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The Church of Woke has reached a new high

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When white people hear "anti-racism" and get offended is always a good sign. 


Also guys, when shit bags like Ruffo do these, you usually don't have to scroll more than a couple of seconds and you'll usually find some sober information to counter the knee jerk reaction this stuff is being posted to do. 


I actually brought up Ruffo to @Ramza  this weekend. No shock Cucke listens to him.


Different schools have these kinds of oaths they make in addition to hypocratic oath. 


The world isn't burning. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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The irony is that Cucke was advocating for colonialism just a few hours ago. When a country with a superior military invades another and takes control over all or part of it, that's colonialism. 


Cooke wants Ukraine to surrender regions to Russia to end their war. 


Man, it's like I've been saying for years and on here in recent months: People who claim they are free thinking moderates but have no conviction are easily swayed into let corrupt power get what they want... as long as it doesn't directly inconvenience them. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

When white people hear "anti-racism" and get offended is always a good sign. 


Also guys, when shit bags like Ruffo do these, you usually don't have to scroll more than a couple of seconds and you'll usually find some sober information to counter the knee jerk reaction this stuff is being posted to do. 


I actually brought up Ruffo to @Ramza  this weekend. No shock Cucke listens to him.


Different schools have these kinds of oaths they make in addition to hypocratic oath. 


The world isn't burning. 

Lmao you keep pretending everything is fine. Excuse after excuse. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:



The irony is that Cucke was advocating for colonialism just a few hours ago. When a country with a superior military invades another and takes control over all or part of it, that's colonialism. 


Cooke wants Ukraine to surrender regions to Russia to end their war. 


Man, it's like I've been saying for years and on here in recent months: People who claim they are free thinking moderates but have no conviction are easily swayed into let corrupt power get what they want... as long as it doesn't directly inconvenience them. 

No I don't want Ukraine to just surrender. But I'd also rather not have nuclear annihilation because of it. You're so fucking naive. Makes me wonder why the world didn't react this way when Georgia was invaded. In fact it pretty much went unreported. Its not like it was even a long time ago. It was 2008. I'll wait for you to look for Georgia on a map.. No not the state. You're fucking tool Remy. 

Edited by Cooke
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7 hours ago, Cooke said:

No I don't want Ukraine to just surrender. But I'd also rather not have nuclear annihilation because of it. You're so fucking naive. Makes me wonder why the world didn't react this way when Georgia was invaded. In fact it pretty much went unreported. Its not like it was even a long time ago. It was 2008. I'll wait for you to look for Georgia on a map.. No not the state. You're fucking tool Remy. 


So I'm naïve? Says the guy whose solution for racial strife in North America or around the world is for the government to say "Dont be racist".  That's it. No one has ever thought of it before you Cooke. Simply say "dont be racist" and it'll solve it all. 


Hey, werent you the guy who called for 100% lockdowns. So no one would be able to leave their houses for 1 whole month. In which delivery people would do EVERYTHING for EVERYONE instead. This not only sounded real to you, even when questioned you couldn't even think of a single logistical fuck up this would bring. 


Shockingly I cant think of a third, world's dumbest comment to quote you on at the moment. These sound like the thoughts of a small child, not a 30 something year old man with I what I assume is a normally functioning brain. 


As for Georgia, you're right. It wasn't viewed the same. Probably because it wasn't covered the same. 2022 is very different than 2008. Social media and smart devices, inexpensive HD cameras, drones, portable batter tech, and high speed wifi and influencers and a much more political world put a magnifying glass on it and everything political. In 2008 we were hot and heavy in two active wars. Military intervention seemed like an unviable strain. That's pretty much all I remember of Georgia. Such a derelict response. People care more now. Where is the problem with that? "why they care now?" Truly a cunt's take. 

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More self-hating white BS who has been brainwashed into being ashamed of their heritage. 


''We recognized inequities built by past and present traumas that has been rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism...''




This is what happens in 2022 after building the most fair and tolerant societies in the world. Be ashamed of your past. Americans basically put an end to the British empire colonialism, is one of the first country to abolish slavery, through a bloody civil war if I may add. Paved the way for others to follow, has had a black President win two elections in a row but Americans are supposed to apologize. Nonsense.  


And lol at the gender binary 'traumas'. Everyone in the past believed in the gender binary. It wasn't even up to debate until 5 minutes ago.  

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4 hours ago, Ramza said:

More self-hating white BS who has been brainwashed into being ashamed of their heritage.


His entitlement is showing again. 



''We recognized inequities built by past and present traumas that has been rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism...''




Homophobia used to be treated as a mental disease and is technically still illegal in some states. Women received the right to vote a 100 years ago, and were only allowed to have credit card in the mid 70s.



What year could a woman buy a house?
Before 1974, women were not legally permitted to obtain a mortgage without a male cosigner. Today, women actually outpace men in getting mortgages: 19 percent of today's single homebuyers are women, compared with just 9 percent single men, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR).Mar 8, 2022


Yes, before the mid 70s women couldn't have credit cards, or obtain mortgages in their own names. This isn't ancient history, every single person in here has a loved one that grew up in this era. 


Shall we talk about how neuro divergent, bipolar, and other mental disabilities have been treated? Even up into the 90s?  




This is what happens in 2022 after building the most fair and tolerant societies in the world. Be ashamed of your past. Americans basically put an end to the British empire colonialism, is one of the first country to abolish slavery, through a bloody civil war if I may add. Paved the way for others to follow, has had a black President win two elections in a row but Americans are supposed to apologize. Nonsense.  


The Civil War was in order to keep slavery and states rights. State's rights...sounds familiar...like something that right wingers mention all of the time when talking about unpopular opinions. Yes, abortion bans. They keep talking about states rights when it comes to abortion bans. Funny how these mentalities stick. 




And lol at the gender binary 'traumas'. Everyone in the past believed in the gender binary. It wasn't even up to debate until 5 minutes ago.  


Yeah, remember when I said people used to be institutionalized and jailed for homophobia. Conversion camps still exist to this day. Bullying that's become cyberbullying. None of that exist. Living an oblivious life where everything for every group you're not a part of, identify with,  or have empathy for is just fine and the only people who have challenges is a group you, yourself identify with (anti-vaxxers) is pretty much the definition of white male privilege. Which I'd be money you dont believe exist.

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Church of Woke: Young doctors vowing to provide quality healthcare and consideration with previously marginalized groups in mind. To hopefully fill in gaps that historically given less resources or consideration. Healthcare, one of the most vital industries in humanity.


Church of Trump: Literally churches indoctrinating stupid people  to do whatever a 75 year old rich racist pathological liar wants or tells them to do to benefit him financially.




Gee, which is worse.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


His entitlement is showing again. 



Homophobia used to be treated as a mental disease and is technically still illegal in some states. Women received the right to vote a 100 years ago, and were only allowed to have credit card in the mid 70s.



Yes, before the mid 70s women couldn't have credit cards, or obtain mortgages in their own names. This isn't ancient history, every single person in here has a loved one that grew up in this era. 


Shall we talk about how neuro divergent, bipolar, and other mental disabilities have been treated? Even up into the 90s?  



The Civil War was in order to keep slavery and states rights. State's rights...sounds familiar...like something that right wingers mention all of the time when talking about unpopular opinions. Yes, abortion bans. They keep talking about states rights when it comes to abortion bans. Funny how these mentalities stick. 



Yeah, remember when I said people used to be institutionalized and jailed for homophobia. Conversion camps still exist to this day. Bullying that's become cyberbullying. None of that exist. Living an oblivious life where everything for every group you're not a part of, identify with,  or have empathy for is just fine and the only people who have challenges is a group you, yourself identify with (anti-vaxxers) is pretty much the definition of white male privilege. Which I'd be money you dont believe exist.

You can cry about every past victimization under the sun. What does it have to do with this? The Hippocratic oath is already about threating everyone equally and not to do harm. Being ashamed and bowing at the altar of the neo woke perpetual victimhood won't change the past.

Edited by Ramza
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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

You can cry about every past victimization under the sun. What does it have to do with this? The Hippocratic oath is already about threating everyone equally and not to do harm. Being ashamed and bowing at the altar of the neo woke perpetual victimhood won't change the past.

How about you shut the fuck up and let people live? Like at the end of the day these are doctors taking a vow to do good and you fucking goons have a problem with it. Like what the fuck kind of person is troubled by people being too nice? Isnt the antithesis of a good person a bad person? 


The right is so fucked this shit makes sense to you guys. Right wing media celebrating all the the worse characteristics of humanity. Racism, masculine insecurity, lack of education, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, religious zealotry. Collecting shit bags all over the internet from gamer gaters, incels, MRAs, 4chan, conspiracy theorist. It's exhausting. 


You know what else happened a long time ago? Everything. With zero self awareness conservatives want to observe and preserve as much tradition as possible while as long as it makes certain people look good, while ignoring the rest.


Like how the confederacy ended even before slavery did yet they love to talk about it with pride? That only 4 year existence they can't stop loving so much they made it their fucking heritage? The confederacy lost and the truth is many are still sore about it. They mourn that the pro slavery half of the country didn't win the Civil War. 


I can see the appeal of the right. They tell men that being toxic is some made up thing by women while also telling you that being toxic is beneficial. Telling incels it's women that are the problem. White middle aged men saying that black, women, and gay jokes are funny because they are racist/sexist. 


It's like you're not a shitty person, but even if you are, it's a good thing. 


Wacky right wing video: people literally praying to Trump like he's a religious figure and saying shit like Michael Jackson and JFK Jr are alive and support Trump. 


Wacky left video: Doctors vowing to help provide quality health care with an awareness of the people who often fall under the radar. 


Also you sound retarded when you say neo-woke. 

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33 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

How about you shut the fuck up and let people live? Like at the end of the day these are doctors taking a vow to do good and you fucking goons have a problem with it. Like what the fuck kind of person is troubled by people being too nice? Isnt the antithesis of a good person a bad person? 


The right is so fucked this shit makes sense to you guys. Right wing media celebrating all the the worse characteristics of humanity. Racism, masculine insecurity, lack of education, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, religious zealotry. Collecting shit bags all over the internet from gamer gaters, incels, MRAs, 4chan, conspiracy theorist. It's exhausting. 


You know what else happened a long time ago? Everything. With zero self awareness conservatives want to observe and preserve as much tradition as possible while as long as it makes certain people look good, while ignoring the rest.


Like how the confederacy ended even before slavery did yet they love to talk about it with pride? That only 4 year existence they can't stop loving so much they made it their fucking heritage? The confederacy lost and the truth is many are still sore about it. They mourn that the pro slavery half of the country didn't win the Civil War. 


I can see the appeal of the right. They tell men that being toxic is some made up thing by women while also telling you that being toxic is beneficial. Telling incels it's women that are the problem. White middle aged men saying that black, women, and gay jokes are funny because they are racist/sexist. 


It's like you're not a shitty person, but even if you are, it's a good thing. 


Wacky right wing video: people literally praying to Trump like he's a religious figure and saying shit like Michael Jackson and JFK Jr are alive and support Trump. 


Wacky left video: Doctors vowing to help provide quality health care with an awareness of the people who often fall under the radar. 


Also you sound retarded when you say neo-woke. 

This isn't about being nice. What, did you think the hippocratic oath is rooted in white supremacy, colonialism and gender binary? Well, maybe the last past, because that's rooted in biology and science. You know that thing you appropriated when it came to pushing an untested vaccine on the masses and shame them if they disagreed, but I digress.


None of what I said makes me a bigot. You're spewing the most toxic shit in this thread by far. It's very telling. 

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Have you heard? Pfizer has admitted in front of European parliament that the vaccine wasn't tested to see if it halted transmission in any capacity before being sent to the public. 


“And I will speak in English, so there are no misunderstandings,” Roos said. “Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee? And I really want a straight answer yes or no, and I’m looking forward to it.”


“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immanization before it essentially the market?” Pfizer executive J. Small admitted on video. “No. These… we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

This isn't about being nice. What, did you think the hippocratic oath is rooted in white supremacy, colonialism and gender binary? Well, maybe the last past, because that's rooted in biology and science. You know that thing you appropriated when it came to pushing an untested vaccine on the masses and shame them if they disagreed, but I digress.


None of what I said makes me a bigot. You're spewing the most toxic shit in this thread by far. It's very telling. 

Lol what the fuck are you even talking about. 

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6 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol what the fuck are you even talking about. 

I could say the same to you. I'm still laughing at this.


The right is so fucked this shit makes sense to you guys. Right wing media celebrating all the the worse characteristics of humanity. Racism, masculine insecurity, lack of education, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, religious zealotry.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

I could say the same to you. I'm still laughing at this.


The right is so fucked this shit makes sense to you guys. Right wing media celebrating all the the worse characteristics of humanity. Racism, masculine insecurity, lack of education, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, religious zealotry.

You are still whining about the vaccine and lock down restrictions even though you admit and clearly are aware that it saved lives. That's what doctors are supposed to do.


I still don't understand what you weirdos wanted. For no one to do anything? To just let nature run its course and let as many people die or suffer the affects of covid? I don't give people shit for not getting a vax, but then you guys are up your own asses about it. Was the covid response perfect? No. But how could it be? 


Yes pharma companies are all about money and one of the only good things Trump did was just pay them to design a vaccine. I admit I have no empathy for anti-vaxxers as the large majority of them are for political reasons, not scientific ones. 


For every "valid" anti vax person, there's probably 2 to 3 that were simply influenced by social media and cable news. It's no fucking coincidence most antivaxxers in America are conservatives/right wingers. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You are still whining about the vaccine and lock down restrictions even though you admit and clearly are aware that it saved lives. That's what doctors are supposed to do.


I still don't understand what you weirdos wanted. For no one to do anything? To just let nature run its course and let as many people die or suffer the affects of covid? I don't give people shit for not getting a vax, but then you guys are up your own asses about it. Was the covid response perfect? No. But how could it be? 


Yes pharma companies are all about money and one of the only good things Trump did was just pay them to design a vaccine. I admit I have no empathy for anti-vaxxers as the large majority of them are for political reasons, not scientific ones. 


For every "valid" anti vax person, there's probably 2 to 3 that were simply influenced by social media and cable news. It's no fucking coincidence most antivaxxers in America are conservatives/right wingers. 

It's one thing to have a vaccine, it's something else entirely to force it upon people through coercion, deception and shaming. A vaccine that, now we know, wasn't properly tested. The mandates and the lockdowns also ruined and killed lives; you have no moral high ground. You can stop trying to demeane people now.

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7 minutes ago, Ramza said:

It's one thing to have a vaccine, it's something else entirely to force it upon people through coercion, deception and shaming. A vaccine that, now we know, wasn't properly tested. The mandates and the lockdowns also ruined and killed lives; you have no moral high ground. You can stop trying to demeane people now.

Lockdowns were government mandates. It wasn't like doctors controlled government legislation. When one side is saving lives and the other side is made up retards with no solution, it's a given who has the moral and intellectual high ground. 


There were people who are like they are antivax because they don't trust scientists but then listened to whatever fucking Joe Rogan told to do. So in this instance I do have the high ground and can honestly state most antivaxxers are stupid, low information trend followers. Fuck them. 

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lockdowns were government mandates. It wasn't like doctors controlled government legislation. When one side is saving lives and the other side is made up retards with no solution, it's a given who has the moral and intellectual high ground. 


There were people who are like they are antivax because they don't trust scientists but then listened to whatever fucking Joe Rogan told to do. So in this instance I do have the high ground and can honestly state most antivaxxers are stupid, low information trend followers. Fuck them. 

I'm not accusing doctors. That was Government coercion. 


Many doctors and specialists were shunned during the pandemics for having different opinions. Things happened so fast there was never truly a proper general scientific consensus like you usually have in medicine after years of studies, thesis, debates, research and testing. This is not a good point at all to make. You have no moral high ground and certainly no intellectual one, seems as you know nothing at all about this. Like the science was set in stone with everyone just agreeing in the scientific sphere. Lmao, this isn't the woke left.


Speaking of Joe Rogan, Dr Malone who is one of the doctors who fucking developed the vaccine technology that made it possible in the first place was publicly shunned by the establishment and authoritarian left when he appeared at his podcast. That completely destroys your little cute argument of having the scientific community on the side of mandates.  

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15 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lockdowns were government mandates. It wasn't like doctors controlled government legislation. When one side is saving lives and the other side is made up retards with no solution, it's a given who has the moral and intellectual high ground. 


There were people who are like they are antivax because they don't trust scientists but then listened to whatever fucking Joe Rogan told to do. So in this instance I do have the high ground and can honestly state most antivaxxers are stupid, low information trend followers. Fuck them. 

How can you be anti vax if the vaccine in question doesn't actually vaccinate? Up until covid a vaccine was something that created sterilizing antibodies and prevented infection and transmission.  Now it's just a prophylactic injection that may or may not reduce symptoms in some people. 


I'm very pro vaccine, if they are actual vaccines. But these in many cases were mandated, people lost their jobs because we were told to take the shots for your neighbour and community when in reality it didnt stop transmission, rendering the whole argument as a lie. 

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