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Why did nobody tell me that Dishonored 2 was amazing?

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3 hours ago, kaz said:


didn't have any issues with that part, you are pretty far- the ending was awesome and worth it. looks like you rushed through the game, did you read anything? lol

Well it was awful until i realized you can gather spare parts from the health robots and power on the elevator. IDK why they thought it was a good idea to add platforming into the game when its awful just because you didnt have enough spare parts with you.


Im about 10 hours in. I stopped reading most stuff. Ive read more emails in this game than ive read irl. Its almost all useless junk and the game should have a spam folder. The game has way too much to read and most of it is useless or uninteresting. I thought DH2 was bad with all the bullshit they think you are going to read. Almost all of that could have been trimmed down and spoken through those dumb little recording you find laying around.


So yeah, now im back in an anti grav part where you have to find and scan shit. What devs played these antigrav parts and thought.....yeah we should add more of this, its great !! Cause that dev needs fired.


As of now im only gonna finish it because i feel im somewhat close to finishing it. This game has amazing parts but its brought down by some poor design choices and shitty gameplay. Ive not fought one enemy is this game that i found enjoyable. Honestly the only enemy that is somewhat fun to smack with a wrench is the stupid health robots. Least it makes a satisfying sound.

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1 hour ago, JonbX said:

Well it was awful until i realized you can gather spare parts from the health robots and power on the elevator. IDK why they thought it was a good idea to add platforming into the game when its awful just because you didnt have enough spare parts with you.


Im about 10 hours in. I stopped reading most stuff. Ive read more emails in this game than ive read irl. Its almost all useless junk and the game should have a spam folder. The game has way too much to read and most of it is useless or uninteresting. I thought DH2 was bad with all the bullshit they think you are going to read. Almost all of that could have been trimmed down and spoken through those dumb little recording you find laying around.


So yeah, now im back in an anti grav part where you have to find and scan shit. What devs played these antigrav parts and thought.....yeah we should add more of this, its great !! Cause that dev needs fired.


As of now im only gonna finish it because i feel im somewhat close to finishing it. This game has amazing parts but its brought down by some poor design choices and shitty gameplay. Ive not fought one enemy is this game that i found enjoyable. Honestly the only enemy that is somewhat fun to smack with a wrench is the stupid health robots. Least it makes a satisfying sound.

ye agreed, the game has some shitty parts. i know a lot of shit to read is meaningless but is also some excellent lore, for example the explanation for the mimics to "take other forms" and why they flicker.



It says so in one of the experiments that they found out they can travel at super high speeds in space and basically disappear when they take the form of an object, and only the frequency around them remains which causes the flickering sound. There is more stuff liek this, idk probably not what you will find that interesting but im sucker for that kind of lore.


I honestly skipped the last level, used the cumshot-gun to basically climb all the way up where I otherwise had to do the entire section. the worst part is yet to come, trust me, good luck :D  

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They could have told that lore through a recording or something more interesting than the 80th book you found sitting in some random office. And the lore sounds much better than what they are. Oh thats a cool back story, how are they portrayed? Like a fucking dollar store slinky that struggles to make it down more than 2 steps then just unravels and you trip on it later that night.   And great, that last part sounds really fucking fun. The ending better be great or im coming for you :beckham:

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