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Senate Republicans block bill that would federally enshrine right to contraception

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


According to Twinblade, this master of sex and all things related to women.  The lack of access to contraceptives and or abortion services won't impact much people.... 




Lol guys like Twincel are happy about abortion bans as they view it as punishing women who like casual sex but still won't have it with them. 

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1 hour ago, Saucer said:

They're being consistent in their pro-life stance. They don't want abortifacients to be legal.  


An objectively poor stance and a "want" given most studies on abortion, and countless medical experts.


Then again this isn't exactly a party that cares about science and medicine, we have seen this for Covid and Climate.

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1 hour ago, Substatic said:


An objectively poor stance and a "want" given most studies on abortion, and countless medical experts.


Uh-huh. What's the objective scientific consensus on which qualities are necessary or sufficient for something to have a right to life. And please cite authoritative sources if you wanna to play this silly game.



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4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol yes, Republicans being consistently pro life is pretty dishonest, even for you. 


Is this the prog argument that Republicans aren't pro-life because they're evil and greedy and don't care about the poor? Or is something less silly?

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44 minutes ago, Saucer said:


Is this the prog argument that Republicans aren't pro-life because they're evil and greedy and don't care about the poor? Or is something less silly?


That's pretty obvious, but no that isn't why I called the pro-gun, pro-war, pro-death penalty Republicans inconsistently prolife. They definitely pro-birth. That's to appease their religious base who only care about abortion.


The mortality rates are highest in red states, yet there are no real Republican solutions for that. Republicans don't talk about health care, the environment, food insecurity, worker rights, mental health (outside of mass shootings), or general quality of life issues. 


Republicans are still complaining about Michelle Obama asking kids to eat healthier and exercise. Chris Christie actually had the nerve to talk about letting kids have pizza and other junk food for school lunch with his fatass with zero self awareness. How many red states won't allow abortions even with the mother's life being at risk? 


I'm old enough to remember Republicans fighting Obamacare because of the "death panels" that would determine which senior citizens got to live or die in order for everyone to have affordable health care only to turn around and basically state old people would willingly give their lives for the economy. 


Republicans care about ppl being born and don't give a fuck about them afterwards. I thought this would be a short reply since I can't stand you, and I'm still leaving shit out. 


In reality the abortion issue and gun issues are the jewels of the republican ideology because it's hugely cultural and doesn't grate their corporate interests. 


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2 hours ago, Saucer said:


 And please cite authoritative sources if you wanna to play this silly game.




You're trying to debate with the wrong person, you're going to get absolutely fucked when going against me on an objective scientific debate.  I remember ass blasting a couple of your cronies on climate and covid a while back here.


Here are the sources for the specific claim I made,


Studies showing abortion restrictions or bans primarily have negative health results:



A few of those are the most comprehensive in the field. I'm not capable of finding any study showing abortion bans or restrictions as an objectively good thing on any medical or scientific level.  But that's your find to make, provide me with such studies to have a chance at getting anything but ass raped in this "debate".


Medical Experts:



Being for abortion bans and/or severe restrictions is objectively being in the wrong going by medical data and experts. We only see negative results. Republicans are objectively in the wrong here. Like many of them are/were for Climate and Covid.





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32 minutes ago, Substatic said:


You're trying to debate with the wrong person, you're going to get absolutely fucked when going against me on an objective scientific debate.  I remember ass blasting a couple of your cronies on climate and covid a while back here.


Dude you're about as intimidating as a toddler. 


The pro-life side simply shoots back: Hey how many innocent children did you murder with abortion? Over 60m in the US alone since Roe? 


Are you completely new to this subject?

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2 minutes ago, Saucer said:


Dude you're about as intimidating as a toddler. 


The pro-life side simply shoots back: Hey how many innocent children did you murder with abortion? Over 60m in the US alone since Roe? 


Are you completely new to this subject?


And here I was.


Expecting Saucer to provide peer reviewed or equally ground-breaking studies to counter all of mine. All of which directly agree with me.


 I was expecting too much from a conservative I suppose. Oh well, I hope you like this L you were just given.

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1 minute ago, Substatic said:


And here I was.


Expecting Saucer to provide peer reviewed or equally ground-breaking studies to counter all of mine. All of which directly agree with me.


I was expecting too much from a conservative I suppose. Oh well, I hope you like this L you were just given.


60m butchered in the US alone since Roe and you're too much of a coward to even try and defend it.

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2 minutes ago, Saucer said:


60m butchered in the US alone since Roe and you're too much of a coward to even try and defend it.


According to studies I have linked, abortion restrictions and bans don't or barely work.  They primarily just result in more negative health outcomes for women. Abortion rates still remain high, they seek abortion elsewhere which typically results in other problems. Areas with restrictions see a rise in maternal mortality. This includes US research, and global. 


If you bothered to read that bullet point of rape I gave you, you would understand how badly you lost this debate.  All research done on this indicates abortion bans/restrictions are a factual scientific and medical negative.


Like with climate and covid, Republicans politicians are objectively wrong on this one.

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2 minutes ago, Saucer said:


How high compared to pre-Roe? 


Not sure. So you're not even going to try to find counter citation for even just ONE of my links? I guess it's settled then.


Abortion bans/restrictions objectively bad.  

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1 hour ago, Saucer said:


Right, you're full of shit. 



Now you're just trying to get the last post in as if it changes this from not being countered yet,



2 hours ago, Substatic said:




Studies showing abortion restrictions or bans primarily have negative health results:



A few of those are the most comprehensive in the field. I'm not capable of finding any study showing abortion bans or restrictions as an objectively good thing on any medical or scientific level.  But that's your find to make, provide me with such studies to have a chance at getting anything but ass raped in this "debate".


Medical Experts:



Being for abortion bans and/or severe restrictions is objectively being in the wrong going by medical data and experts. We only see negative results. Republicans are objectively in the wrong here. Like many of them are/were for Climate and Covid.



Disprove or counter the above facts and experts. These directly agree with me. Your sources should be preferably peer reviewed, if not peer reviewed preferably ground breaking to the point where dozens of peer reviewed use it. Like mine. 




The L is yours currently, and it's not even close.

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10 hours ago, Saucer said:


Uh-huh. What's the objective scientific consensus on which qualities are necessary or sufficient for something to have a right to life. And please cite authoritative sources if you wanna to play this silly game.




He provided it and predictably you had nothing of substance. 


You're asking for a standard of proof that you yourself cannot come close to providing. 


Hold that L Saucer. 

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