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Perhaps the most divisive speech in US President history.

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9 hours ago, Ramza said:


I didn't say anything, I quoted Sith Lord Brandon himself. Then showed you a video where he claims real Republicans are basically non existent anymore. A week later he attacks Trump and the MAGA republicans. Yeah, this guys is not trying to paint the vast majority Republicans as the enemy. 


but bu he didn't say all of them


Stop trying to save face for Brandon, you look like an unhinged imbecile right now. 


Bbbut I didn't say anything :awww:


Did you forget the orginal post for this very thread you created and posted a video from a speech that SPECIFIED who he is talking about. 


"let me make this clear upfront, not all republicans not even the majority of Republicans embrace the extreme ideology, I know because I have been able to work with them, the mainstream republicans" 


Are you a MAGA cult member or a  QAnon loon or both? Because you seem mightily offended that they got called out :umad:

Edited by Goukosan
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lmfao the crazy is part is flipping through these is the amount of times Trump is asked about violence at this rallies and he defends nearly every single instance and shows his approval of people gett

Boohoo the MAGA snowflakes feelings were hurt

18 hours ago, Cooke said:

Trump did not demonize half the country in his speech. And if he did, show me. 


That's good, MAGA people are the scum of the country.  Not too long ago at a Biden rally or whatever some MAGA dude was acting up and causing a scene. When the crowd got worked up, Biden told everyone to settle down and not react negatively towards the man and to let him be escorted out peacefully. He did make a snarky remark about the guy's right to act dumb in public, but that was it.


Meanwhile men were sucker punching women and people of color at Trump rallies at his behest and enjoyment. But yeah, the red lighting was the worst thing a President has ever done. 

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13 hours ago, Ramza said:

Are you retarded? Direct quote ''there's not that many real Republicans anymore''.


MAGA is Donald Trump base at large. You're not going to change the definition of Make America Great Again slogan and the million of people it represents.  :kaz: 



LMFAO this clown is fucking shameless. It's crazy how you clutch your pearls every time I point out how stupid, dishonest, and hypocritical you are. 

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On 2022-09-03 at 6:13 PM, Twinblade said:

Biden was clearly referring to all Trump supporters. This was no different than Hilary’s basket of deplorables comment. He basically called 74 million people extremists and a threat to the country. 

He’s a disgrace who’s only inflaming tensions and further dividing Americans.

How hasn't a woman snatched you out of your mother's house yet? 

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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:



LMFAO this clown is fucking shameless. It's crazy how you clutch your pearls every time I point out how stupid, dishonest, and hypocritical you are. 

This groomer is having a meltdown. Holy shit, it's beyond pathetic how much you squirm, cry and repeat yourself over and over ad nauseum. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

This groomer is having a meltdown. Holy shit, it's beyond pathetic how much you squirm, cry and repeat yourself over and over ad nauseum. 


lmfao motherfucker you haven't made anyone squirm in here. You're getting beat down in every exchange you're having on this forum. I'm not just being mean when I said it's like arguing with a young child. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:







lmfao the crazy is part is flipping through these is the amount of times Trump is asked about violence at this rallies and he defends nearly every single instance and shows his approval of people getting beat up. 

  • Geese 1
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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


 You're getting beat down in every exchange you're having on this forum. 

Errm, oh yes, you proved I was a transphobe and Goukosan proved me wrong on Biden amazing unifying speech. Good job, guys. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Errm, oh yes, you proved I was a transphobe and Goukosan proved me wrong on Biden amazing unifying speech. Good job, guys. 

Meanwhile you haven't even articulated a single thing and are constantly admitting you were wrong or misinformed. I'm trying to see how you still have such a condescending tone in light of all this. 

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44 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Meanwhile you haven't even articulated a single thing and are constantly admitting you were wrong or misinformed. I'm trying to see how you still have such a condescending tone in light of all this. 

I heard you before. Apparently I made zero tangible arguments in all of my posts so far or maybe you simply can't read.


Lol and like admitting to be wrong or changing your mind is a bad thing. If you believe you are always right in everything you say or think then you might actually be the idiot one out of the lot. Are you? 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I heard you before. Apparently I made zero tangible arguments in all of my posts so far or maybe you simply can't read.


Lol and like admitting to be wrong or changing your mind is a bad thing. If you believe you are always right in everything you say or think then you might actually be the idiot one out of the lot. Are you? 


lmfao on multiple occasions you decided to not actually articulate your points out of protest that I wouldn't give them just due or something. One of the most pussy moves possible. There are the other times where you act sober and admit that your sources are probably not trust worthy or you admit to not knowing the topic. It's crazy how you view these exchanges. Ever stop to reread any of these threads? 

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13 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


lmfao on multiple occasions you decided to not actually articulate your points out of protest that I wouldn't give them just due or something. One of the most pussy moves possible. There are the other times where you act sober and admit that your sources are probably not trust worthy or you admit to not knowing the topic. It's crazy how you view these exchanges. Ever stop to reread any of these threads? 

Probably because you were already in denial and I have better things to do than argue with a narrowminded leftist who think I'm a hateful bigot transphobe. Fuck that, I don't owe any explanation to you or anyone else. I'm sorry but you guys aren't important at all.


Pointing out that I got info out of what I know to be a biased source is also bad, apprently. Instead I should lie and act like it's the truth because a doubtful source said so? Huh, no, I'm gonna stay modest and truthful. Thanks. 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Probably because you were already in denial and I have better things to do than argue with a narrowminded leftist who think I'm a hateful bigot transphobe.


Riddle me this. Leftist vs Conservatives. Historically, which have been proven to be more narrow minded? I'll give you a hint:  Conservatism is actually the anthesis of change. This is how stupid you sound right now.


I dont think you're hateful at all, or that a bigot automatically has malicious intent. You have awful views on trans/queer people


3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Fuck that, I don't owe any explanation to you or anyone else. I'm sorry but you guys aren't important at all.


I guess. But if you're arguing anyway, I dont see what the problem is in defining what it is you're actually against or stating what your preferred course of action, in a realistic situation is. 


I've asked Cocke for years to explain how he views equality, as he sees White men in Canada at a disadvantage compared to people of color and his answer is just 'equality". With no actual idea of how that would be enacted or enforced in any way. 


You seem to be concerned about the growing LBGTQ population so I asked what your solution was. I do find it problematic you find this something that needs to be combatted but I fail to see the point is not explaining this viewpoint. 


3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Pointing out that I got info out of what I know to be a biased source is also bad, apprently. Instead I should lie and act like it's the truth because a doubtful source said so? Huh, no, I'm gonna stay modest and truthful. Thanks. 


lmfao If you consider yourself being modest in here, then you're more off the deep end that I thought. Part of why we laugh at you is the authorative you have as you go on about things you dont understand based on untrue information from the sources you acknowledge as lacking credibility. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Riddle me this. Leftist vs Conservatives. Historically, which have been proven to be more narrow minded? I'll give you a hint:  Conservatism is actually the anthesis of change. This is how stupid you sound right now.


I dont think you're hateful at all, or that a bigot automatically has malicious intent. You have awful views on trans/queer people



I guess. But if you're arguing anyway, I dont see what the problem is in defining what it is you're actually against or stating what your preferred course of action, in a realistic situation is. 


I've asked Cocke for years to explain how he views equality, as he sees White men in Canada at a disadvantage compared to people of color and his answer is just 'equality". With no actual idea of how that would be enacted or enforced in any way. 


You seem to be concerned about the growing LBGTQ population so I asked what your solution was. I do find it problematic you find this something that needs to be combatted but I fail to see the point is not explaining this viewpoint. 



lmfao If you consider yourself being modest in here, then you're more off the deep end that I thought. Part of why we laugh at you is the authorative you have as you go on about things you dont understand based on untrue information from the sources you acknowledge as lacking credibility. 

I'm hardly some die hard conservatist and change isn't always good. Weak points as always.


What awful view do I have about trans exactly?


I'm not concerned about the growing LGBTQ community growing. I'm concerned about the influence and woke doctrines they're pushing on children. It's not the same thing at all, this is why I say you fail at reading comprehension and twist everything I say. You don't even understand the argument I put forward or what I stand for then you cry about how I didn't properly explain things. 


Admitting to be wrong on something is a sign of modesty. Admitting what you heard might come from a biased source is a sign of honesty. There's no other way around it but don't worry, it's not as if I expect you narrowminded leftists to ever admit to be wrong about anything or anyone. Fascists who think their world view is the supreme ideal for everyone else does tend to act like that. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I'm hardly some die hard conservatist and change isn't always good. Weak points as always.


I dont doubt that. It's what has become a bit of a thing the past decade. People who actually see themselves as progressive becoming right wing boot lickers because minor issues that they have a weird conviction for. Cocke is racist, your whole thing with trans people, and Twinblade's need for sex games or whatever. There's probably also some deep seated thing about White men not feeling like the center of the universe anymore.


Maybe you're right and my point is week. Conservatives were so great with Civil Rights, Women's rights, the LGTBQ community....


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

What awful view do I have about trans exactly?


Lol It's funny 'cause we're gonna get into it shortly.


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I'm not concerned about the growing LGBTQ community growing.


Funny as you've literally sounded the alarm about there being 'too many' people identifying as gay. As if you're qualified to gauge what the right number of people should be.



1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I'm concerned about the influence and woke doctrines they're pushing on children. It's not the same thing at all, this is why I say you fail at reading comprehension and twist everything I say. You don't even understand the argument I put forward or what I stand for then you cry about how I didn't properly explain things. 


You haven't actually explained what these woke doctrines are (let alone their negative intent) or shown where they're being implemented, or by whom. I'm no genius...but that sounds like you're afraid of something you've created in your mind. Based on your prejudice feelings that trans/gay people are more prone to grooming or preying on children. 


Do you say this directly? No, because you know it sounds bigoted but you can't help but bring up childgrooming/abuse in the same breath as Trans or even people in drag. In fact you act like just being in the presence of a drag queen is detrimental to a child. 



1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Admitting to be wrong on something is a sign of modesty. Admitting what you heard might come from a biased source is a sign of honesty.


Except more often than not you still spin that into you some how still being right. True honesty and modesty would be evaluating your other opinions, maybe considering the other views you hold might be wrong. Not trying to worm out some moral victory for yourself. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

There's no other way around it but don't worry, it's not as if I expect you narrowminded leftists to ever admit to be wrong about anything or anyone. Fascists who think their world view is the supreme ideal for everyone else does tend to act like that. 


You have to prove someone wrong in order to claim something like that. So far in this forum I haven't been proven wrong about anything I've said. It's possible I put up a mental block but definitely feel free. I do admit that I feel "leftist" ideals are better for the larger population. They are also liked by the majority of Americans. It's Washington Conservatives that buck this trend due to their servitude to corporations and religious groups.


I guess a country being run by corporate interest and monotheistic religious doctrine seems like a better fit for you? 


Right wing nutjobs love to call the left Fascist.  Let's talk about some of the key characteristics of fascism.


1. Performative patriotism.

2. Hostility towards academia/higher learning

3. Strives for military superiority

4. Believes in state and the church working in tandem

5. Anti-worker/Union 

6. Hates liberalism

7. anti-immigrant



Now did I just describe a democrat or a republican right there? 



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14 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I dont doubt that. It's what has become a bit of a thing the past decade. People who actually see themselves as progressive becoming right wing boot lickers because minor issues that they have a weird conviction for. Cocke is racist, your whole thing with trans people, and Twinblade's need for sex games or whatever. There's probably also some deep seated thing about White men not feeling like the center of the universe anymore.


Maybe you're right and my point is week. Conservatives were so great with Civil Rights, Women's rights, the LGTBQ community....



Lol It's funny 'cause we're gonna get into it shortly.



Funny as you've literally sounded the alarm about there being 'too many' people identifying as gay. As if you're qualified to gauge what the right number of people should be.




You haven't actually explained what these woke doctrines are (let alone their negative intent) or shown where they're being implemented, or by whom. I'm no genius...but that sounds like you're afraid of something you've created in your mind. Based on your prejudice feelings that trans/gay people are more prone to grooming or preying on children. 


Do you say this directly? No, because you know it sounds bigoted but you can't help but bring up childgrooming/abuse in the same breath as Trans or even people in drag. In fact you act like just being in the presence of a drag queen is detrimental to a child. 




Except more often than not you still spin that into you some how still being right. True honesty and modesty would be evaluating your other opinions, maybe considering the other views you hold might be wrong. Not trying to worm out some moral victory for yourself. 



You have to prove someone wrong in order to claim something like that. So far in this forum I haven't been proven wrong about anything I've said. It's possible I put up a mental block but definitely feel free. I do admit that I feel "leftist" ideals are better for the larger population. They are also liked by the majority of Americans. It's Washington Conservatives that buck this trend due to their servitude to corporations and religious groups.


I guess a country being run by corporate interest and monotheistic religious doctrine seems like a better fit for you? 


Right wing nutjobs love to call the left Fascist.  Let's talk about some of the key characteristics of fascism.


1. Performative patriotism.

2. Hostility towards academia/higher learning

3. Strives for military superiority

4. Believes in state and the church working in tandem

5. Anti-worker/Union 

6. Hates liberalism

7. anti-immigrant



Now did I just describe a democrat or a republican right there? 



First I don't live in your country and I don't always vote for the most right wing party. So it's a weak point in relation to me. You can continue to pretend your simplistic view of right wing policies are all inherently bad and stuck in the past. I don't care, it has no bearing to me. And did you just stealthily accused me of racism? Wow, great.


Once again, your reading comprehension is terrible and I'm French FFS. I said too many children identify as non binary, gay or something else, I don't remember the exact number but it's ridiculously high increase compared to a few decades ago. Which raise the question if those kids could be easily influenced by the woke narrative and while some of them, maybe even most of them are truly LGBTQ but at the same time, it cannot be denied that they are probably quite a lot who also suffer from peers influence, you can easily manipulate children and create gender dysphoria. I don't see how this is not a genuine concern and just bigoted hateful talk.


You want me to explain possibly harmful woke doctrines, that was your issue with me not articulating your point? Are you living under a rock or something? Yeah, because telling children that men can also get pregnant and gender is a social construct can not fuck a child perception of life at all. Uh uh. And we have a war on language, where people can't even define what a woman is anymore. Pre pubescent kids taking hormones blockers making them sterile for life. Teenagers have their body parts chopped up. People celebrating being morbidly obese as healthy. Geez... 


I'm gonna stop there because either A: you are playing dumb or B: you are dumb. 


And you're wrong with your characteristics of fascism. They love higher education, as long as they control it and the narrative through media (kinda like leftists today, huh).


Let's look at some of the most well know fascists in history.


I don't remember Hitler working in close tandem with the church.

The Nazi were a socialist dictatorship with liberal elements to their doctrines and laws.

Hitler was loved by the working class as he provided jobs and a strong economy through a strong industrialized militaristic country.

Fascists like Stalin and Lenin used disgruntled workers to start a revolution and create a workers utopia through communism. 


There's more than one type of fascism you know. Radical leftists are more on the communist fascism side of things. It's not exclusively right wing and it never was. 


Right, now it's time for you to compel my speech, defend leftist disinformation while telling me why I'm a inherently bad person with unacceptable views and also reminding me of my skin color/nationality. 

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16 hours ago, Ramza said:

First I don't live in your country and I don't always vote for the most right wing party. So it's a weak point in relation to me.


You only complain about the left and always stick up for right wingers. It is, what it is. Cocke and Twinblade try to pull the same shit too. It's crazy that you guys have never found any zany or crazy right wing politics to complain about and find any



You can continue to pretend your simplistic view of right wing policies are all inherently bad and stuck in the past.


Please inform me about the conservative solutions for the following topics.



Housing cost

Stagnated salaries

Childhood Obesity

Gun Control


The environment


 I'm so simple, please teach me the complexities of conservative politics.




I don't care, it has no bearing to me. And did you just stealthily accused me of racism? Wow, great.


It wasn't stealthy. I spoke plainly. I dont think you're racist, I think you're kind of too dumb and self absorbed to be racist. Like someone dumb enough to compare being antivax to like an ethnic minority? Plus you've also literally made comments about being concerned about white guys being vilified unfairly. 



Once again, your reading comprehension is terrible and I'm French FFS. I said too many children identify as non binary, gay or something else, I don't remember the exact number but it's ridiculously high increase compared to a few decades ago.


lol You're still misquoting a study where you didn't understand the data. You keep calling me simple or whatever and I've explained the study you posted to you like three fucking times now and you keep misrepresenting the data. 





Which raise the question if those kids could be easily influenced by the woke narrative and while some of them, maybe even most of them are truly LGBTQ but at the same time, it cannot be denied that they are probably quite a lot who also suffer from peers influence, you can easily manipulate children and create gender dysphoria. I don't see how this is not a genuine concern and just bigoted hateful talk.


Yes, the kids are pressuring each other to be gay. I'll ask this, what is most likely the higher number.


  • Straight people being peer pressured into being gay by their woke teachers and classmates.
  • Gay people being pressured by their family, TV, magazines, music, teachers, classmates, movies, books to live a hetero lifestyle...or at least attempt to, with varying degrees of failure/success. 



You want me to explain possibly harmful woke doctrines, that was your issue with me not articulating your point? Are you living under a rock or something? Yeah, because telling children that men can also get pregnant and gender is a social construct can not fuck a child perception of life at all. Uh uh. And we have a war on language, where people can't even define what a woman is anymore.


Yes, Yes I do. Also lol at the 'war on language' from the guy who literally creates definitions for words he doesn't even know and defends it as 'language is ever changing'. That's not hypocritical of you at all. 



Pre pubescent kids taking hormones blockers making them sterile for life. Teenagers have their body parts chopped up. People celebrating being morbidly obese as healthy. Geez... 


Here's where we actually get to something interesting. On one hand you claim you're not anti-Trans but you also use explicitly morbid verbiage to describe their existence.  You fixate and exaggerate every negative aspect of trans/queer people, real or perceived.  They are beginning to transition. You could say that, but instead you keep going on about them being chemically castrated and mutilated. The reason: Because they were brainwashed by leftist teachers or to have an unfair advantage against women in sports. You never extend them any humanity or consider what level of regime is required to transition... as an adult, let alone a minor. 


Contrastingly, when called out you like to pretend you have no issue with them, and concede that some of them are "legit" I guess? The problem is you dont know every trans person's story and your accusations dont line up with historical data. 


The biggest reason I ask you to paint a full picture on this topic is from what you've said, the only solution you have for Trans people is to do nothing. That sometimes troublesome status quo, that's not always great for certain groups of people but is more enjoyable for people who aren't negatively affected by whatever the zeitgeist is for particular marginalized groups. I watched an interview with Rob Schnieder the other day about how bad woke culture is. He is nearing 60 years old and he recalls the good ol' days of America as the 50's. He literally mentions Jackie Robinson's MLB debut as showing how great America was. So to this white man (I think he's part pacific islander) who grew up with a well off family thinks the 50's were great. In many ways the 50's were great, just not for everyone.




I'm gonna stop there because either A: you are playing dumb or B: you are dumb. 


uh huh




And you're wrong with your characteristics of fascism. They love higher education, as long as they control it and the narrative through media (kinda like leftists today, huh).


Then they dont really love it. Oh great, another conspiracy theory. 



Let's look at some of the most well know fascists in history.


I don't remember Hitler working in close tandem with the church.


"In 1930 and 1931 the Catholic bishops of Germany issued warnings against the rising National Socialist Party. The essence of what they said was that the party program placed a Germanic feeling of race above religion."


Might have been a part of it. 


"The German Christian movement made significant changes to German Protestantism to bring it in line with Nazi racial ideology. Instead of classifying people as Christians or Jews based on their faith, as the Protestants had always done, German Christians began to classify people by racial heritage, as the Nazis did."


There was a different chain of events with the Christians tho.




Nothing is 100 percent one way, and there have been fascist movements that have butchered and killed clergymen who preached against the government. When the church is willing to bend to the will of the government, they have no problem with it. Like how so many religious leaders talk about Trump like he's some sort of prophet or something.



The Nazi were a socialist dictatorship with liberal elements to their doctrines and laws. Hitler was loved by the working class as he provided jobs and a strong economy through a strong industrialized militaristic country.

Fascists like Stalin and Lenin used disgruntled workers to start a revolution and create a workers utopia through communism. 


There's more than one type of fascism you know. Radical leftists are more on the communist fascism side of things. It's not exclusively right wing and it never was. 


Right, now it's time for you to compel my speech, defend leftist disinformation while telling me why I'm a inherently bad person with unacceptable views and also reminding me of my skin color/nationality. 


What leftist disinformation have I defended? Again, YOU DONT SAY ANYTHING OF SUBSTANCE. You dont want kids to be preyed upon. No one does. That isn't anyone's actual goal. Yes, there are probably predatory teachers but that goes along any spectrum. Most teachers who enter unlawful relationships with students are heterosexual men. Do you support banning all straight men from teaching? 


I'm exhausted with you. I'll just say, take some time to actually consider someone else's circumstances. Also try bringing your beliefs to their conclusion, or that of the right's. Because at this point yours and theirs align at pretty much treating Trans people like they dont exist and shouldn't be accepted by society.


You defend dishonest transphobes, you also defend racist btw (you got your wish) all the while never actually giving any nuance or objective thinking. Like I hear teachers and the LGBTQ communities joining forces with the intent to confuse children into getting sex change operations and I hear batshit conspiracy, but if that actually seemed like something real to me and not retarded, I would look up some basic information to form my opinion?


Also because I got lost somewhere, Gender and Sex are different things. Gender is largely regarded colloquially as culture. Like dresses for women, suits for men, dolls for girls, action figures for boys and all of that. It's a construct. At some points in history things began to form in our heads as being feminine or masculine that in some cases is just retailing. This can be seen at least two ways I suppose.


Destigmatize nonessential personality traits. It might not be weird for a boy to play with dolls or a girls to like male dominated activities. It's kind of in step with the notion of not assigning things as excusive to either gender that need not be at the adolescent stage. 


A trans man can get pregnant. Yes, some context is needed but it's not some super abstract concept or actually a very long sentiment. It's just the right's need to be as reductive as possible in every conceivable way. It says something that all it takes to debunk most of this shit is like one sentence. It's not a competition of ideas, its just what's real and make believe fear propaganda. 







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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Here's where we actually get to something interesting. On one hand you claim you're not anti-Trans but you also use explicitly morbid verbiage to describe their existence.  You fixate and exaggerate every negative aspect of trans/queer people, real or perceived.  They are beginning to transition. You could say that, but instead you keep going on about them being chemically castrated and mutilated.

How is it not that though? It is what it is, no need to sugarcoat it here. Of course I wouldn't say that to a trans to their face with the intention to offend and dehumanize. I'm trying to emphasize that is not something that should be glossed over. The transition is not all sunshine and rainbows. Those type of surgeries have a lot of occurring problems post operation. More so than a lot of other type of surgeries. It should come off as no surprises when you are literally cutting the genitals of healthy boys and girls who might not even have reach full puberty yet. Hormone blockers are also really unhealthy. All activists says otherwise but they're out of their fucking minds if they think stopping a young healthy kid going through puberty doesn't have completely irreversible side effects for the rest of their lives and reproductive organs (obviously).


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

The biggest reason I ask you to paint a full picture on this topic is from what you've said, the only solution you have for Trans people is to do nothing.

You say that to me all the time. I've never expressed a ''solution'' and I don't pretend to be the arbiter of anything like ''listen to me, this is how we change things and everything will be perfect!''. I raise more questions that I make statement generally speaking. 


About the only thing I said is that a teacher shouldn't be teaching sexual and gender education to kids in primary school when they're not qualified to do so. I don't even mind once they reach teenage years. Just young children are too easily manipulated and doesn't need to hear about that shit when they haven't even developed their own sexuality yet. It's just my opinion.


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

What leftist disinformation have I defended? Again, YOU DONT SAY ANYTHING OF SUBSTANCE. You dont want kids to be preyed upon. No one does. That isn't anyone's actual goal. Yes, there are probably predatory teachers but that goes along any spectrum. Most teachers who enter unlawful relationships with students are heterosexual men. Do you support banning all straight men from teaching? 

You're right, you don't defend anything, you ignore mostly everything. Technically not the same thing I guess. 


What is your opinion on forcing people to adopt neo pronouns? 

On telling people that men can also get pregnant as a biological fact?

Should trans women play in women sports?

What is a woman?


Your answers will determinate your level of wokeness.


And as far as your second part goes. Honestly the problem is I think some people are now so far to the left that will create harm even if that's not their intention. Worse is having complete conviction that they're doing good and cannot do any harm in the process. Or that voices of concerns and common sense are just bigoted talk...


 I've seen too many unhinged progressive leftists on the internet at this point. I wished I had save some links because even you wouldn't defend some those lunatics. They've lost the plot in their fight for equality somewhere and is resembling more and more of a authoritarian cult. 


And your last question there is really fucking stupid. Preventing rape is not even in the same ballpark and I didn't propose to ban anyone now did I?


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You defend dishonest transphobes, you also defend racist btw (you got your wish) all the while never actually giving any nuance or objective thinking.

Who, what? You mean when you said Matt Walsh was a pedophile? Yeah, sure, I'd defend him again. 


Which racist? Trump? Oh man. Maybe if I defended a KKK member or something you'd actually be on something. Here's it's just more random accusations trying to paint me a certain way. You say you're tired of my shit but yours is far more tiresome, trust me. It gets so old, so quick, it has 0 effect on me anymore. Complete desensitized to be called bigoted in any way, and it's amazing because no one has ever said any of those things to me before. Irl or not. Only you.


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, Yes I do. Also lol at the 'war on language' from the guy who literally creates definitions for words he doesn't even know and defends it as 'language is ever changing'. That's not hypocritical of you at all. 

I did that once and I'm not forcing anyone to adopt my definition of a groomer, I'm also French so I'm entitled to a few mistakes or bad usage of words.


It's a whole other thing compared to compelled speech by law. You act like I'm redefining words all the time and forcing it to people. I haven't said groomer since that thread other than to you because I knew you gets your panties in a bunch over something so unimportant. 


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

ol You're still misquoting a study where you didn't understand the data. You keep calling me simple or whatever and I've explained the study you posted to you like three fucking times now and you keep misrepresenting the data. 



You're the idiot who can't read my answers. I don't care that identifying as LGBTQ might not even mean to be gay, because it might just be something like ''non binary''. You can't seem to understand I have an issue with all of that as well and doesn't change anything of my opinion on the matter. 


There's nothing normal as having such a huge margin of kids not identifying as either typical female nor male. Hell, gay and lesbians are a lot more ''normal'' than some kids who identify as another species or asked to be called zey/zem on Friday and zim/zer on monday. In fact, I'd bet my left nut a good majority of gays and lesbians find that shit retarded. 


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Also because I got lost somewhere, Gender and Sex are different things. Gender is largely regarded colloquially as culture. Like dresses for women, suits for men, dolls for girls, action figures for boys and all of that. It's a construct. At some points in history things began to form in our heads as being feminine or masculine that in some cases is just retailing. This can be seen at least two ways I suppose.


Destigmatize nonessential personality traits. It might not be weird for a boy to play with dolls or a girls to like male dominated activities. It's kind of in step with the notion of not assigning things as excusive to either gender that need not be at the adolescent stage. 

That's fine when you put it that way. I get mocked at the bar by friends because I order girly drinks all the time. I'm not going to grow a pair of tits and start sucking dicks because I ordered a cosmopolitan. 


But here's the thing, that doesn't mean you should also raise your kid as non binary. How confusing do thing this is a to a child? Who cares if a boy plays with a barbie doll though... it's just a child. 

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10 hours ago, Ramza said:

How is it not that though? It is what it is, no need to sugarcoat it here. Of course I wouldn't say that to a trans to their face with the intention to offend and dehumanize.


It's still dehumanizing to say it behind their backs. 



I'm trying to emphasize that is not something that should be glossed over. The transition is not all sunshine and rainbows. Those type of surgeries have a lot of occurring problems post operation. More so than a lot of other type of surgeries.


No one ever said it was. There are no trans people, social workers, teacher, parent, or therapist that's telling people that it's an easy surgery and it's super fun after you get the surgery. This is some retarded brainworm created by the right. People like you, Jordan Peterson, and Matt Walsh exist in this world, so how the fuck can it be easy for these people?



It should come off as no surprises when you are literally cutting the genitals of healthy boys and girls who might not even have reach full puberty yet. Hormone blockers are also really unhealthy. All activists says otherwise but they're out of their fucking minds if they think stopping a young healthy kid going through puberty doesn't have completely irreversible side effects for the rest of their lives and reproductive organs (obviously).


First, why are you right wingers obsessed with little kid genitals? Like speaking of the topic with non-transphobes this line of thinking never comes up. I mean it's a sex change operation. Everyone is familiar with what's being changed. You guys keep going on about kid genitals like fucking weirdos. I've heard it's reversible, I honestly dont know but I sure as shit dont trust what you say about it.



You say that to me all the time. I've never expressed a ''solution'' and I don't pretend to be the arbiter of anything like ''listen to me, this is how we change things and everything will be perfect!''. I raise more questions that I make statement generally speaking. 


About the only thing I said is that a teacher shouldn't be teaching sexual and gender education to kids in primary school when they're not qualified to do so. I don't even mind once they reach teenage years. Just young children are too easily manipulated and doesn't need to hear about that shit when they haven't even developed their own sexuality yet. It's just my opinion.


Who is doing this? I sound like a broken record but I feel like right wingers go out of their way to be outraged and worried about things they think are happening versus reality. Obviously it's from the right wing media you yourself admit isn't credible but sure make your views based on that. Remember when CRT was the end of the world like...a year ago? And more states made anti-CRT mandates than pre-college schools were even teaching it in the entire country. The ones that passed the legislation didn't have any as I remember. 



You're right, you don't defend anything, you ignore mostly everything. Technically not the same thing I guess. 


I dont know what the woke agenda or leftist doctrine is. I keep asking you to define them. What have I actually ignored? 



What is your opinion on forcing people to adopt neo pronouns? 

On telling people that men can also get pregnant as a biological fact?

Should trans women play in women sports?

What is a woman?


Your answers will determinate your level of wokeness.


I used to hate the term 'woke', but looking at the types of people who use Woke as pejorative I say it proudly. If terrible, hateful, dishonest people dont like woke things, how bad can they be? MLK was woke, so I dont care that people who live in 2020s think if they're against what King fought for in the 60s.


Like I literally explained about the men getting pregnant thing in the post you're currently quoting, and here we are again on it. Am I taking fucking crazy pills?




And as far as your second part goes. Honestly the problem is I think some people are now so far to the left that will create harm even if that's not their intention. Worse is having complete conviction that they're doing good and cannot do any harm in the process. Or that voices of concerns and common sense are just bigoted talk...


Oh, your dehumanizing, apathetic mindset is just common sense. Yes, common sense that it's dangerous for kids to be around a drag queen and Trans people are more likely to be pedophiles. Also find me any situation that doesn't have negative outcomes. It's always when people dont like something they pull the "but something bad could happen" whilst ignoring any potential benefit. Let alone measuring the amount of good vs this. I mean, anti-vax people dont seem to consider any potential harm or do they do and dont care. What's your feeling on anti-vaxers again?





 I've seen too many unhinged progressive leftists on the internet at this point. I wished I had save some links because even you wouldn't defend some those lunatics. They've lost the plot in their fight for equality somewhere and is resembling more and more of a authoritarian cult. 


So more people you can't name said something you can't remember, but it  feel is too far. Ok. Is this the kind of shit I'm supposed to be addressing?




And your last question there is really fucking stupid. Preventing rape is not even in the same ballpark and I didn't propose to ban anyone now did I?


No, you didn't specifically said ban. You said their presence around children is bad. I just assumed you meant to ban based on that mindset. Sounds like you're that type of person who likes someone else doing the dirty work so you can pretend to be a good person. I feel this is probably one of the largest block of people on the right as of now, so you're not alone.



Who, what? You mean when you said Matt Walsh was a pedophile? Yeah, sure, I'd defend him again. 


I said he looks like a pedophile. For someone who keeps criticizing people for not understanding. It's back to the dishonest or stupid test with you on this. You failed again. I wasn't talking about that anyway. 




Which racist? Trump? Oh man. Maybe if I defended a KKK member or something you'd actually be on something. Here's it's just more random accusations trying to paint me a certain way. You say you're tired of my shit but yours is far more tiresome, trust me. It gets so old, so quick, it has 0 effect on me anymore. Complete desensitized to be called bigoted in any way, and it's amazing because no one has ever said any of those things to me before. Irl or not. Only you.


Oh, I'm sure they haven't. Most racist people dont have people telling them they're racist. I'll say this about your defense of Trump from my point of view. You laughed at the notion that he could be racist, and when presented with the fact that he had been successfully sued for racist rental practices, and also employment practices, you reaction was that it was all disgruntled people. We're talking about two completely separate issues, with different people, at different stages in time and your assertion is that it's just disgruntled black people unjustly taking on the Donald Trump. You without hesitation take the side of the worlds biggest liar, against dozens of black people. Who actually were successful against him in a court of law. And that was just one example I gave. 


Is he KKK racist? No. Are you KKK racist? No. I'm just saying it looks sus for you.



I did that once and I'm not forcing anyone to adopt my definition of a groomer, I'm also French so I'm entitled to a few mistakes or bad usage of words.


It's a whole other thing compared to compelled speech by law. You act like I'm redefining words all the time and forcing it to people. I haven't said groomer since that thread other than to you because I knew you gets your panties in a bunch over something so unimportant. 


You're the idiot who can't read my answers. I don't care that identifying as LGBTQ might not even mean to be gay, because it might just be something like ''non binary''. You can't seem to understand I have an issue with all of that as well and doesn't change anything of my opinion on the matter. 


Actually the part I was talking about was you thinking that the study represented both hetero and gay teens and it only included teens that had already identified as LGBTQ and not the entire teen population. Which means the number in your head is greater to probably the power of 10 than it is in reality. Then again you live a context free life. It only matters what you think right?




There's nothing normal as having such a huge margin of kids not identifying as either typical female nor male. Hell, gay and lesbians are a lot more ''normal'' than some kids who identify as another species or asked to be called zey/zem on Friday and zim/zer on monday. In fact, I'd bet my left nut a good majority of gays and lesbians find that shit retarded. 


Is this part of the woke doctrine or some random person on the internet you cant name?



That's fine when you put it that way.


You mean context? Yeah, I've been telling that context is important for weeks now. Alex Jones isn't going to break it down for you. They want you informed as little as possible.



I get mocked at the bar by friends because I order girly drinks all the time. I'm not going to grow a pair of tits and start sucking dicks because I ordered a cosmopolitan. 






But here's the thing, that doesn't mean you should also raise your kid as non binary. How confusing do thing this is a to a child? Who cares if a boy plays with a barbie doll though... it's just a child. 


WHO IS DOING THIS? WHO IS ADVOCATING FOR THIS? You keep talking about trans surgery like people see their son wearing his mother's hat and they're dropping the kid off down the block to get a sex change. You keep talking about what parents should and shouldn't do. I'm right to stab myself for asking this question but have you ever considered that some parents talk carefully and at length with their child about this?  Do you know how long and hard this process is? Let alone expense. I'd say 1/4 of the trans people I know had to go into some level of sex work to pay for meds/surgeries. Who likes having one surgery, let alone multiple?


It's frankly repugnant that you bring up post op trauma or hurdles for trans people and completely ignore bigotry and misunderstanding people and the psychological trauma. You dont take bullying into account. You dont take angry parents, kids getting kicked out of their homes or needing to runaway. In your fucked up mind parents are all like "You played with your sister's Barbie for a few minutes. Lets get you a $85,000 life altering surgery so I post about it on Twitter!

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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