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Ben Shapiro's transphobic wing-man wants to cancel Fox News.

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Fox actually produces something not horrible and of course people on the right literally boast they need to be cancelled for showing them something they dont want to acknowledge. Because the news should only tell you what you want to hear lol. 


The irony for all of Walsh's gay and trans bashing I wouldn't trust him alone with my worst enemy's children. 





lol This guy looks like a fucking pedophile sociopath and constantly whining about "groomers". 

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12 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Come on cooke, remy isn't a biologist. He obviously can't answer that.


I know trans people are just punchlines and villains to you insecure little bitches but if someone transitions and they identify as a woman, I will address them and consider them a woman. 


It cost me nothing and can help to filter harm down the line. I don't get upset seeing queer people on TV or bent out of shape some softcore porn game might not be on steam. 

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7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I know trans people are just punchlines and villains to you insecure little bitches but if someone transitions and they identify as a woman, I will address them and consider them a woman. 


It cost me nothing and can help to filter harm down the line. I don't get upset seeing queer people on TV or bent out of shape some softcore porn game might not be on steam. 

The noble lie 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, we know how "honest" you and Twinblade are. Funny how that selective honesty aligns solely with your biases. 

What am I lying about Remy? 

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Lol at calling Matt Walsh, a married man with I believe two kids of his own, a pedophile. 


First off, Matt Walsh ''cancel'' something every show he makes, that's his gimmick he borrowed from the left. It's not an actual outrage or anything out of the ordinary for him.


I saw Matt Walsh episode on this and he's right that some of this shit is/can be dangerous, the parents in question said their girl had already decided she wanted to be a boy before she could even speak. Why? Because she didn't like wearing dresses. 


I'm glad I wasn't raised by woke parents like you see today, because when they'd realized I didn't like playing with Tonka toy cars like the other boys they would have dressed me up in a pink dress or something. 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Lol at calling Matt Walsh, a married man with I believe two kids of his own, a pedophile. 


So this is what I mean about your pathetic biases. You're now claiming that married man with kids can't be a pedophile. I guess every occurrence of parents molesting their children or other children is a lie then. But you think all gay and trans people are potential predators. It's easy to think you're clever when your so narrow minded only your own personal view makes sense. This is possibly the dumbest statement I've ever seen. 


3 hours ago, Ramza said:

First off, Matt Walsh ''cancel'' something every show he makes, that's his gimmick he borrowed from the left. It's not an actual outrage or anything out of the ordinary for him.


I saw Matt Walsh episode on this and he's right that some of this shit is/can be dangerous, the parents in question said their girl had already decided she wanted to be a boy before she could even speak. Why? Because she didn't like wearing dresses. 


Allowing kids to play sports can be dangerous. Letting your kids go to church can be dangerous. Letting your kid be a scout can be dangerous. Parents shutting down their kids who express sexuality "confusion" is usually more dangerous than less. Again, I have many trans friends and aquntainces and working with LGBTQ organizations it comes to light than more than half have bad relationships with their family over their queerness. It should warm your heart to know there are more parents who are willing to throw their kids out on the street than be cool with them transitioning. That is your utopia I'm sure. 


3 hours ago, Ramza said:

I'm glad I wasn't raised by woke parents like you see today, because when they'd realized I didn't like playing with Tonka toy cars like the other boys they would have dressed me up in a pink dress or something. 


It's impressive you manage to just keep the stupid shit coming. Remember when I said you can only see the world through your own eyes. 

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On 2022-06-16 at 10:01 PM, Cooke said:

What is a woman Remy?


Cooke and his ilk aren't accepted by the right, yet he keeps their dick in his mouth :fag:



Log cabin republicans like Cooke have been raped :drake:

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On 2022-06-18 at 6:43 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


So this is what I mean about your pathetic biases. You're now claiming that married man with kids can't be a pedophile. I guess every occurrence of parents molesting their children or other children is a lie then. But you think all gay and trans people are potential predators. It's easy to think you're clever when your so narrow minded only your own personal view makes sense. This is possibly the dumbest statement I've ever seen. 



Allowing kids to play sports can be dangerous. Letting your kids go to church can be dangerous.

Again, I have many trans friends and aquntainces and working with LGBTQ organizations it comes to light than more than half have bad relationships with their family over their queerness. It should warm your heart to know there are more parents who are willing to throw their kids out on the street than be cool with them transitioning. That is your utopia I'm sure. 



It's impressive you manage to just keep the stupid shit coming. Remember when I said you can only see the world through your own eyes. 

No shit sherlock, some people who have kids and are married can turn out to be psychopaths. Thanks for the invaluable lesson. Wow.


The truth is this is just you reaching the bottom of the barrel and doing some sort of reverse psychology insult about him because you know he's trying to protect kids away from LGBTQ trans agenda influence. You're just being dishonest, as usual.


At least call him a prude, religious bigot, something that's probably closer to home, anything but some baseless accusation about what appear to be a well adjusted man, who loves his children (brings them up all the time), praises strong family values and marriage is most likely not a closet pedophile or a child abuser. I'm sorry to make this conclusion, nothing here makes me go ''yep, this guy is a pedophile''. Shut up.


On 2022-06-18 at 6:43 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

Parents shutting down their kids who express sexuality "confusion" is usually more dangerous than less.

You have anything to back that up, because I keep hearing differently? A lot of suicides about ten years after transition. It goes beyond suicides as well, it usually bring also a lot of medical complications after surgery, which can be really bad and life threatening. 


The suicide rate is high either way. Damned if you do, damned if you don't? 





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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

No shit sherlock, some people who have kids and are married can turn out to be psychopaths. Thanks for the invaluable lesson. Wow.


You LITERALLY asked how a married man with kids could be a pedophile. Now that you realize how stupid your gut reaction was you're trying to spin this on me like I'm being obtuse or something. You being inability to accept when you're wrong is pretty telling. Again, like a child. 



The truth is this is just you reaching the bottom of the barrel and doing some sort of reverse psychology insult about him because you know he's trying to protect kids away from LGBTQ trans agenda influence. You're just being dishonest, as usual.


There you go again proving what you really think. You can't pretend you're not a homophobe/transphobe when every single comment you make paints them in the worst light possible. What exactly are you saying they need to be "protected" from. How is acknowledging that gay people exist some threat to children? Guess what? every living gay person was a child at some point. If you want to pretend to be a reasonable person, you should start be rationing out reasonable world views every so often. You can't even pretend to consider their humanity at even a base level. Their mere existence is the confuse and recruit kids into deviancy in your mind. 



At least call him a prude, religious bigot, something that's probably closer to home, anything but some baseless accusation about what appear to be a well adjusted man, who loves his children (brings them up all the time), praises strong family values and marriage is most likely not a closet pedophile or a child abuser. I'm sorry to make this conclusion, nothing here makes me go ''yep, this guy is a pedophile''. Shut up.


I said he looks like a pedophile and he does. So does John Waters and he's someone I respect. lol at how sad you are I made fun of fucking Matt "human lint" Walsh. The truth is he's a miserable asshole who believes in social caste systems and wants to reinforce  legacy tribalism. The ultimate goal here is to keep the LGBTQ community in the closet and socially unacceptable. He makes content for people like you.


Outside of policy or proposed curriculum, it's they dont want gay/trans people to be humanized and accepted. They want people afraid the LGBTQ community is out to brainwash their kids. 


Also the entire right media are embracing just being assholes. There's not actual political movements. Nothing for the environment, nothing for healthcare, nothing about gun violence, nothing about energy independence, the right doesn't even have plans for infrastructure outside of privatization. It's why MAGA gen officials only care about getting retweets and making public statements and are incapable of doing their actual jobs. 


Boebert just announced she's drafting papers of impeachment for Biden...again. Not that the proceedure has any shot in hell of going any further than an office envelope,  but so she can tell people she did it. 



You have anything to back that up, because I keep hearing differently? A lot of suicides about ten years after transition. It goes beyond suicides as well, it usually bring also a lot of medical complications after surgery, which can be really bad and life threatening. 


The suicide rate is high either way. Damned if you do, damned if you don't? 



Sure, it's called googledotcom. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


You LITERALLY asked how a married man with kids could be a pedophile. Now that you realize how stupid your gut reaction was you're trying to spin this on me like I'm being obtuse or something. You being inability to accept when you're wrong is pretty telling. Again, like a child. 



There you go again proving what you really think. You can't pretend you're not a homophobe/transphobe when every single comment you make paints them in the worst light possible. What exactly are you saying they need to be "protected" from. How is acknowledging that gay people exist some threat to children? Guess what? every living gay person was a child at some point. If you want to pretend to be a reasonable person, you should start be rationing out reasonable world views every so often. You can't even pretend to consider their humanity at even a base level. Their mere existence is the confuse and recruit kids into deviancy in your mind. 



I said he looks like a pedophile and he does. So does John Waters and he's someone I respect. lol at how sad you are I made fun of fucking Matt "human lint" Walsh. The truth is he's a miserable asshole who believes in social caste systems and wants to reinforce  legacy tribalism. The ultimate goal here is to keep the LGBTQ community in the closet and socially unacceptable. He makes content for people like you.


Outside of policy or proposed curriculum, it's they dont want gay/trans people to be humanized and accepted. They want people afraid the LGBTQ community is out to brainwash their kids. 


Also the entire right media are embracing just being assholes. There's not actual political movements. Nothing for the environment, nothing for healthcare, nothing about gun violence, nothing about energy independence, the right doesn't even have plans for infrastructure outside of privatization. It's why MAGA gen officials only care about getting retweets and making public statements and are incapable of doing their actual jobs. 


Boebert just announced she's drafting papers of impeachment for Biden...again. Not that the proceedure has any shot in hell of going any further than an office envelope,  but so she can tell people she did it. 



Sure, it's called googledotcom. 

No retard, it's in the second paragraph. You randomly accuse a man of pedophilia with no logical reason behind it. Shut the fuck up.


And we're back to '' you're homophobe.'' Because I don't think a toddler has the maturity or mental capacity to choose it's gender identity. Jesus christ. :rofl: 


And we're back to ''conservatives are worst and have no plans'', all the while the Biden democrat administration has been a mitigated disaster since day one. Do you guys even realize your silly tears has no bearing on reality? Dems are going to get destroyed next-election.


Of course you have no interest in backing up what you say with facts.

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This is basically Pampers reaction to criticisms. :rofl:




''I don't want to hear any more of these lies about drag queens in school and trans athletes in women sports. We're changing people lives.'' :rofl: 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

No retard, it's in the second paragraph. You randomly accuse a man of pedophilia with no logical reason behind it. Shut the fuck up.



Lol at calling Matt Walsh, a married man with I believe two kids of his own, a pedophile. 


You specifically mentioned being married with kids as your reasoning. I admit it was a petty and baseless insult but and anyone would be right to call it that but if I were to call RuPaul one in the same situation you wouldn't have a problem with it. You've been defiantly calling teachers groomers left and right for weeks now but how dare I insult the great Matt Walsh. 



And we're back to '' you're homophobe.'' Because I don't think a toddler has the maturity or mental capacity to choose it's gender identity. Jesus christ. :rofl: 


No, that's a perfectly logical way to feel. I'm not saying this because of that. In every scenario, you paint trans people as predators or scammers looking to take advantage of either women or children. You never give them any humanity or consider it as people looking to be accepted or understood. 



And we're back to ''conservatives are worst and have no plans'', all the while the Biden democrat administration has been a mitigated disaster since day one.


Yes, back to reality. I've been a broken record for years about this but I noticed not one of you here or anywhere else ever actually presents anything contrary to what I am saying. If you want to prove me wrong, then prove me wrong. Whining about me saying it and bringing up Biden, A person I didnt even want to run for President isn't a rebuttal. Post their plans or proposals.



Do you guys even realize your silly tears has no bearing on reality? Dems are going to get destroyed next-election.


Great forecast. A controlling party doing poorly in the midterms never happens...wait it happens almost every single time. 




Of course you have no interest in backing up what you say with facts.


Have you EVER posted any facts? You can disagree with me all day but fuck you, fuck cooke, fuck twincel, you guys are the worst at posting anything other than your spoon-fed reactionary bullshit. You act like facts has any affect on your opinions. 


For example: Women's Sports


Since you resurrected that thread to get dunked on again. It took how many posted facts for you to admit the Women's soccer team wasn't being properly compensated? Even when you finally relented you immediately proclaim that every other instance of women athletes was bogus and presented zero evidence other than your own confidence that you're right about everything and your constant assumptions of people pretending to be undervalued because you think everyone outside of antivaxers are trying to scam people. Why is it on me to constantly post reality while you get to use your self-appointed expertise in everything based on your biased feelings. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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