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BF3 Reality overhaul mod releases soon

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So this is like BF2's project reality? Feels like you might aswell play Squad.  And why 3 instead of 4? Because 4 felt like a BF3 expansion pack. But I hardly played 3 so I can't exactly be the judge of that.


On that note, I haven't been able to get 3 running anymore. I start it up and it just closes the second it opens.


I really wish Dice would've just made Portal a stand alone game with focus on just merging all previous BF titles with a server browser and dedicated servers. Someone made a few milsim servers and hey were great.

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3 minutes ago, Chicano3000 said:

So this is like BF2's project reality? Feels like you might aswell play Squad.  And why 3 instead of 4? Because 4 felt like a BF3 expansion pack. But I hardly played 3 so I can't exactly be the judge of that.


On that note, I haven't been able to get 3 running anymore. I start it up and it just closes the second it opens.


I really wish Dice would've just made Portal a stand alone game with focus on just merging all previous BF titles with a server browser and dedicated servers. Someone made a few milsim servers and hey were great.


I really wanted to check out Squad but it just seems too demanding from a teamwork perspective. You pretty much have to have a mic and use it or you'll straight up get banned from a lot of servers and people will get pissed at you. I like to just chill when playing MP games and not be that serious about them. Thats also part of the reason I stopped playing Valorant.

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thanks, didn't know about this project and BF3 was basically the last BF game I enjoyed. looking forward to play in 5 days :glad: looked at some gameplay and it looks similar to squad but still different


@Chicano3000 BF4 defo felt like a huge expansion pack and some stuff is great like swimming implemented and maps but the gaem itself was way worse when it comes to balancing.


If you have trouble starting BF3 you have to make sure you got either the latest battlelog and plugin and also the latest punkbuster version. I remember last time I had trouble too and I had to go to punkbuster site and choose BF3 - download it and it worked.


oh and also there can be issues with this shit: Error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue.

just need to download the right shit and it works 

Edited by kaz
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30 minutes ago, kaz said:

thanks, didn't know about this project and BF3 was basically the last BF game I enjoyed. looking forward to play in 5 days :glad: looked at some gameplay and it looks similar to squad but still different


@Chicano3000 BF4 defo felt like a huge expansion pack and some stuff is great like swimming implemented and maps but the gaem itself was way worse when it comes to balancing.


If you have trouble starting BF3 you have to make sure you got either the latest battlelog and plugin and also the latest punkbuster version. I remember last time I had trouble too and I had to go to punkbuster site and choose BF3 - download it and it worked.


oh and also there can be issues with this shit: Error: The VC++ runtime redistributable package was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue.

just need to download the right shit and it works 

Thanks, I'll take another look.

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This video is a pretty thorough look at it. Seems that it retains the destructible environments which is cool. Also, even though the maps are technically based off of the base BF3 ones, the layouts are completely different and they have thousands of new unique assets



The only downside is that there aren't any vehicles yet, but those will be added down the road im sure.

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the mod is ok, played many rounds. once you have a good squad you can have a lot of fun.  don't enjoy the open maps as much, so far karkand, gulf of oman and azadi palace are my fav maps, basically the city maps,


I think the team is a bit too small to ever reach the scale of the BF2 PR if they did this in 7 years. But tbh creating this without modding tools and figuring stuff out by reverse engineering must be hell. that's an insane commitment. Just hope we don't have to wait years once they start implementing vehicles especially jets/heli CAS,

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2 hours ago, kaz said:

the mod is ok, played many rounds. once you have a good squad you can have a lot of fun.  don't enjoy the open maps as much, so far karkand, gulf of oman and azadi palace are my fav maps, basically the city maps,


I think the team is a bit too small to ever reach the scale of the BF2 PR if they did this in 7 years. But tbh creating this without modding tools and figuring stuff out by reverse engineering must be hell. that's an insane commitment. Just hope we don't have to wait years once they start implementing vehicles especially jets/heli CAS,


Are those maps heavily modified or are they basically just copies of the originals? But yeah, mod tools would have turned this into a much simpler project.


Also, have you noticed if its acceptable to be a squad member without a mic or will people get upset? Getting this installed seems like a bit of work which doesn't seem worth it if Im gonna get yelled at for not orally communicating :ben: 

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57 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Are those maps heavily modified or are they basically just copies of the originals? But yeah, mod tools would have turned this into a much simpler project.


Also, have you noticed if its acceptable to be a squad member without a mic or will people get upset? Getting this installed seems like a bit of work which doesn't seem worth it if Im gonna get yelled at for not orally communicating :ben: 


The maps are like both, for example karkand is basically the same, just a bit longer at the bridge leading to the warhouse, but it's slow and tactical so it doesn't feel "small", gulf of oman is too almost the same layout, they are different though, like you can climb some buildings etc.


Other maps are different, riverside/issue 223 (basically like armored shield) are way bigger with lots of trees, sabalan pipeline as well, i think that was the biggest map ive seen, there is one huge pipeline leading up to objectives.


So yea, they are heavily modified. 


Since the game is in its baby shoes people aren't super coordinated rn, you find some squads that want everyone to have a mic but it's rare, most of the time if there even is someone willing to lead a squad you don't require to speak and make call outs. Also, I think you overexaggerate about the issue in squad (the game) too, if you say you cannot speak you will still find a squad that will play with you. sooo.... :ben: 


And the installation seems like a bit of work? how so? :ben:  you literally jsut download the Battlefied 3 version with ALL DLCs, run the game once to make sure everything works accordingly, then download this venice unleashed modding program, make an account (dont even need to verify email lol), log in - the prog will automatically search for BF3 key which takes 2 seconds - go to servers choose PR mod - join, it will download a 10mb file for a map instantely - boom you in. :ben: 


there is legit nothing you have to do, just download BF3. I like this mod but need a break, many people don't know how to play and you get team killed often and also I get server time outs regularly. 

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7 minutes ago, kaz said:


The maps are like both, for example karkand is basically the same, just a bit longer at the bridge leading to the warhouse, but it's slow and tactical so it doesn't feel "small", gulf of oman is too almost the same layout, they are different though, like you can climb some buildings etc.


Other maps are different, riverside/issue 223 (basically like armored shield) are way bigger with lots of trees, sabalan pipeline as well, i think that was the biggest map ive seen, there is one huge pipeline leading up to objectives.


So yea, they are heavily modified. 


Since the game is in its baby shoes people aren't super coordinated rn, you find some squads that want everyone to have a mic but it's rare, most of the time if there even is someone willing to lead a squad you don't require to speak and make call outs. Also, I think you overexaggerate about the issue in squad (the game) too, if you say you cannot speak you will still find a squad that will play with you. sooo.... :ben: 


And the installation seems like a bit of work? how so? :ben:  you literally jsut download the Battlefied 3 version with ALL DLCs, run the game once to make sure everything works accordingly, then download this venice unleashed modding program, make an account (dont even need to verify email lol), log in - the prog will automatically search for BF3 key which takes 2 seconds - go to servers choose PR mod - join, it will download a 10mb file for a map instantely - boom you in. :ben: 


there is legit nothing you have to do, just download BF3. I like this mod but need a break, many people don't know how to play and you get team killed often and also I get server time outs regularly. 


Ill give it a try then. The problem i've read about Squad is that a lot of server admins will just straight up kick you if you don't have a mic.

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5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Ill give it a try then. The problem i've read about Squad is that a lot of server admins will just straight up kick you if you don't have a mic.


That's not true, while it's recommended to have a mic and also talk to your guys it is definitely not a requirement. I know a guy with fucked up vocal cords, he literally cannot speak, do you think this guy will never be able to play squad with teammates if he really wants to? lol 

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1 minute ago, kaz said:


That's not true, while it's recommended to have a mic and also talk to your guys it is definitely not a requirement. I know a guy with fucked up vocal cords, he literally cannot speak, do you think this guy will never be able to play squad with teammates if he really wants to? lol 


Ideally that guy would try to get a group of friends or internet acquaintances to be his squad mates. I would do the same if I weren't a lonely bastard :ben: 

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Played a few matches. Kirkand looks a lot different than I remember. The new maps are pretty cool, played that big pipeline one during night and it was interesting though visibility was a pain. I definitely suck ass in general, I only got 1 kill in like 4 matches. Disconnects are common so thats one aspect they have to polish a bit.

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11 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Ideally that guy would try to get a group of friends or internet acquaintances to be his squad mates. I would do the same if I weren't a lonely bastard :ben: 


lmfao, sounds to me you enjoy solitude and there is nothing wrong with it, trust me more people than you would think are like that. just don't get fooled by jerk offs like Remy who would say you need to party or do orgies :D  


9 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Played a few matches. Kirkand looks a lot different than I remember. The new maps are pretty cool, played that big pipeline one during night and it was interesting though visibility was a pain. I definitely suck ass in general, I only got 1 kill in like 4 matches. Disconnects are common so thats one aspect they have to polish a bit.


you crack me up man, Kirkand? did you re-read that or it's just a typo? :D  Karkand is for 90% the same like I said, the first few objectives are samey starting from US side. 


they are actually not new maps at all, they are all maps but modified of course. That pipeline map was "Sabalan Pipeline" in BF3. Sorry man I have to point that out, I played BF3 for 1k hours I loved that game, seems like you only played back then. And yup the different day-time settings are so cool, I think every FPS should have these options now, also like in BF1 with fog, rain etc.


Don't worry you don't suck, it's just you are new and the game is  supposed to be like this. I went matches over and hour without kills as well, the score you have is important; your contribution towards the win. 

I recommend playing medic you will always be useful, reviving people and healing non-stop. The most kills I got in a round was like around 10 and that was super lucky - and I get them usually in city maps. 


One game I sniped like 6 people in a few seconds in gulf of oman from on top of a building like 10 minutes into the game and then it were the only kills i got the entire round. It's normal.


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1 hour ago, kaz said:


lmfao, sounds to me you enjoy solitude and there is nothing wrong with it, trust me more people than you would think are like that. just don't get fooled by jerk offs like Remy who would say you need to party or do orgies :D  



you crack me up man, Kirkand? did you re-read that or it's just a typo? :D  Karkand is for 90% the same like I said, the first few objectives are samey starting from US side. 


they are actually not new maps at all, they are all maps but modified of course. That pipeline map was "Sabalan Pipeline" in BF3. Sorry man I have to point that out, I played BF3 for 1k hours I loved that game, seems like you only played back then. And yup the different day-time settings are so cool, I think every FPS should have these options now, also like in BF1 with fog, rain etc.


Don't worry you don't suck, it's just you are new and the game is  supposed to be like this. I went matches over and hour without kills as well, the score you have is important; your contribution towards the win. 

I recommend playing medic you will always be useful, reviving people and healing non-stop. The most kills I got in a round was like around 10 and that was super lucky - and I get them usually in city maps. 


One game I sniped like 6 people in a few seconds in gulf of oman from on top of a building like 10 minutes into the game and then it were the only kills i got the entire round. It's normal.



Lol it was a typo. But I didn't know the pipeline map was from BF3. That must have been one of the DLCs I didn't play much of.


The day/night 'cycle' the game has is bizarre.  There's no dynamic transition like in a normal game. It just immediately swaps out the skybox with one from a different time of day. One moment it was night then the screen flashed and the sun was out :D There's definitely a lot of stuff in this game that needs some work.


People are very uncoordinated at the moment. I've had 2 matches where the other team managed to push us all the way back to our original spawn point. Sometimes you get a team where everyone just runs around like chickens with their heads cut off.

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33 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


yeah you were there? :ben: These fuckin night maps are the worst. Nobody can tell who is who and the TKing is on another level.


ya, I just saw "TwinB has left the game" a few minutes before we lost the round, no idea which side you were on but definitely not in my squad :ben:  small world, eh? :ben: 


we had a good run this map though, not many TKs either. It's always a gamble especially with lots of randoms. Gotta take a break from mod as well. also the game is ugly :tom: those trees kill me. 

looking forward for the 1.0 full release some day with vehicles, new maps and CAS

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