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Lol Cucke, you dirty bitch.

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Misusing your sad mod abilities to lock threads in here I see. If you or Ramza had shitty bars this douche bag would be y'all. All of the free thinker cringe; like leaning on vague political buzzwords, incorrect historical info, constantly bashing a group of people whilst claiming to have no prejudice against them, pro-cop, anti-vax, faux anti-corporatist childish logic. 


A fun little extra is a brief look at the history of conservatives worrying about men switching places with women like every generation going back nearly as far as the printing press's inception anytime there is some sort of social shift in gender politics. 

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I like how you threw in pro-cop as if supporting the people that work towards keeping society safe is somehow a bad thing. Its not surprise you clowns are going to get destroyed next month.


TBF I didnt bother posting too much about his lyrics as the video does a precise enough job critiquing the shitty "free thinker" mentality. FYI the rapper also calls out law enforcement and the justice system later in the same exact song. Basically showing how shallow,  paradoxical, and right-wing influenced the "free thinker" mentality actually is. Personally, I think it was more of him trying to call out BLM than defending the cops.


Also, how many rappers/rockers/country/blues artist makes pro-cop music? I know you're a cowardly boot-licker but come on. 

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I like how you threw in pro-cop as if supporting the people that work towards keeping society safe is somehow a bad thing. Its not surprise you clowns are going to get destroyed next month.


The right wing clowns are still crying up a storm about losing in 2020, still in denial about it and made up a bunch of silly conspiracy theories about why they didn't lose... They've been also proclaiming Trump will be reinstated next month ever month since he lost...stormed the capital because they couldn't accept defeat. 


Imagine how bat shit crazy they'll get if they lose the midterms too  :umad:

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25 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


That sounds good but back this up. Draw the connection that some how proves a hypocrisy. 

No race baiting threads in this forum. No need to continue this.  

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


The right wing clowns are still crying up a storm about losing in 2020, still in denial about it and made up a bunch of silly conspiracy theories about why they didn't lose... They've been also proclaiming Trump will be reinstated next month ever month since he lost...stormed the capital because they couldn't accept defeat. 


Imagine how bat shit crazy they'll get if they lose the midterms too  :umad:


I've had political shifts in my life. Like I used to be fine with the death penalty, until I wasn't anymore. It's crazy when someone is like I used to be a Dem in 2018 and now in 2022 is like "I'm actively hoping for their downfall!" blows my fucking mind. 

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On 2022-10-30 at 12:47 AM, Mr. Impossible said:

If you or Ramza had shitty bars this douche bag would be y'all. All of the free thinker cringe; like leaning on vague political buzzwords, incorrect historical info, constantly bashing a group of people whilst claiming to have no prejudice against them, pro-cop, anti-vax, faux anti-corporatist childish logic. 

If I had a bar, rap music would be forbidden to play at my establishment. 


You got triggered by some white fgt rapper. LMAO. 


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45 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I'm shocked you're self-aware enough to realize making a spite thread looked bad when called out on it. lol 

It has nothing to do with you or goukosan "calling me out". Just stop being a racist dickhole please and thank you. 

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