds of millions of dollars, and causing a riot at the capitol where people died, is a nothing burger. 


You are fucking slime. 


Trump should be spending the rest of his life in court paying damages to people hurt on January 6th as well as damages and also for raising hundreds of millions of dollars based on lies. 


I don't know how much cuck DNA a person needs to look at all of this and think nothing of it. I mean unless it was a Democrat then you would be saying the complete opposite since you are such a piece of shit. 




Twinblade is a Cuck-servative through and through.  Trump's number 1 simp. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You defend Trump daily. You have just kept your bitch mouth quiet this week because of this "sham" as you think it is. 


Again, nobody defended Trump's personality in this thread. Most of his supporters would agree that he's very flawed character who has done some shady stuff.


But that doesn't change the fact that his policies worked, and continuing to bitch about something that happened 1 1/2 years ago now isn't going to change that. The country was safer, more secure, and more economically prosperous under the Trump administration whether you liked him or not.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


Again, nobody defended Trump's personality in this thread.

So that means you were defending his actions..........which are crimes.


That's even worse.

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4 hours ago, jehurey said:

So that means you were defending his actions..........which are crimes.


That's even worse.


When are the democrats going to un-fuck the economy jerry? Thats what myself and most other Americans are worried about, not a protest that got out of hand almost 2 years ago. There's a reason the ratings plummeted after the first hearing. People tuned in out of curiosity and dropped out when they realized they didn't care about what Trump did or didn't do 2 years ago. Maybe all this time and resources should have been spent on figuring out how to lower gas prices and inflation so we're not paying out of our asses for basic necessities, just a thought.

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5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


When are the democrats going to un-fuck the economy jerry?

Nope, you're not changing the subject.


Not to mention that I already gave you warning of a recesssion back in 2019 and 2020?


Remember when I posted about the Treasury Bond 10-year yield dipping below the 2-year yield?


Remember when I said that Caterpillar, a company that is known as a bellwether stock to determine the state of the economy, was reporting that they were going to see a downturn in their business?


Here are the posts:



sorry, you're not going to pretend to be stupid and try and place the blame on the recession on Biden.


Anybody who has been paying attention knows this happened under Trump.












That's the entire point that we are trying to tell you.  You condone the things Trump has done.


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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Again, nobody defended Trump's personality in this thread. Most of his supporters would agree that he's very flawed character who has done some shady stuff.


But that doesn't change the fact that his policies worked, and continuing to bitch about something that happened 1 1/2 years ago now isn't going to change that. The country was safer, more secure, and more economically prosperous under the Trump administration whether you liked him or not.

Lol you're not intellectually equipped to have an actual discussion about the economy or pretty much any else but whatevs. You're intellectual curiosity ends at the headline footer. 


To make things worse when you are eventually proven wrong you just shrug it off then lie and/or just make something up. 

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That Rusty Bowers Testimony :whew:


Another lifelong republican, Rusty Bowers the Republican speaker of the house in Arizona just testified under oath that Trump and his team were directly involved in the fake elector plot.  


Juliani literally told the man "we have lote of theories but no evidence".......  Rusty Bowers responded by saying " I don't want to win by cheating" :salute:



What's great about this Jan 6th Committee is that the majority of the witnesses are Republicans who voted for Trump and or Republicans from Trump's own teams. 

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So they had to delay the Jan 6th hearings, because they have received a "deluge of evidence" that most of them think is the complete unedited documentary of this filmmaker who was recording everything inside the White House on the day of January 6th.


It comes as a complete surprise, that when journalists were contacting members of Trump's White House team, they literally acted as if they were completely unaware that there was somebody recording them.


They didn't know that guy was a documentary filmmaker, and that Trump had given him permission to track and record.

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