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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

The party of hypocrites. 


Newly elected republican house member... George Santos.... Is a drag queen 👑



He's like a pimple that's starting to grow on the face of the republican party. I'm not even judging him being a drag queen. I'm just saying that this guy is like a plump juicy pimple growing out of their face made out of everything that is wrong with them, and they can't hide it.

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On 2022-12-23 at 11:01 PM, Goukosan said:

@Ramza totally normal




Yeah man, every Trump voter tells their children conspiracies about lizard people and Rothchild's drinking human blood and shit... What are you even insinuating, that this is normal and common for MAGA Republicans? 


Meh, you know what, I don't need your dumb take on this, that's just pretty sad. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Yeah man, every Trump voter tells their children conspiracies about lizard people and Rothchild's drinking human blood and shit... What are you even insinuating, that this is normal and common for MAGA Republicans? 


Meh, you know what, I don't need your dumb take on this, that's just pretty sad. 


Wait, so you're capable of noticing someone making gross generalizations based on a small number of people? LMFAO unreal. 

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4 hours ago, Ramza said:

Yeah man, every Trump voter tells their children conspiracies about lizard people and Rothchild's drinking human blood and shit... What are you even insinuating, that this is normal and common for MAGA Republicans? 


Meh, you know what, I don't need your dumb take on this, that's just pretty sad. 


Stop projecting :umad:



More grooming... Reminder that a 6 year old brought a loaded gun to school and shot a teacher.... 



Edited by Goukosan
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On 2023-01-20 at 12:30 AM, Chicano3000X said:

He's like a pimple that's starting to grow on the face of the republican party. I'm not even judging him being a drag queen. I'm just saying that this guy is like a plump juicy pimple growing out of their face made out of everything that is wrong with them, and they can't hide it.


He denies it's real... But there's even a video. 



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8 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol Daily Wire and Tucker got cartoon candies cancelled. 



Their own statement proved his point. Wokies over analyze everything and try to find racism and discrimination and sexism in everything, even in fucking candy mascots 🤣. Like who thought changing her shoes and making her "less sexy" was being more inclusive? Why are they erasing sexyness for the sake of average? That's not more diverse, that's just making them all look the same. That's less diversity 🥹

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11 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:



Lol now these motherfuckers are just plain anti Medicine. 

Pharmaceutical drugs kills far more people in any given year than Covid. In case you haven't noticed, general health is not increasing, people are sicker than ever and you have a abnormally high number of people hooked on anti depressants.


Funny how you claim I am a billionaire defender when you're here defending big pharma at every turn. 


There's no anti medicine movement, that's just a narrative you're trying to make up based on some random Tweet. 


You can pretend all you want that that modern medicine is perfect and shouldn't be questioned like a good little NPC all you want but you just come off as an idiot. 

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

Their own statement proved his point. Wokies over analyze everything and try to find racism and discrimination and sexism in everything, even in fucking candy mascots 🤣.


Who were the people protesting for M&Ms to make less sexy candy? This has been my point on so much of this bullshit. M&M didn't comply with any woke people. They are a billion dollar shitty candy company and was trying to trend chase. No one asked them to do any of this and the only people who cared are conservatives. 


Isn't this an example of the cancel culture you people supposedly hate so much? So the end result is you (a racist transphobe) blame woke people for something they never advocated for because they acknowledge racism and transphobia exist in the world? 


The real reason they stopped is because they realize only shitty people like you care about this stupid shit. Cartoon candy boots isn't saving anyone's life. 


3 hours ago, Cooke said:

Like who thought changing her shoes and making her "less sexy" was being more inclusive?


A souless company that sells candy that isn't even legally chocolate in most countries. You're so smart yet can't wrap your brain around a company trying to stay relevant. 


3 hours ago, Cooke said:

Why are they erasing sexyness for the sake of average? That's not more diverse, that's just making them all look the same. That's less diversity 🥹


I don't fucking care it's fucking cartoon candy. Why did it ever have to be sexy to begin with? Cartoons get redesigned all of the time. Sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad. Look at the hundred different animated Batman designs. 


Keep mindlessly defending everything the right does, and literally blaming every problem on the left and pretending you're moderate. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Pharmaceutical drugs kills far more people in any given year than Covid. In case you haven't noticed, general health is not increasing, people are sicker than ever and you have a abnormally high number of people hooked on anti depressants.


Funny how you claim I am a billionaire defender when you're here defending big pharma at every turn. 


Yes, me stating that life improving and saving medicine actually exist is defending big Pharma. Tell me again about people being intellectually dishonest. Is your logic that no one should take medicine then? 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

There's no anti medicine movement, that's just a narrative you're trying to make up based on some random Tweet. 


A tweet you're soft defending because you know it's some right wing bullshit. There is nothing you guys won't defend against. For non right wingers you guys always automatically go into boot licking mode. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You can pretend all you want that that modern medicine is perfect and shouldn't be questioned like a good little NPC all you want but you just come off as an idiot. 


Lol Remember when I said you constantly lie, exaggerate, and put words into people's mouths to make any of your points because you're too stupid and dishonest to actually argue against their points? 

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On 2023-01-24 at 12:38 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


Yes, me stating that life improving and saving medicine actually exist is defending big Pharma. Tell me again about people being intellectually dishonest. Is your logic that no one should take medicine then? 



A tweet you're soft defending because you know it's some right wing bullshit. There is nothing you guys won't defend against. For non right wingers you guys always automatically go into boot licking mode. 



Lol Remember when I said you constantly lie, exaggerate, and put words into people's mouths to make any of your points because you're too stupid and dishonest to actually argue against their points? 

You never stated that. You're just claiming right wingers are anti medicine because someone posted something bad about medicine on Tweeter.


This is not even a right/left wing issue, you are just an idiot, no doubt you're hooked on anti depressants yourself so you took offense to someone knocking down shit modern medicines like your life is being threatened. Lmfao.


You are the ultimate master at that. Also a master of self projections in others. Lmfao.

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On 2023-01-24 at 12:30 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


Aren't you guys the ones constantly falling for this bullshit though? Like isn't there actual thread about gas stoves in here?


Exactly.... They constantly fall for that low IQ fake outage culture war shit. 



"Bbbut the government is coming to take my gas stoves.... Bbbbut they're also coming to take my coffee.... Bbbbut Xbox is coming for your kids with a woke climate agenda":awww:

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You never stated that. You're just claiming right wingers are anti medicine because someone posted something bad about medicine on Tweeter.


I never voiced support for Pharma companies either, yet that is what you claim I said. Funny how that works huh? 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

This is not even a right/left wing issue, you are just an idiot, no doubt you're hooked on anti depressants yourself so you took offense to someone knocking down shit modern medicines like your life is being threatened. Lmfao.


It isn't. Most things aren't, yet one side politicizes everything. I've never been prescribed a drug and if I were I would be open about it. It's obvious you need some sort of drug as your ignorance fueled rants betrays how much negative emotion you're harboring and misdirecting. That's on top of you self absorbed view of the world. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You are the ultimate master at that. Also a master of self projections in others. Lmfao.


Again, back up what you say. You can accuse me of anything you want to, just drop some paper trail or something. I've been calling you out for weeks to prove the shit you accuse me of. 

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17 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I never voiced support for Pharma companies either, yet that is what you claim I said. Funny how that works huh? 



It isn't. Most things aren't, yet one side politicizes everything. I've never been prescribed a drug and if I were I would be open about it. It's obvious you need some sort of drug as your ignorance fueled rants betrays how much negative emotion you're harboring and misdirecting. That's on top of you self absorbed view of the world. 



Again, back up what you say. You can accuse me of anything you want to, just drop some paper trail or something. I've been calling you out for weeks to prove the shit you accuse me of. 

You are getting angry at someone knocking down garbage medicine for what they are. So, it's not that far off to assume you are getting up in arms in the name of big pharma, now is it? What is it otherwise? Oh I know what it is, trying to make up some fake outrage in the name of conservatives. Oh look, another hypocritical shit from you.


Hahaha, says the always serious, anal retentive black dude making up insane stories about me and my ex GF.


You just did some hard projection again by saying I harbor negative emotion. Dude, you have been a stuck up bitch on SW for these past 20 fucking years. You sound like the most miserable guy on here and that's quite saying something, you were never one of us, you were always passive aggressive and your main fun on SW has always been to mock or belittle other people for real life shit. Case in point you can't go 5 mins without reminding everyone that Twinblade is a virgin. 


Shut the fuck up. You know deep down that I am right, which is why you take offense to this and which is why I don't need to say anything more. You little insecure woke bitch. :D 

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