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Steelrising GS review - 7.0

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The Good
Unique setting is fantastic and allows for some creative enemy and art design
The marriage between its stamina system and stagger mechanic encourages an aggressive and engaging playstyle
Assist Mode lets you tweak the difficulty and make the game more approachable

The Bad
There's a plethora of weapons, but it's difficult to experiment without feeling under-leveled
Boss fights are mechanically bland and simple to defeat
The lack of an in-game map makes backtracking a chore


About what I expected. Should be worth the $38 I pre-ordered it for.

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Looks like absolute trash to me. I can't stand Souls games anymore, let alone it's B-rate clones.


It's like the new brown dudebro shooter phenomenon of the 360/PS3 era. Just an endless wave of games that all have the exact same aspirations and worse, all plays similarly. There's thousands Souls like game at this point and none of them stands out besides maybe Nioh.


Fuck, even Elden Ring felt like deja vue. Just make the gameplay different, ffs. It's not like Souls combat was ever that great to begin with.

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5 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Looks like absolute trash to me. I can't stand Souls games anymore, let alone it's B-rate clones.


It's like the new brown dudebro shooter phenomenon of the 360/PS3 era. Just an endless wave of games that all have the exact same aspirations and worse, all plays similarly. There's thousands Souls like game at this point and none of them stands out besides maybe Nioh.


Fuck, even Elden Ring felt like deja vue. Just make the gameplay different, ffs. It's not like Souls combat was ever that great to begin with.



 there's much to enjoy in what sets Steelrising apart from its peers. It's one of the better Souls-likes in a now-crowded genre.



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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

One of the best in an overcrowded genre got a 7/10? Sounds about right. Hard pass. 


Unfortunately being similar to Souls is enough for reviewers to drop the score by a point or so. This game's setting and universe makes it way more interesting than the average Souls-like.

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Unfortunately being similar to Souls is enough for reviewers to drop the score by a point or so. This game's setting and universe makes it way more interesting than the average Souls-like.

I don't like the visuals and art style all that much. Lies of P which is pretty similar looks better than this, imo.


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Played through the first hour. Seems good so far. The movement and combat have a bit of a mechanical feel to them, which could normally be a negative but here it makes sense since the main character is literally a robot.


The dodging takes a bit of getting used to though. There's no invincibility frames like in your typical Souls games, so if an enemy's attack collides with your hitbox you'll always take damage regardless of the timing of your dodges.

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