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Roe v Wade was overturned.

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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol it's fucking hilarious how distorted these retards world views are views are. You can tell who falls for all the right wing bullshit. 

You've never been to Seattle or Vancouver. Stfu and stay in your lane bro :smugcena:

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He says as they push us to pretend there are 72 genders and send people to prison because they wont pretend a man wearing womens clothes is a woman.   Lordmerica showed some old spirit today

So now pro life people are fascists? Lol ok.

It's outpatient and the recovery time is like 3 days. Just ask for ativan or something before hand and smoke some weed. You'd be all good.  

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:


But its ok to force people to put vaccines into their body even when they don't want to? Or face social exclusion, losing their job, etc? Interesting how you care so much about one life altering decision but are against another.


Women who want an abortion will still have plenty of options. There will be programs to cover transportation for women who need to go out of state to get an abortion. Many employers will certainly offer similar services.


Unfortunately people who didn't want to be injected with untested vaccines didn't have those luxuries.


Untested vaccines? Who was giving out untested vaccines? 


Leave it do your dumbass to compare a pandemic to the right to have an abortion :drake:

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14 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Why are you lying?


They're going after privacy in the bedroom and gay sex too . Your days are numbered boo boo :fag:



But I mean,  this is the ideology you supported.. "not adhering to people's imagination" right?... What you thought you were exempt? 


they went after trans, you thought they were going to stop there and not go after Gay rights too? :umad:


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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

You've never been to Seattle or Vancouver. Stfu and stay in your lane bro :smugcena:

Lol I've been to Seattle plenty of times. You act like it's fucking Greenland or something. Fucking idiot. 


Actually twice, plenty is an exaggeration. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:


But its ok to force people to put vaccines into their body even when they don't want to?

yes, because its a public health issue.............as settled in a 105 year-old Supreme Court decision.


You do not have infinite personal rights in a society that trump everybody elses collective right to maintain safety in said society.


Go read that 105 year old Supreme Court decision. Its settled law here in America, and in every other major industrialized democratic nation.


Forcing a woman to get an abortion because of religion-based belief...........and not science...............is not a public health issue.  It is not a threat of any kind to the safety and well-being of society.


Its 100% the textbook definition of fascism.

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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


A woman getting an abortion  doesn't affect anyone else's life. Vaccines are a public health situation. I was going to explicitly state that but figured even the dumbest person would recognize the difference lol, of course you're stupid enough not to. 


I won't even bother with that stupid shit about people getting bussed to abortions because you never had or will have sex with a woman so this might seem like a viable option for millions of people in many states. 


You are such a cruel little piece of shit with your incel rage. 

here we go with the tired public health excuse again. How is a vaccine that still lets you catch and transmit covid supposed to solve any public health crisis? For the record I was vaccinated (1 dose) and I also don’t think the abortion ruling is that fair either. Nobody should be told what they can or can’t do to their bodies, but I’m not going to be disingenuous and act like it’s ok in one type of case but not in another.

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2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

here we go with the tired public health excuse again. How is a vaccine that still lets you catch and transmit covid supposed to solve any public health crisis? For the record I was vaccinated (1 dose) and I also don’t think the abortion ruling is fair either. Nobody should be told what they can or can’t do to their bodies, but I’m not going to be disingenuous and act like it’s ok in one type of case but not in another.


I think hospitals needing storage trucks for bodies and barely enough staff to keep up with covid cases is a big enough reason.


You rat asses trying to ride the fence on this because some how vaccines became "woke" are retarded. Like you won't actually just say "we should have done nothing about COVID" but then blast or scrutinize every single aspect of harm reduction taken. 


If vaccines weren't mandated most people probably wouldn't have gotten it, making it pointless. Vaccines also greatly decrease hospitalization and the affect of the virus. 



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57 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

here we go with the tired public health excuse again.

No, its a supreme court case from 105 years ago.


its not an excuse............its a basic understanding about how a society works.


The entire premise of the concept is that YOU made a VOLUNTARY CHOICE to live in a populated area........therefore you are agreeing to their rules.


and rules that are designed for everybody's safety are constitutional to enforce.


if you don't like it......you're not force to accept them, because you can leave the city and go live on your own.


like i said......this is all established a long time ago.

Edited by jehurey
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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

here we go with the tired public health excuse again. How is a vaccine that still lets you catch and transmit covid supposed to solve any public health crisis? For the record I was vaccinated (1 dose) and I also don’t think the abortion ruling is that fair either. Nobody should be told what they can or can’t do to their bodies, but I’m not going to be disingenuous and act like it’s ok in one type of case but not in another.


The Vaccine mandate gave you a choice.  You weren't Jailed for not having the vaccine and you couks chose not to get it and go find another job that didn't require it. 


Removing Roe vs Wade... REMOVED THE CHOICE for women to chose to have an abortion or not in states that are now banning it.  Where you will receive JAIL TIME if you facilitate an abortion. 


See the fucking difference?... One removed a choice and you will get jail time (abortion bans) 


With the other you still had a choice, you were free to get it or not with no threat of jail time. 


And that's not even factoring in that a pandemic/public health risk is not the same as an fucking abortion you dense cunt. 

Edited by Goukosan
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States are going to even try to prosecute women who go out of state. This isn’t about being pro-life. Otherwise there would also be plenty of social programs to help new mothers. It’s also about incels being upset women aren’t sleeping with them and trying to control their bodies. It’s gross. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I think hospitals needing storage trucks for bodies and barely enough staff to keep up with covid cases is a big enough reason.


You rat asses trying to ride the fence on this because some how vaccines became "woke" are retarded. Like you won't actually just say "we should have done nothing about COVID" but then blast or scrutinize every single aspect of harm reduction taken. 


If vaccines weren't mandated most people probably wouldn't have gotten it, making it pointless. Vaccines also greatly decrease hospitalization and the affect of the virus. 




The population in the U.S. has been declining lately. Surely this would count as a public health crisis? I guess going by your logic abortion being banned is actually justified, because that'll slow down population decline....



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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


The Vaccine mandate gave you a choice.  You weren't Jailed for not having the vaccine and you couks chose not to get it and go find another job that didn't require it. 


Removing Roe vs Wade... REMOVED THE CHOICE for women to chose to have an abortion or not in states that are now banning it.  Where you will receive JAIL TIME if you facilitate an abortion. 


See the fucking difference?... One removed a choice and you will get jail time (abortion bans) 


With the other you still had a choice, you were free to get it or not with no threat of jail time. 


And that's not even factoring in that a pandemic/public health risk is not the same as an fucking abortion you dense cunt. 


'My body my choice'. Thats your party's slogan buddy, and it should apply to everything not just abortion.

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


'My body my choice'. Thats your party's slogan buddy, and it should apply to everything not just abortion.


Still cant answer the question I see.  Millions of Americans didn't take the vaccine, which Jail are they currently locked up in? :umad:




Republicans and conservatives actually played their hand too soon.  And Clarence Thomas already said they're going after gay rights next and privacy in the bedroom. 


Both Abortion and Gay rights are things thw majority of Americans are ok with. 


Republicans are showing how they are actually for REMOVING rights and not actually protecting rights. 


This will play out well in November im sure :juggle:



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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:


'My body my choice'. Thats your party's slogan buddy, and it should apply to everything not just abortion.

Except you spreading infection is NOT YOUR RIGHT.  That's why it becomes a public health issue.


You are literally demonstrating that you do not have the right to encroach on OTHER people's rights, that also including their right to safety and well-being.


Its why places can outlaw smoking and smokers from their premises.


Does a woman having an abortion force other people to get abortions?

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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:


The population in the U.S. has been declining lately. Surely this would count as a public health crisis?

No, you can't force people to procreate.


Its literally a choice they have as free American citizens.


You're basically saying that we have to think and make laws like a Chinese dictatorship.


And if you are concerned about population growth.....................uh, its called immigration buddy. Guess that thought never entered your head. 


That's how we were able to have population growth during earlier periods of this nation's history. By accepting people into the country.

Edited by jehurey
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12 hours ago, Twinblade said:


The population in the U.S. has been declining lately. Surely this would count as a public health crisis? I guess going by your logic abortion being banned is actually justified, because that'll slow down population decline....




Lol forcing women to have children they don't want in order to increase the population is almost the plot of The Handmaid's Tale you fucking little creep. 


Here's the thing, you guys whine about bad schools, government assistance, poor people, the homeless, crime, yet never have any ways to address them. How exactly does forcing women and girls to have kids they don't want not potentially add to all of the problems yall love to complain about? 


Yes, please say adoption then look up adoption rates, foster care population, cost of prenatal care, cost of actually having a baby in a hospital in the United States. 


I know you don't care because you have no chance of getting anyone pregnant anyway and also you're the kind of creep who would purposely try to get a girl pregnant with a trap baby so this works out in your favor. 




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10 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol forcing women to have children they don't want in order to increase the population is almost the plot of The Handmaid's Tale you fucking little creep. 


Here's the thing, you guys whine about bad schools, government assistance, poor people, the homeless, crime, yet never have any ways to address them. How exactly does forcing women and girls to have kids they don't want not potentially add to all of the problems yall love to complain about? 


Yes, please say adoption then look up adoption rates, foster care population, cost of prenatal care, cost of actually having a baby in a hospital in the United States. 


I know you don't care because you have no chance of getting anyone pregnant anyway and also you're the kind of creep who would purposely try to get a girl pregnant with a trap baby so this works out in your favor. 





Why do you suddenly pretend to care about women's rights? Progressives like you are the ones who are trying to erase anything pertaining to women and femininity from the English dictionary as well as cripple their ability to compete in sports.

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32 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Why do you suddenly pretend to care about women's rights? Progressives like you are the ones who are trying to erase anything pertaining to women and femininity from the English dictionary as well as cripple their ability to compete in sports.

Lol aren't you the one who was laughing at women in the military and other professions? You don't give a shit about women or women's sports. You spent half of your life trying to learn how to trick women into liking you. You probably resent them at this point. 


It's crazy that you people are trying use your crocodile tears about women's sports in order to launder your transphobia. 

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