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Crowbcat - Remember Halo

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On 2022-10-23 at 2:42 PM, Remij said:

I remember! :salute:


Yall fuckers these days never showing respect to the titans that came before :shake: 


Halo is no longer considered a titan of gaming, anymore.


That's the whole point of the video.


Halo ended in 2007. Well, it was more or less over with Bungie's final games of ODST and Reach.


I don't have much of a strong connection to the franchise, but I recognized that Halo was responsible for CARRYING the entire Xbox brand, almost single-handedly.


We can actually see the real correlation from the time Bungie let go of the Halo franchise, circa 2012, to the entire Xbox brand falling from its peak. It was all downhill from there.


Now that Halo feels empty and is no longer a prestige IP, the entire platform has followed suit.

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

Halo is no longer considered a titan of gaming, anymore.


That's the whole point of the video.


Halo ended in 2007. Well, it was more or less over with Bungie's final games of ODST and Reach.


I don't have much of a strong connection to the franchise, but I recognized that Halo was responsible for CARRYING the entire Xbox brand, almost single-handedly.


We can actually see the real correlation from the time Bungie let go of the Halo franchise, circa 2012, to the entire Xbox brand falling from its peak. It was all downhill from there.


Now that Halo feels empty and is no longer a prestige IP, the entire platform has followed suit.

Which is why I said the ones that came before.


Anyone can say what they want about it now, but let's not act like Halo has always been shit.  Halo was as much of a cultural phenomenon as any game ever.. It deserves its respect for what it was.

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3 hours ago, Remij said:

Which is why I said the ones that came before.


Anyone can say what they want about it now, but let's not act like Halo has always been shit.  Halo was as much of a cultural phenomenon as any game ever.. It deserves its respect for what it was.

Its hurting its legacy because of what's happening now. Microsoft is banking on its legacy when they advertise the games now.


In fact, alot of its respect would've remained intact if it stayed in the past.


Its like your favorite musician embarrassing you with the new music they're releasing today, and wishing they had stopped about 5 albums ago. Their legacy would be in better shape if they knew when to call it a day.


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Yeah, Halo use to be a killer app. A guaranteed system seller.


Then Halo 4 happened and everything after was hellbent on trying to be worse. 343 single handedly killed the franchise.



Same thing is happening with Gears. Gears 1-3 were great. Everything after? Not so much. 


The meme use to be "Halo, Gears, Forza". Now it's just Forza LOL...

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