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AOC and Cori bush are Russian puppets

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

I'd rather not sleepwalk into ww3. You do you though. 


Lol you're sucy a poser with this bullshit. How intellectually dishonest do you have to be to draw people not wanting give Russia control over another country as them being warmongers? 


No one wants a nuclear war, we also don't want tyrants being able to just take over other countries. You sound retarded. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol you're sucy a poser with this bullshit. How intellectually dishonest do you have to be to draw people not wanting give Russia control over another country as them being warmongers? 


No one wants a nuclear war, we also don't want tyrants being able to just take over other countries. You sound retarded. 

Right now Ukraine has the advantage and should be talking to their enemy to get the most out of them. When the surge of hundreds of thousands of new troops comes then what? More Ukrainians die? You guys really are sick in the head. 

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12 hours ago, Cooke said:

Right now Ukraine has the advantage and should be talking to their enemy to get the most out of them. When the surge of hundreds of thousands of new troops comes then what? More Ukrainians die? You guys really are sick in the head. 

So you’re saying Ukraine should stop it’s advances and lose all its momentum to talk with an invading force that still illegally controls 18% of its territory. Where exactly is the logic in that?


Your lack of knowledge on this conflict or geopolitics in general is still very puzzling. 

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

So you’re saying Ukraine should stop it’s advances and lose all its momentum to talk with an invading force that still illegally controls 18% of its territory. Where exactly is the logic in that?


Your lack of knowledge on this conflict or geopolitics in general is still very puzzling. 

Press the advantage. Russia is on weaker footing but it won't last. Do you HONESTLY think Ukraine can beat Russia in an all out war?

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15 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Press the advantage. Russia is on weaker footing but it won't last. Do you HONESTLY think Ukraine can beat Russia in an all out war?

So you’re just going to go with the narrative that Russia is somehow holding back and this isn’t already an all out war? Lmao, you’re not even trying to come up with a reasonable argument.

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Press the advantage. Russia is on weaker footing but it won't last. Do you HONESTLY think Ukraine can beat Russia in an all out war?


The thing is you keep trying to act like some peace radical but also trying to pretend that negotiating with Russia is completely one sided (at best) no matter what gets agreed upon because they invaded another country. 


It's safe to assume at best Russia would be willing to stop and  remain in control of 20% of the ukr that they have a grip on. What exactly becomes fair for the Ukraine people, especially when there is no guarantee that Putin won't try to invade again for the 3rd time a few years down the road? You're only making this point because of the right wing shit you consume and regurgitate. 



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4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

So you’re just going to go with the narrative that Russia is somehow holding back and this isn’t already an all out war? Lmao, you’re not even trying to come up with a reasonable argument.

You actually think this is the full extent of the second most powerful army on earth? Seriously bro? 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


The thing is you keep trying to act like some peace radical but also trying to pretend that negotiating with Russia is completely one sided (at best) no matter what gets agreed upon because they invaded another country. 


It's safe to assume at best Russia would be willing to stop and  remain in control of 20% of the ukr that they have a grip on. What exactly becomes fair for the Ukraine people, especially when there is no guarantee that Putin won't try to invade again for the 3rd time a few years down the road? You're only making this point because of the right wing shit you consume and regurgitate. 



The guarantee would be to negotiate that Ukraine joins NATO immediately if Russia were to attempt another move. Ukraine will have to cede some terrority. Perhaps only the territory that is overwhelmingly Russian speaking. They don't want to be part of Ukraine. There will not be peace with the status quo 

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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:

So you’re just going to go with the narrative that Russia is somehow holding back and this isn’t already an all out war? Lmao, you’re not even trying to come up with a reasonable argument.

They are more than capable of making a comeback and do more significant damage to Ukraine than they already have. How is that a narrative? They certainly haven't used all of their weapons at their disposal and Russia benefits from vast territories, resources and manpower. What, you think Russia is on their last leg or something? Lol, not even the sanctions couldn't fully deter them, while doing that to other nations would be an instant deathblow. Get real man, it's fucking Russia, no one in history has ever beaten them fully.


The real question is can Putin continue like this forever? He's making enemies within his regime and his allies aren't pleased, by prolonging this war and appearing weak. You don't get far as a dictator by losing. I don't look forward to a Russian massive counter offensive next year one bit. You think that's impossible or something? 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

You actually think this is the full extent of the second most powerful army on earth? Seriously bro? 


Its astounding how uninformed you are. Where have you been the last 8 months? Sleeping under a rock? This war has proven that they're NOT the 2nd most powerful army in the world


- Russia planned to take Kyiv and topple Zelensky's government in THREE DAYS. Instead they were routed and forced to retreat from the north

- They've lost more soldiers than in any conflict they've been involved in since WW2. A recent intelligence report puts the combined Killed and wounded at 90K, and thats likely a conservative estimate

- They've lost more equipment than in any conflict since WW2, including over 1400 visually confirmed tanks. In fact, they recently started an initiative to modernize SIXTY YEAR OLD T-62 tanks, because of the sheer amount of modern tanks they've lost.

- They've yet to gain air superiority against a much smaller country that they share a border with. In fact their air force has been completely useless and have sustained a ton of equipment losses, including over a QUARTER of their advanced KA-52 fleet. Imagine if the U.S. managed to lose a quarter of their flagship attack choppers in any conflict. That would have been an unfathomable embarrassment.

- Despite deploying the majority of their professional army they've still only managed to take over 18% of Ukraine. If you only include post Feb 24th territory, then its a meager 12%.

- There has been significant infighting among the military leadership, with many senior leaders being fired or ousted. And over 1000 officers have already died in the war

- Russia is running so low on precision weapons (including cruise missiles & Ballistic missiles) that they've had to buy cheap kamikaze drones from Iran and use those instead.

- They mobilized 300K reservists and average joes but don't have the capability to properly equip them. There's been loads of videos on social media of mobilized soldiers complaining about their lack of equipment. They've even been instructed to have their families buy essential equipment on their own.


I could go on and on. So exactly what secret weapon or game changing strategy can Russia employ at this point? I'd love to know Cooke. They have nothing besides Nukes, and I doubt even Putin would be desperate enough to go that route because the effects on Russia would be devastating.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

They are more than capable of making a comeback and do more significant damage to Ukraine than they already have. How is that a narrative? They certainly haven't used all of their weapons at their disposal and Russia benefits from vast territories, resources and manpower. What, you think Russia is on their last leg or something? Lol, not even the sanctions couldn't fully deter them, while doing that to other nations would be an instant deathblow. Get real man, it's fucking Russia, no one in history has ever beaten them fully.


The real question is can Putin continue like this forever? He's making enemies within his regime and his allies aren't pleased, by prolonging this war and appearing weak. You don't get far as a dictator by losing. I don't look forward to a Russian massive counter offensive next year one bit. You think that's impossible or something? 


Look at what i just posted above. There is countless evidence out there that proves Russia isn't a miliary superpower. I don't understand why you guys act like they still have some kind of trump card hidden under their sleeves.


We're already seeing the full power of the Russian military, and there's nothing else to debate on that point.

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

You actually think this is the full extent of the second most powerful army on earth? Seriously bro? 


It's ASTONISHING how misinformed you are...


Its like you just started paying attention about this two weeks ago when this war has been going on since February :drake:

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18 hours ago, Goukosan said:


It's ASTONISHING how misinformed you are...


Its like you just started paying attention about this two weeks ago when this war has been going on since February :drake:

... how long did the Iraq and Afghanistan wars go on? Was that the full extent of the American military? It's astonishing how stupid you are. 

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19 minutes ago, Cooke said:

... how long did the Iraq and Afghanistan wars go on? Was that the full extent of the American military? It's astonishing how stupid you are. 


They accomplished the intial goal of overthrowing Sadam Hussein and installing a new regime in pretty short order you uneducated clown 🤡 


"On April 9, 2003, just three weeks into the invasion of Iraq, U.S. forces pull down a bronze statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad’s Firdos Square, symbolizing the end of the Iraqi president’s long, often brutal reign" 


It took the US 3 weeks to overthrow Sadam.  They then occupied that region for 20 years. 


Putin claimed he would overthrow Zalenksy in weeks.... Its been 10 months and Russia is the one losing and no where close to overthrowing ukraine...:umad:



Edited by Goukosan
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