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Ok, I might be a little hyped for this Sonic game.

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I'm very cautiously optimistic.  The new trailers look substantially more interesting than the first reveals and shit they did.


I hope it turns out well for them.  Would be great if it was fun and gave them a solid foundation to expand the series.

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5 minutes ago, Remij said:

I'm very cautiously optimistic.  The new trailers look substantially more interesting than the first reveals and shit they did.


I hope it turns out well for them.  Would be great if it was fun and gave them a solid foundation to expand the series.

Maybe that was their ploy all along. Show it looking like shit then show it looking average. Because of the improvement you almost think it will be good :D 

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2 hours ago, ghostz said:

Well, it has a good chance to flop. But why would anyone want that. He’s one of video games most iconic characters, more than anything Sonys ever created. :D 

Because post 2000 Sonic has been for autistic people exclusively.

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Lets be real, Sonic games have a low bar to reach in order to be considered "good". I'm honestly surprised the series has managed to survive after delivering so many disappointing entries. Sonic fans have some insanely high tolerance for shit.

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Honestly, making Sonic a open world game is a super smart idea, Sonic needs massive environment because he's way too fucking fast for small and contained regular platforming sections.


However what I'm seeing here seems really gimmicky and low budget Japanese crap. The visuals are bland and boring af. Good idea, terrible execution.

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1 hour ago, Sabo said:

Lets be real, Sonic games have a low bar to reach in order to be considered "good". I'm honestly surprised the series has managed to survive after delivering so many disappointing entries. Sonic fans have some insanely high tolerance for shit.

The true Sonic fans are diehards.  Sonic has mostly sucked since 1-3 on the Genesis.  Some people even think it sucked back then, but I think the classic games are awesome and definitely served the market well at that point in time.


It's such a staple, that gamers are always willing to give it a chance, no matter how many times they get burned from it.  The Sonic cycle is well known by now.  It's also the same reason why people forever hold out hope that the next Final Fantasy will be an incredible thing.  After 12, 13, 15... multiple weak releases in a row, you still have a massive amount of people that will always be up for "the one" that brings them back on track.


I'm definitely guilty of this.  There's certain franchises out there that I'll forever love no matter how much they get dragged through the mud by shitty releases... because I'm hopeful that the next will be the one to bring it all back.  I usually always give them another chance.. for better or worse.

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9 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I honestly think the recent games are under appreciated. Colors was good, Generations was good. Mania was alright. Shit even Unleashed had a lot of good stuff in it.


Forces is the only one that seems legitimately bad. 


Colors, Generations, and Unleashed are more than a decade old and Mania wasn't made by Sonic Team. Sonic Team's output in the last decade is Forces and Lost World.

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