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Assassin's Creed Mirage reveal trailer

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19 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Ubi just annonuced not 1....not 2....not even 3, but FOUR new AC games :hest: The milking is insane

I guess that's the final nail in the coffin of that horrendous developer.

They are taking all their shitty resources to focus on AC games while ignoring the supposed Splinter Cell sequel or the Beyond Good and Evil remake or more Tom Clancy games.

Well the sooner they go out of business, the better. 

Hopefully a good dev can take the Tom Clancy games for cheap.

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You guys can trash ubisoft all you want, but this is sorely needed for the new consoles.


I just learned that, apparently, the new Saints Row game is selling quite well, which is shocking. But I had a feeling about this within the past week.


We are sorely missing AA and AAA level games from third-parties, and I think alot of console gamers are feeling it, and the wait between first-party games (which is only regularly happening on Sony's side) is becoming too much.


So they resorted to buying Saints Row, for godssakes.


Ubisoft feels like they're making an effort to returning back to their output from the PS3/X360 era.


EA is absolutely fucking dry. Activision is missing alot of their "side games", hell they don't even appear to have many licensed games on their release schedule. Its just CoD, Diablo, and WoW content.


Capcom and other Japanese third-parties? We're waiting for them to release some games in 2023, and they seem like they're releasing fewer games per year than ever before.

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