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Perhaps the most divisive speech in US President history.

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

Lol at this foolish over simplification of everything that has happened and still happens. Intellectually dishonest as fuck there, bud. Most of said restrictions weren't even legal legislatures and you're like ''don't question anything, it's a pandemic''. Fuck you, peoples lives were ruined and not just by the virus. 


That's not it clown, you're new to this discussion.  I've been over this a gazillion times with Cooke and have already curb stomped him for two years on this Covid shit.   


Not going to do over that shit with him again... Trust me when I tell you all his points boiled down to just what I said.. Just letting it run wild on the public. 

Edited by Goukosan
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lmfao the crazy is part is flipping through these is the amount of times Trump is asked about violence at this rallies and he defends nearly every single instance and shows his approval of people gett

Boohoo the MAGA snowflakes feelings were hurt

1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


That's not it clown, you're new to this discussion.  I've been over this a gazillion times with Cooke and have already curb stomped him for two years on this Covid shit.   


But going to do overt that shit with him again... Trust me when I tell you all his points boiled down to just what I said.. Just letting it run wild on the public. 

Oh, I see. Carry on then. I didn't say nothin. 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


That's not it clown, you're new to this discussion.  I've been over this a gazillion times with Cooke and have already curb stomped him for two years on this Covid shit.   


But going to do overt that shit with him again... Trust me when I tell you all his points boiled down to just what I said.. Just letting it run wild on the public. 

Oh really?  :freeben:  such as what Gouk?  everything I've said ended up being proven true months later.  


Lockdowns had a net negative impact of society

Vaccines did not and do not stop the spread

MRNA vaccines are not a net benefit to men under 40

Pointless restrictions that politicians can't even follow are just that.. pointless. All for the sake of optics to the Covidians who demand action. 


how many lives did shutting down beaches and playgrounds save? is it even a quantifiable number? No, because its FUCKING ZERO. 


Small businesses and restaurants had to shut down, but Costco and Walmart and McDonald's were ok.  Explain that one. No you can't, because it was your stupid extreme covid leftist shit that just wanted to stick it to Trump and do everything the exact opposite of the way he would have done it. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Oh really?  :freeben:  such as what Gouk?  everything I've said ended up being proven true months later.  



Lmfao... Cooke not even going to go through this dumb shit with you again.  


Each time you got proven wrong you act like it didn't happen and you just move on to the next thing, rinse and repeat....


When I have some time I'll bump the all the gazillion old threads with all the dumb shit you were saying, all the incorrect shit and all the shit you misinterpreted etc :cmpunk1:




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23 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Lmfao... Cooke not even going to go through this dumb shit with you again.  


Each time you got proven wrong you act like it didn't happen and you just move on to the next thing, rinse and repeat....


When I have some time I'll bump the all the gazillion old threads with all the dumb shit you were saying, all the incorrect shit and all the shit you misinterpreted etc :cmpunk1:




OK loser

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20 hours ago, Ramza said:

Says the guy who call everyone racist. 


Except that's not true. You're an anti-trans bigot for sure and possibly have issues with gay people. You guys might not hate or want to kill or hurt them, but doesn't mean you're not prejudiced against them. You also definitely have some white aggrievement shit going down at your core but that doesn't make you racist either.  That's part of your entitlement complex.


You guys act like I say things out of nowhere, I've explained in detail to all of you already. Paying more attention to how you guys interact with Robo, Jerry, Gak, and the others your patterns are plain as day. In order to keep repeating the same stupid shit you guys have to act as if you're unaware you've been debunked or you  pretend to not see it happen. Cooke is still ignoring my post where he tried to compare Biden talking in dim lighting vs his hero Trump literally calling for violence from his followers at his rallies. 



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16 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Cooke not even going to go through this dumb shit with you again.  


Each time you got proven wrong you act like it didn't happen and you just move on to the next thing, rinse and repeat....


lol I'm still waiting for @Cooke to respond to my post here to him. The sad thing is these motherfuckers act like no one can see their patterns.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


lol I'm still waiting for @Cooke to respond to my post here to him. The sad thing is these motherfuckers act like no one can see their patterns.

Your post about a speech I've never seen 6 years from a guy who isnt the fucking president anymore? What would you like me to say? Trump sucks shit, he was the most unpresidential person to ever become president. He's a fat whiney narcissistic infant. 

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3 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Your post about a speech I've never seen 6 years from a guy who isnt the fucking president anymore? What would you like me to say? Trump sucks shit, he was the most unpresidential person to ever become president. He's a fat whiney narcissistic infant. 


Motherfucker, you brought him and his speeches up! Now you have never seen him say any of this shit over the past 6 years? How many fucking times are you guys going to use "I didn't know" excuse. Then shut the fuck up and listen if you guys don't know anything. 


You guys are fucking demented. 

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Motherfucker, you brought him and his speeches up! Now you have never seen him say any of this shit over the past 6 years? How many fucking times are you guys going to use "I didn't know" excuse. Then shut the fuck up and listen if you guys don't know anything. 


You guys are fucking demented. 

Trump did not demonize half the country in his speech. And if he did, show me. 

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Are you dense?  He has always said MAGA Republicans. 


MAGA Republicans are the cult Republicans. 


You clowns took that to mean all republicans. 

Are you retarded? Direct quote ''there's not that many real Republicans anymore''.


MAGA is Donald Trump base at large. You're not going to change the definition of Make America Great Again slogan and the million of people it represents.  :kaz: 

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23 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Are you retarded? Direct quote ''there's not that many real Republicans anymore''.


MAGA is Donald Trump base at large. You're not going to change the definition of Make America Great Again slogan and the million of people it represents.  :kaz: 


Again are you dense?... It has always been MAGA Republicans that he was talking about, nothing has changed.  


You're the clown that made a thread saying he was talking about all republicans... And posted a video where he said he wasn't referring to all republicans  in the OP :drake:




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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Again are you dense?... It has always been MAGA Republicans that he was talking about, nothing has changed.  


You're the clown that made a thread saying he was talking about all republicans... And posted a video where he said he wasn't referring to all republicans  in the OP :drake:




You are retarded. :D 


The vast majority of Republicans voted for Trump and a good majority still love Trump. That's not a fringe minority, that's not QAnon like you tried to say, that's not extremism, that's the actual mainstream Republicans voters.


I didn't say anything, I quoted Sith Lord Brandon himself. Then showed you a video where he claims real Republicans are basically non existent anymore. A week later he attacks Trump and the MAGA republicans. Yeah, this guys is not trying to paint the vast majority Republicans as the enemy. 


but bu he didn't say all of them


Stop trying to save face for Brandon, you look like an unhinged imbecile right now. 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Are you dense?  He has always said MAGA Republicans. 


MAGA Republicans are the cult Republicans. 


You clowns took that to mean all republicans. 

That was the slogan for a campaign that won in 2016. So 72 million or whatever people are MAGA republicans? If that's the case then you've got a big problem. 

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9 hours ago, Ramza said:

You are retarded. :D 


The vast majority of Republicans voted for Trump and a good majority still love Trump. That's not a fringe minority, that's not QAnon like you tried to say, that's not extremism, that's the actual mainstream Republicans voters.


I didn't say anything, I quoted Sith Lord Brandon himself. Then showed you a video where he claims real Republicans are basically non existent anymore. A week later he attacks Trump and the MAGA republicans. Yeah, this guys is not trying to paint the vast majority Republicans as the enemy. 


but bu he didn't say all of them


Stop trying to save face for Brandon, you look like an unhinged imbecile right now. 


8 hours ago, Cooke said:

That was the slogan for a campaign that won in 2016. So 72 million or whatever people are MAGA republicans? If that's the case then you've got a big problem. 


Ramza you're doing it again.... Now you're claiming he was talking about mainstream republicans as part of MAGA?  Are you that dishonest? 



Not everyone who voted for Trump is a MAGA Republican. How shallow and child like are both of you guys brain? A vast majority of Republicans held their noses, turned their faces and voted for him, but that doesn't make them a MAGA. 


Biden clearly stated its those MAGA folk that subscribe to the extreme and crazy ideology.... Why are you two clowns pretending these people aren't shaping the narrative.... 


Is it because you believe some of the stupid shit they say.. So now you feel attacked? :umad:


And yes Ramza, the QAnon loons are also part of the MAGA crowd.  Matter of fact the majority of the nonsense peddled by MAGA since Trump lost came directly from QAnon. 


Bbbbut a vote means you're one of them :awww: So every republican and moderate who voted for Joe Biden is now considered a Liberal Democrat? :drake:



Bunch of fucking snowflakes crying that the cult members and lunatics got called out. 


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