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SW Decision Desk 2022

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Ben Shapiro made an interesting point the other day. He basically said that the GOP picked really good candidates for deep blue states where they always had little chance of winning, but when it came to swing states they put up low quality candidates in races that they could have easily won but lost. I’m inclined to agree.

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Ben Shapiro made an interesting point the other day. He basically said that the GOP picked really good candidates for deep blue states where they always had little chance of winning, but when it came to swing states they put up low quality candidates in races that they could have easily won but lost. I’m inclined to agree.


Oh come off it... Not only did those "bad candidates" win their republican primary.. (Which means you clowns wanted them) .... You guys also thought they would win with this whole red wave BS 


Look at the type of adds the republican candidates were putting out.... Lmfao




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19 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Oh come off it... Not only did those "bad candidates" win their republican primary.. (Which means you clowns wanted them) .... You guys also thought they would win with this whole red wave BS 


Look at the type of adds the republican candidates were putting out.... Lmfao




What a fucking creep, and he goes out of his way to say "....made in Germany" and leaves a pause afterwards.


Really fucking creepy.


Also this Republican, campaigning in a somewhat leaning Republican district in California, was said to have run the SECOND-most racist campaign, behind Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.




Literally an Asian being racist against another Asian.

Why? Because she knows that is what Republican voters are looking for.

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On 2022-11-12 at 9:12 PM, Twinblade said:

Ben Shapiro made an interesting point the other day. He basically said that the GOP picked really good candidates for deep blue states where they always had little chance of winning, but when it came to swing states they put up low quality candidates in races that they could have easily won but lost. I’m inclined to agree.

They primaried out the Republican in Washington who voted to impeach and replaced her with a Trumper in Washington. The GOP was supposed to win easily and lost to Democrat. The party is splintered at this point and 2024 will be worse with Trump already insulting DeSantis. :mj: 

Also, Ben Sharpio is a fucking moron who has never made a good point beyond saying he never gets his wife wet. But it’s expected that you’d watch that dbag. :omglol:

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Lol it always comes down to bigotry with this type. 



On 2022-11-13 at 12:12 AM, Twinblade said:

Ben Shapiro made an interesting point the other day. He basically said that the GOP picked really good candidates for deep blue states where they always had little chance of winning, but when it came to swing states they put up low quality candidates in races that they could have easily won but lost. I’m inclined to agree.



Lol Shapiro is part of the problem. Does he sound like a reasonable Republican - crying that the party should throw anyone out for supporting gay marriage? It's gonna be 2023 in 6 weeks and these motherfuckers are still losing their shit over gay people. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:




Lol it always comes down to bigotry with this type. 





Lol Shapiro is part of the problem. Does he sound like a reasonable Republican - crying that the party should throw anyone out for supporting gay marriage? It's gonna be 2023 in 6 weeks and these motherfuckers are still losing their shit over gay people. 

These 2 don't get it. The base has nowhere else to vote. Republicans need to appeal to the middle to win. If they want to continue losing then this is how they will do it. 

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11 minutes ago, Cooke said:

These 2 don't get it. The base has nowhere else to vote. Republicans need to appeal to the middle to win. If they want to continue losing then this is how they will do it. 


It's not about politics. They drive the culture war narratives to that favor the group they want to preserve with the most power. Currently the alt right is combating wokes, gays, trans, single women, "RINOs" , adults under the age of 40, people with college degrees, and not advocating for anything policy wise. No one stating that their relentless culture war stuff may be off-putting. 


I was watching someone breaking down the Turning Point coverage and it's 4 angry white guys demandkng that the Republicans grab power at all cost and punish their enemies. Everyone on the right is just seeking some level of social dominance over woke people 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


It's not about politics. They drive the culture war narratives to that favor the group they want to preserve with the most power. Currently the alt right is combating wokes, gays, trans, single women, "RINOs" , adults under the age of 40, people with college degrees, and not advocating for anything policy wise. No one stating that their relentless culture war stuff may be off-putting. 


I was watching someone breaking down the Turning Point coverage and it's 4 angry white guys demandkng that the Republicans grab power at all cost and punish their enemies. Everyone on the right is just seeking some level of social dominance over woke people 

And it only works on dumbasses like Cooke.


Cooke is (supposedly) gay, and should have no reason to even be reading right-wing propaganda.


Except for one thing.


Somewhere, along the line, he convinced himself that the "libs" were too arrogant, and that's how right-wing media snatch him up, because they fed that hate that he has brewing.


That's the only thing right-wing talking point are about. "Join us if you hate these people and want to see them cut down!"


And there's only one remedy after they lose an election "we need to double-down on the hate, some more, to MOTIVATE our hateful base."


They spent the past two years making their base believe that elections are rigged. And they got soundly beat.


Right-wingers are just painting themselves into a corner.

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


One of their agenda items is to block all aide and support to ukraine.  You must be proud. 

That’s not accurate, most still support Ukraine. At worst they will use further aid as leverage for getting their own bills/agenda passed.

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On 2022-11-16 at 1:16 AM, jehurey said:

And it only works on dumbasses like Cooke.


Cooke is (supposedly) gay, and should have no reason to even be reading right-wing propaganda.


Except for one thing.


Somewhere, along the line, he convinced himself that the "libs" were too arrogant, and that's how right-wing media snatch him up, because they fed that hate that he has brewing.


That's the only thing right-wing talking point are about. "Join us if you hate these people and want to see them cut down!"


And there's only one remedy after they lose an election "we need to double-down on the hate, some more, to MOTIVATE our hateful base."


They spent the past two years making their base believe that elections are rigged. And they got soundly beat.


Right-wingers are just painting themselves into a corner.

Why do you say supposedly gay? Are you stereotyping again biggot?

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