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Unhinged leftist kills Republican teenager for being ''part of a Republican extremist group.''

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According to a local North Dakota report, early Sunday morning a man called 911 and admitted to the hit and run of an 18-year-old. His motive? A “political argument” with a Republican.

Forty-one-year-old Shannon Brandt said he was afraid 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson was “part of a Republican extremist group and that he was afraid they were ‘coming to get him.'”




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Jerry wastes everyone's time with sperg arguments. You waste everyone's time with shit studies you haven't read.   I read through the CSIS database of domestic terrorism you cited and it's h

Hearsay vs description of the suspect and where he lives? I dunno man. 

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12 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Since you like keeping a running tally on political hits. 


And it's not even close,






Bald Incel Tom Pool can't change this.  I can make several more of these type of threads but for conservatives.

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On 2022-09-25 at 4:02 PM, Cooke said:

Does it make you feel good?

He doesnt care. Like all lefttards he denies it denies it denies it, and when its staring him in the face he shrugs and says "oh well".


Thats why they deserve whatever comes their way.

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On 2022-10-28 at 8:18 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


Since you like keeping a running tally on political hits. 

A lot of surfacing evidence point out that he was actually a deranged leftist. He's a nudist who lived in a hippie like community that has LGBTQ and BLM flags in front of the house.


Anyway, I don't really care whatever he ends up being or what he was doing in Pelosi's house, as I always said, we shouldn't go down the road of who has the most deranged far left/right extremists' debate. I regretted making this very thread almost instantly because I realized I was doing just that.

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15 hours ago, TLHBO said:

He doesnt care. Like all lefttards he denies it denies it denies it, and when its staring him in the face he shrugs and says "oh well".


Thats why they deserve whatever comes their way.

Denies what? This is why I'm always laughing at you. You always sound so fucking dumb. 

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13 hours ago, Ramza said:

 I regretted making this very thread almost instantly because I realized I was doing just that.


No, you  only regret it after you found out the right has exponentially more political violence.  Including DePepe, who we now know is far right and did it due to far right conspiracy theories.

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14 hours ago, Substatic said:

No, you  only regret it after you found out the right has exponentially more political violence.  Including DePepe, who we now know is far right and did it due to far right conspiracy theories.


Jerry wastes everyone's time with sperg arguments. You waste everyone's time with shit studies you haven't read.


I read through the CSIS database of domestic terrorism you cited and it's horseshit. Both its internal and external validity are poor. It doesn't come close to accurately measuring what it's attempting to measure. For example when Antifa and BLM were rioting en masse in 2020 (and attacking government buildings in Portland and Seattle nightly for months), it barely captures any of that political violence.



Finally, there was often limited information available on motivations for violent incidents, particularly regarding violence during riots—including objects such as Molotov cocktails thrown by unknown individuals—and vehicle attacks at demonstrations. TNT maintained a high standard of proof and excluded incidents for which a clear political motive could not be determined. Consequently, the data set may understate the number of attacks. For example, there were approximately 450 violent protests between May and August 2020, based on ACLED data. Yet TNT only verified 12 incidents of far-left terrorism during that period, since most of the violence did not meet the definition of terrorism. Similarly, though some sources recorded over 100 far-right vehicle attacks at protests in 2020, TNT
only verified 11 as meeting the definition of terrorist attacks.



Then the researchers employ glaring category errors by counting misogynistic violence, abortion violence, and attacks on journalists and the media as rightwing violence but not leftwing violence. Antifa is notorious for attacking journalists and political speakers, pro-life centers are repeatedly attacked, and the sexually predatory behavior of so-called male feminists is so common that it's become a well-established meme. 




Far-right terrorism refers to the use or threat of violence by subnational or non-state entities whose goals may include racial or ethnic supremacy; opposition to government authority; anger at women, including from the involuntary celibate (or “incel”) movement; belief in certain conspiracy theories, such as QAnon; and outrage against certain policies, such as abortion.

Far-left terrorism involves the use or threat of violence by subnational or non-state entities that oppose capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism; advocate black nationalism; pursue environmental or animal rights issues; espouse pro-communist or pro-socialist beliefs; or support a decentralized social and political system such as anarchism.



Then again it's still not as comically bad as the ADL's database but that's throwing the bar into the Marianas Trench.


Dude, stop copying shit you find on Reddit and do some actually research for once.



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5 hours ago, Saucer said:


Jerry wastes everyone's time with sperg arguments. You waste everyone's time with shit studies you haven't read.


I read through the CSIS database of domestic terrorism you cited and it's horseshit. Both its internal and external validity are poor. It doesn't come close to accurately measuring what it's attempting to measure. For example when Antifa and BLM were rioting en masse in 2020 (and attacking government buildings in Portland and Seattle nightly for months), it barely captures any of that political violence.




Then the researchers employ glaring category errors by counting misogynistic violence, abortion violence, and attacks on journalists and the media as rightwing violence but not leftwing violence. Antifa is notorious for attacking journalists and political speakers, pro-life centers are repeatedly attacked, and the sexually predatory behavior of so-called male feminists is so common that it's become a well-established meme. 



Then again it's still not as comically bad as the ADL's database but that's throwing the bar into the Marianas Trench.


Dude, stop copying shit you find on Reddit and do some actually research for once.



The demand for true far right extremists exceeds the actual supply. 


Was it Merrick Garland from the FBI who said that far right extremists was the biggest threat to America? It got thrown out a lot by establishment goons and leftists. 


I don't believe anything they have been trying to sell for quite some time on that topic. Especially after all the shit I heard in the since Trump entered the race. It's like racism and everything else. Labels gets thrown far too easily. And the left cannot denounce violence from their side, fiery but mostly peaceful protests

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19 hours ago, Substatic said:


No, you  only regret it after you found out the right has exponentially more political violence.  Including DePepe, who we now know is far right and did it due to far right conspiracy theories.


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6 hours ago, Ramza said:



Lol you just proved his point. You just said you regretted participating in this kind of score keeping and the second you thought you could paint this guy as... Leftist I'm assuming?


Tucker, who admits he lies (multiple times) and brags about not doing research seem to let his idiotic audience draw their own conclusions...a tried and true right wing media trick...but didn't give much to dissuade the guy's hooked on right wing propaganda. He did call him an illegal like that means something. 


Here is what his former boss said about him. 




Here is what his next door neighbor said. 


Molnar added he began to wonder because DePape was known to rant about topics such as the COVID-19 virus, suggesting it was a hoax. “I got the suspicion at some point he was going to do something odd.



I won't say the guy sounds right wing to me, but I will let you draw your own conclusions. Oh, this is why I keep calling your intellectually dishonest btw. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol you just proved his point. You just said you regretted participating in this kind of score keeping and the second you thought you could paint this guy as... Leftist I'm assuming?


Tucker, who admits he lies (multiple times) and brags about not doing research seem to let his idiotic audience draw their own conclusions...a tried and true right wing media trick...but didn't give much to dissuade the guy's hooked on right wing propaganda. He did call him an illegal like that means something. 


Here is what his former boss said about him. 




Here is what his next door neighbor said. 


Molnar added he began to wonder because DePape was known to rant about topics such as the COVID-19 virus, suggesting it was a hoax. “I got the suspicion at some point he was going to do something odd.



I won't say the guy sounds right wing to me, but I will let you draw your own conclusions. Oh, this is why I keep calling your intellectually dishonest btw. 

Hearsay vs description of the suspect and where he lives? I dunno man. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Hearsay vs description of the suspect and where he lives? I dunno man. 


He was homeless. His boss of six years, who is also the one to give him a job felt bad for him and found a converted garage he could live in. It wasn't his space to begin with. The signs could be his or not or the person who's garage it is. I do find the fact that him seemingly not being racist or homophobic means he couldn't be right wing. Very telling. 


So, we have "hearsay" from the man who worked with him for six years and his neighbor who lived next to him for three years vs what Tucker Carlson (again an admitted liar who doesn't even research what he's saying) didn't even actually say. He just said to think about it to his audience of idiots. 

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22 hours ago, Saucer said:


Jerry wastes everyone's time with sperg arguments. You waste everyone's time with shit studies you haven't read.


I read through the CSIS database of domestic terrorism you cited and it's horseshit. Both its internal and external validity are poor. It doesn't come close to accurately measuring what it's attempting to measure. For example when Antifa and BLM were rioting en masse in 2020 (and attacking government buildings in Portland and Seattle nightly for months), it barely captures any of that political violence.




Then the researchers employ glaring category errors by counting misogynistic violence, abortion violence, and attacks on journalists and the media as rightwing violence but not leftwing violence. Antifa is notorious for attacking journalists and political speakers, pro-life centers are repeatedly attacked, and the sexually predatory behavior of so-called male feminists is so common that it's become a well-established meme. 



Then again it's still not as comically bad as the ADL's database but that's throwing the bar into the Marianas Trench.


Dude, stop copying shit you find on Reddit and do some actually research for once.




Reddit?  Category errors? Poor validity? Sit the fuck down kid:



 Center for Strategic and International Studies - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com)



 A subjective analysis from you means fucking nothing. Cite a counter study from an equally reputable source.

 Get fucking rekt with this shitty blog/opinion post you just wrote in response to a study by a "Very High Fact" and "Least Biased" org. Cite the counter source showing their specifics numerics or methodology are wrong you god damn clown.   It's bad enough when you try this shit in climate change and covid threads.


Here's another one just to shut you the fuck up for good measuer,


A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing, and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world | PNAS


Across both datasets, we find that radical acts perpetrated by individuals associated with left-wing causes are less likely to be violent.

Now quick. Tell me why you think it's wrong instead of finding a peer reviewed source like I just linked.



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5 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Reddit? You "think" it's horse shit? Sit the fuck down kid. A subjective analysis from you means fucking nothing. Cite a counter study from a reputable soucre.



 Center for Strategic and International Studies - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com)





Get fucking rekt with this shitty blog/opinion post you just wrote in response to a study by a "Very High Fact" and "Least Biased" org. Cite the counter source showing their specifics Numerics are wrong you god damn clown :omglol:. I want to see what piece of shit blog you just quoted. 


I didn't use any blog. I'm a Cal alumnus and a political scientist trained in statistics and probability and research methodology. I pulled up their methodology and read it, you idiot.


You've haven't countered a single criticism I made of the CSIS database. As always you rely on arguments from authority, in this case yet another hack lefty "fact check" site. You're the biggest sheep on here.  You have no ability to think for yourself.


Go set yourself on fire and think about what a failure you are.


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13 minutes ago, Saucer said:


I didn't use any blog.  



So you have no source to refute my "Very High Fact" and "Least Biased" one? Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here. :will2: This is a direct and undebatable L. 



Here's another one just to shut you the fuck up for good measuer,


A comparison of political violence by left-wing, right-wing, and Islamist extremists in the United States and the world | PNAS




Across both datasets, we find that radical acts perpetrated by individuals associated with left-wing causes are less likely to be violent.



Now quick. Tell me why you "think" a peer reviewed source is wrong because some county college politics course instead of being capable of debunking said peer reviewed study with a valid source.



13 minutes ago, Saucer said:


 I'm a Cal alumnus and a political scientist trained in statistics and probability and research methodology.  




This isn't a real rebuttal, and also you should sue that University because you're worse at debating than random 12 year olds on Breitbart comment section.



13 minutes ago, Saucer said:




You've haven't countered a single criticism I made of the CSIS database.  



You haven't provided equally valid citation showing this criticism has any merit. You posted opinions. You always do this, and it always bites you in the ass.


I don't care what some random kid on the internet thinks he studied. If I post peer reviewed studies and "VERY HIGH" fact sources he better come with his own.


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