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Company of Heroes 3 releases November 17th - Africa Campaign revealed

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damn I thought cows are pathetic but hermits might have taken the cake. Apparently people are completely outraged by the fact that the story focuses on a woman native to the area and her observations of the war. I just saw a post on the steam forum where some dude actually said that the game was somehow disrespecting the millions of people who died in WW2.......wut :D 

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So there's an alpha of the first Africa mission. I just played it and to call it rough is an understatement. Technically this is in even worse shape than I remember the previous alpha being.


Even on low settings, the framerate is constantly in the 20s. Camera movement was constantly sluggish, and the bigger battles would drop the framerate even further into the high teens/low 20s. I hope they have some serious optimization planned, because the game is going to flop hard if it releases in anywhere near this state. Relic's games are usually very polished (AoE4 being the latest example) but this is in a really rough place atm.

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18 hours ago, Twinblade said:

damn I thought cows are pathetic but hermits might have taken the cake. Apparently people are completely outraged by the fact that the story focuses on a woman native to the area and her observations of the war. I just saw a post on the steam forum where some dude actually said that the game was somehow disrespecting the millions of people who died in WW2.......wut :D 

Well that is true, who cares about a girl's "observations" when the men were facing death head on :tom: 

I spy with my little eye a serenade of flying bullets in the distance :tear:

Who cares woman, smell that scarf again 😂

Edited by bhytre
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6 hours ago, Twinblade said:

So there's an alpha of the first Africa mission. I just played it and to call it rough is an understatement. Technically this is in even worse shape than I remember the previous alpha being.


Even on low settings, the framerate is constantly in the 20s. Camera movement was constantly sluggish, and the bigger battles would drop the framerate even further into the high teens/low 20s. I hope they have some serious optimization planned, because the game is going to flop hard if it releases in anywhere near this state. Relic's games are usually very polished (AoE4 being the latest example) but this is in a really rough place atm.

20fps?  No way?  What resolution and settings are you using?


I'm getting usually 40-60 maxed out @ 3840x1600.


Game still looks like shit though.  No matter what resolution you set it to around the barbed wires and other fine surfaces it looks like it's 1080p.  Even if I force it to 7680x3200 lmao

Edited by Remij
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20 minutes ago, Remij said:

20fps?  No way?  What resolution and settings are you using?


I'm getting usually 40-60 maxed out @ 3840x1600.


Game still looks like shit though.  No matter what resolution you set it to around the barbed wires and other fine surfaces it looks like it's 1080p.  Even if I force it to 7680x3200 lmao


I dropped everything to low and it made no difference. I had performance issues with the last alpha but this actually runs worse for some reason.


And yeah there's definitely something off about the game's graphics. This game honestly feels like it needs another year or close to it in the oven before its ready. I think relic bit off more than they could chew making this and AoE4 at the same time.

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:


I dropped everything to low and it made no difference. I had performance issues with the last alpha but this actually runs worse for some reason.


And yeah there's definitely something off about the game's graphics. This game honestly feels like it needs another year or close to it in the oven before its ready. I think relic bit off more than they could chew making this and AoE4 at the same time.

Yea, I was just playing it again, going a bit further, and performance is all over the place.  Sometimes dropping down to 30s.  Seems like it also has memory leaks as well.


Pretty terrible.  When does it launch?  It definitely needs more time in the oven.

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43 minutes ago, Remij said:

Yea, I was just playing it again, going a bit further, and performance is all over the place.  Sometimes dropping down to 30s.  Seems like it also has memory leaks as well.


Pretty terrible.  When does it launch?  It definitely needs more time in the oven.


November :ben:

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On 2022-07-17 at 12:14 AM, Twinblade said:

damn I thought cows are pathetic but hermits might have taken the cake. Apparently people are completely outraged by the fact that the story focuses on a woman native to the area and her observations of the war. I just saw a post on the steam forum where some dude actually said that the game was somehow disrespecting the millions of people who died in WW2.......wut :D 

The trailer is abysmal though. Make it looks like you play as a helpless Egyptian war refugee, as a commercial it's an absolute disaster, you don't see the game and nothing in the trailer indicate what it's about. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

The trailer is abysmal though. Make it looks like you play as a helpless Egyptian war refugee, as a commercial it's an absolute disaster, you don't see the game and nothing in the trailer indicate what it's about. 


Reveal trailers are always cinematic and more focused on the vibe and setting than showing gameplay. Thats why they released a 30 minute gameplay video at the same time.

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