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Why is Woketard branding so dehumanizing and comically terrible?

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"POC" sounds like "pox." You've named yourselves after a disease that causes puss-filled blisters. It sounds like one of the worst racial slurs out there.  Then "BIPOC" sounds a you've taken that slur and combined it with a Latin-prefix to give it a scientific race-realism ring. Great. 


Meanwhile the terms you've come up with women sound like they were created by the world's most bitter woman-hater: chestfeeder, hole in front, menstruator. Did you hire Jerry to come up with this stuff? :biggrin:


You even screwed up androgyny by rebranding it as queer.  It's like you have to give everything an undercurrent of unwellness and sleaze.


Than you've got this aesthetic holocaust representing your team:




And to top it off your signature look is a sperg trying to look punk but who has zero fashion sense.




I know most of you are on a bag full of psych drugs but I have to legitimately wonder if you hate yourselves and everyone else. Jesus, people. :D

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