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E3 returns for 2023

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I'm glad.  Having an actual E3 to look forward to is WAY better than all these lame little Directs and State of Plays..  Don't get me wrong, some of them can be great... but it just doesn't have the same feeling.  E3 was always about the big 3 battling it out over a week of constant game reveals and news.


Of course, that was the E3 of old.. with hot chicks, crazy hyped up advertising, websites and journalists doing live show floor interviews and walk arounds...  That shit was awesome.  I mean cmon... Nintendo has never had another "Zelda TP 2004" level reveal... and that's because they're not live in front of an audience of crazed fanboys with their little Directs.  If Nintendo had done the Breath of the Wild trailer inside of an auditorium in front of thousands of people... the reaction would have been INSANE.. and it would have made a much better "moment" to remember.  Sony's God of War 2016 reveal was the last time I felt that kind of energy.


Sure.. they don't NEED to do E3 any more... but honestly as fans... they should be pushing them to do so..  Make E3 magical again :salute: 

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15 minutes ago, Remij said:

I'm glad.  Having an actual E3 to look forward to is WAY better than all these lame little Directs and State of Plays..  Don't get me wrong, some of them can be great... but it just doesn't have the same feeling.  E3 was always about the big 3 battling it out over a week of constant game reveals and news.


Of course, that was the E3 of old.. with hot chicks, crazy hyped up advertising, websites and journalists doing live show floor interviews and walk arounds...  That shit was awesome.  I mean cmon... Nintendo has never had another "Zelda TP 2004" level reveal... and that's because they're not live in front of an audience of crazed fanboys with their little Directs.  If Nintendo had done the Breath of the Wild trailer inside of an auditorium in front of thousands of people... the reaction would have been INSANE.. and it would have made a much better "moment" to remember.  Sony's God of War 2016 reveal was the last time I felt that kind of energy.


Sure.. they don't NEED to do E3 any more... but honestly as fans... they should be pushing them to do so..  Make E3 magical again :salute: 


E3 absolutely needed to come back and the big 3 need to ALL get their asses on stage in front of a crowd next year. Its just not the same experience otherwise.

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21 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


E3 absolutely needed to come back and the big 3 need to ALL get their asses on stage in front of a crowd next year. Its just not the same experience otherwise.


Yea, it really needs all 3 to make it the big flashy spectacle it deserves to be.


I always liked watching the E3 showfloor demos... You'd get sites like Gamespot, IGN, G4 and GameTrailers putting them up as well as doing interviews with the devs and even game talent like actors and actresses who were part of the game.  That's where you'd find the gaming journalists with personalities being created.  Nowadays it's all so fucking sterile.  Generic voice-over introduction from random man or woman to a trailer, then cut, rinse, repeat on to the next one.. all pre recorded and scripted...  A lot of the best E3 stuff was shit that would happen off the cuff from people just being out there and interacting with the developers.


I get there's logical reasons to save the money that would have been spent on big E3 conferences and exhibits, but it was really important for the industry to come together to generate that kind of hype and interest... and a lot of auxiliary businesses benefitted from it too.


Say what you will about MS' presentations or whatever, but they've always firmly believed in the entire industry coming together at E3 for a week of massive hype and announcements.


Sony really needs to be involved though..  They've got the big kind of blockbuster type games that show off excellently to live audiences.  Like come the fuck on... listen to how the crowd reacts to the God of War reveal.  Why the fuck wouldn't you want more of those moments?

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