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The DHS/big tech collusion

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On 2022-11-03 at 4:40 PM, Substatic said:


This started in 2020. As per your article. During Trump.


Far rightist threads here flop so quick.

His concerns started due to "muh russian collusion" in 2016, which was proven to be bullshit but you retards still believe it.


This started during the 2020 election, you know shortly before Trump was out the door, when the election was self-admittedly "fortified" by as collusion of big tech, NGOs  billionaires and far left groups. When the hunter biden story was censored because they didnt want it affecting the election, which again you retards brushed off as fake news (now known to be TRUE). You're assuming that the government can always operate as one single hive mind, no coups do happen. Add some context next time kiddo. To be clear though not that this would excuse Trump or anyone from doing the same, his biggest failure was not reigning in the intelligence agencies.

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