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Sony's Death Stranding coming to PC GamePass, will be announced tomorrow

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48 minutes ago, jehurey said:



and since you got caught lying back then..... why would you have credibility today?


I wasn't lying. I said the gen, he cherry picked two years entirely depending on WiiU backlog rescores. Neither WiiU nor Switch even came close to PC for the gen.


You're deciding not to use your 3090 on the machine that has the most games, of any budget type. That's a you problem.

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1 minute ago, Substatic said:


I wasn't lying.

you are about never having been proven wrong.


you clearly were proven wrong.


so...since you try to deny and coverup something from back then, you're clearly capable of doing the same exact thing right now.


give a vague statistic without going into detail......yeah, i've seen you attempt such things before.

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1 minute ago, Substatic said:


Shut the fuck up Liehurey.  🤣



Yup, he knows that I described his previous claims being proven wrong.


and then him LYING about that history.


...............as he attempts NEW claims again, that are incredibly vague.

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9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Yup, he knows that I described his previous claims being proven wrong.


and then him LYING about that history.


...............as he attempts NEW claims again, that are incredibly vague.


Shut the fuck up Liehurey.  🤣

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4 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Shut the fuck up Liehurey.  🤣

Looks like I got the proven liar angry........because I reminded him about his claim that was completely wrong, and proven wrong by another person on the forum.


you can tell.............it scarred him.

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25 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Looks like I got the proven liar angry........because I reminded him about his claim that was completely wrong, and proven wrong by another person on the forum.


you can tell.............it scarred him.


Shut the fuck up Liehurey, literally making up fictional events.  🤣

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7 hours ago, Substatic said:


I know you're lying because you never quote the situation

Actually I do reference the OP and my post related to the OP, just about EVERY SINGLE TIME


So.........yes............I am specifically talking about the situation..........the actual premise of the thread.


Guess WHO ISN'T acknowledging the actual premise of the thread?  The "situation"????????????


:reg:The one who's trying to lie.

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5 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Link it so I can show

Sorry, we're not going to go off-tangent because you're butthurt about Gouko beating you.


You can go and re-litigate that in your own thread.

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50 minutes ago, Substatic said:


You're literally making something up in this one.  You lie so much. :drake:

You're angry because I told you to go take your tangent somewhere else.


Notice how you can't stick to the subject to save your life?


Sorry, crying and calling me a liar over and over, while you run away from subjects, just isn't going to work.

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