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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


The context of the story is being used to vilify republicans. If anything the left is more disgusting for using the rape of a 10 year old girl to push their political agenda, without even having the integrity to investigate the rapist and how he managed to illegally get into the country in the first place.


This is officially the most vile shit I've seen on this site in sometime. How did you get this way? Are dating games this important to you? 

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He says as they push us to pretend there are 72 genders and send people to prison because they wont pretend a man wearing womens clothes is a woman.   Lordmerica showed some old spirit today

So now pro life people are fascists? Lol ok.

It's outpatient and the recovery time is like 3 days. Just ask for ativan or something before hand and smoke some weed. You'd be all good.  

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25 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Of course you would play the race card, because you recognize just how weak your argument is. Like all liberals you do nothing but deflect and try to come up with convoluted explanations when the solutions couldn't be more simple.


You literally brought the attackers nationality into this discussion and then blamed Obama because he might have entered the country illegally while Obama was President. Despite the fact that Obama had an aggressive deportation program, even more so than Bush's. 


Again, you flaunt your fucking ignorant and repugnant world view rooted solely in your right wing bootlicking. By your logic Trump is fully responsible for January 6th riot right? Since he created the rally based on a lie, then told his people to go to the capitol and to fight like hell? 


Fuck you. 

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34 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


This is officially the most vile shit I've seen on this site in sometime. How did you get this way? Are dating games this important to you? 

apparently 10 year olds being forced to keep their pregnancies is seen as a benefit to his dating opportunities.


it truly is unbelievable.


a 10 year old already getting raped...........is something that ALREADY HAPPENS in America, which is sad to say.


but the fact that she was being FORCED.................by the government.............through threat of criminal punishment for her, her parents, and any medical professional who risks to help her.


..........and this guy wanted to gloss over that part, and was actually trying to shame us for BRINGING ATTENTION to that.


There's other minors, right now, who will experience what that 10 year old did.


And that is why Democrats are speaking up and pointing it out.

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31 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


You literally brought the attackers nationality into this discussion and then blamed Obama because he might have entered the country illegally while Obama was President. Despite the fact that Obama had an aggressive deportation program, even more so than Bush's. 


Again, you flaunt your fucking ignorant and repugnant world view rooted solely in your right wing bootlicking. By your logic Trump is fully responsible for January 6th riot right? Since he created the rally based on a lie, then told his people to go to the capitol and to fight like hell? 


Fuck you. 


You're putting more value on the girl having to go out of state for an abortion than the traumatic act of her being raped and the preventative measures that could have prevented that from happening. Do you really think you have the moral high ground here? And this argument has nothing to do with Trump, so im not sure why you're going there


Are you and Jerry going to ignore the statistics that clearly show the increase in Sexual Assault cases attributed to noncitizens over the past ~1.5 years?



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52 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


You're putting more value on the girl having to go out of state for an abortion than the traumatic act of her being raped and the preventative measures that could have prevented that from happening. Do you really think you have the moral high ground here? And this argument has nothing to do with Trump, so im not sure why you're going there


Are you and Jerry going to ignore the statistics that clearly show the increase in Sexual Assault cases attributed to noncitizens over the past ~1.5 years?




No, no. Stop trying this. You're too fucking stupid and misinformed to create some eloborate chart where you reach for a logical thread to  blame democrats for this particular issue, while also discrediting your own logic so it doesn't pertain to any analogous situations dealing with Republican politicians. 


All to bootlick Republicans? 



Edited by Mr. Impossible
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37 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


You're putting more value on the girl having to go out of state for an abortion than the traumatic act of her being raped and the preventative measures that could have prevented that from happening. Do you really think you have the moral high ground here? And this argument has nothing to do with Trump, so im not sure why you're going there


Are you and Jerry going to ignore the statistics that clearly show the increase in Sexual Assault cases attributed to noncitizens over the past ~1.5 years?




No, no. Stop trying this. You're too fucking stupid and misinformed to create some eloborate chart where you reach for a logical thread to  blame democrats for this particular issue, while also discrediting your own logic so it doesn't pertain to any analogous situations. 


All to bootlick Republicans? Like Ramza and Cooke are fucked but you're like some next level cuck psychopath. 



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46 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


No, no. Stop trying this. You're too fucking stupid and misinformed to create some eloborate chart where you reach for a logical thread to  blame democrats for this particular issue, while also discrediting your own logic so it doesn't pertain to any analogous situations. 


All to bootlick Republicans? Like Ramza and Cooke are fucked but you're like some next level cuck psychopath. 




I never actually defended Republicans and the way they've treated this case, you do know that right? They may share some of the fault but its disingenuous to act like democrats and their policies aren't complicit in what happened here.

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


I never actually defended Republicans and the way they've treated this case, you do know that right? They may share some of the fault but its disingenuous to act like democrats and their policies aren't complicit in what happened here.

dude you are literally trying to gloss over the fact that Republican policy is threatening a girl, her parents, and their doctor over the potential for criminal charges because their GOVERNMENT is forcing them to have a baby, even though she is 10 years old.


That they literally felt they had to flee secretly to another state.


.......and you're trying to pretend that you are flabbergasted over the fact that.................rape occurs.


You're not fooling anybody.


You are absolutely trying to sweep this under the table, and trying to help the Republicans and CONDONE THEIR POLICY.


The first thing Democrats said when the possibility of forced birth by Republican law was "this is going to be horrible in the case of rape an incest"


Republicans in state legislatures REPEATEDLY HEARD from Democrats, and Doctors, and Citizens of the horror these laws would be, and even heard about "rape and incest"




And Republicans still passed the law.


You don't get to pretend that you never thought that people, even minors, would be subject to "rape and incest"


You were repeatedly told and warned beforehand.

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Every time you want any liberal show, like Rachel Maddow, or TYT, and they are criticizing a Republican abortion law......they ALWAYS say "they have provided no exceptions for rape or incest."




Its a standard criticism from Democrats about Republicans


They have been pointing out and pleading with Republicans, every step of the way, that their law is draconian BECAUSE they force births even if the woman was raped or raped by a family member.


And now.................the thing that we've been warning since forever HAPPENS.


and this dumbass is acting like "OOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAWD, a RAAAAAAAAPE?"



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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


I never actually defended Republicans and the way they've treated this case, you do know that right?


Lol oh shit you got me there, good point! Distraction successful. 

Fucking goofy. Lol 



2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

They may share some of the fault


Lol only "may share some" he says, right before... 


2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

but its disingenuous to act like democrats and their policies aren't complicit in what happened here.


You made a great case how this is Obama and Biden's fault while being honest enough to half-heartedly admit that the Republicans "may" have a "small part" in all of this situation. But you are right, he snuck into the country while Obama was President, so he is partially responsible for the attack. 


I take back all of the comments about how stupid, dishonest, ethically bankrupt, disingenuous, obsequious, misinformed, intellectually lazy, and deluded you are. 


Five Star post. I hope you share this sensible and fair assessment of this situation with with people you know so they understand what rock solid dude you are. 

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Republicans in several states proposed the bill.


Republican lawmakers in several state legislatures voted on the bill.


Republicans in several states passed the bill through their state legislature


Republican governors in those states wrote the bill into law.


Republican Supreme Court Justices voted in favor of upholding those Republican written laws.


Republicans are the one celebrating it.


Twinblade: "well............Republicans may have some share of the blame, here...."



You can literally tell that he's angry for not getting any pussy.

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11 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol oh shit you got me there, good point! Distraction successful. 

Fucking goofy. Lol 




Lol only "may share some" he says, right before... 



You made a great case how this is Obama and Biden's fault while being honest enough to half-heartedly admit that the Republicans "may" have a "small part" in all of this situation. But you are right, he snuck into the country while Obama was President, so he is partially responsible for the attack. 


I take back all of the comments about how stupid, dishonest, ethically bankrupt, disingenuous, obsequious, misinformed, intellectually lazy, and deluded you are. 


Five Star post. I hope you share this sensible and fair assessment of this situation with with people you know so they understand what rock solid dude you are. 


Obama and Biden are 100% responsible for any crimes committed by immigrants that came into the country while they were president...... Trump?...nah crimes committed by immigrants that came in while he were president is not his fault...how could it be? .. That's not far!! 





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12 hours ago, jehurey said:

Republicans in several states proposed the bill.


Republican lawmakers in several state legislatures voted on the bill.


Republicans in several states passed the bill through their state legislature


Republican governors in those states wrote the bill into law.


Republican Supreme Court Justices voted in favor of upholding those Republican written laws.


Republicans are the one celebrating it.


Twinblade: "well............Republicans may have some share of the blame, here...."



You can literally tell that he's angry for not getting any pussy.


I saw that Tim Pool was conspiracy casting that this was a left wing Op in order to make Republicans look bad. Like Twinblade, Pool wasn't defending the Republicans. He was just finding a thread where democrats were partially responsible for this. 


Pool also went in how extra disgusting the fact was this was illegal alien rape. Like at no point this week was I even remotely thinking about the ethnicity of the rapist. 


The same people trying to run counter Ops against people "for politicizing" a 10 year old needing to go to another city for an abortion have no problem politicizing her rapist ethnicity. Even if he were here legally, they still would have an issue thst he wasn't American born. There is no bottom with these people. 

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51 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I saw that Tim Pool was conspiracy casting that this was a left wing Op in order to make Republicans look bad. Like Twinblade, Pool wasn't defending the Republicans. He was just finding a thread where democrats were partially responsible for this. 


Pool also went in how extra disgusting the fact was this was illegal alien rape. Like at no point this week was I even remotely thinking about the ethnicity of the rapist. 


The same people trying to run counter Ops against people "for politicizing" a 10 year old needing to go to another city for an abortion have no problem politicizing her rapist ethnicity. Even if he were here legally, they still would have an issue thst he wasn't American born. There is no bottom with these people. 

Mind you that Twinblade is about a micrometer away from outright saying "that's what these fucking whores get for being whores"


notice that his rhetoric is inching ever so closer to saying that.


He's trying to say that this law isn't a problem.......and if Democrats end up having problems with it, its because "they did something to deserve it."

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5 hours ago, jehurey said:

Mind you that Twinblade is about a micrometer away from outright saying "that's what these fucking whores get for being whores"


notice that his rhetoric is inching ever so closer to saying that.


He's trying to say that this law isn't a problem.......and if Democrats end up having problems with it, its because "they did something to deserve it."


Well some of the resident incels on this site pulled the women getting what they deserve bullshit here about abortion. Which is on brand, guys who aren't successful with women grow to resent them after time. 

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1 hour ago, Ike said:


Forced birthers are fucking terrible. :shake:  


It’s almost like the cruelty is the point because women shouldn’t be having sex according to a book written 2000+ years ago by some random dudes. 


This is what the benevolent God who supposedly sacrificed his only son would want so it must be law. 

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31 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


This is what the benevolent God who supposedly sacrificed his only son would want so it must be law. 

She should be punished because the sex she had didn't produce a life or some religious mumbo jumbo. :roll: 

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1 hour ago, Ike said:

She should be punished because the sex she had didn't produce a life or some religious mumbo jumbo. :roll: 

Twinblade has specifically engaged in that type of rhetoric.


In this very thread.


He was ending his posts with an obvious vindictive attitude of "that's what THEY get"


That's what this is all about.  These incels, who don't get pussy, are completely on-board with this, because they know its not about being "pro life" or caring about life.


Its about them getting off on administering punishment.

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