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How realistic is a PS5 Pro in 1-2 years

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I don't think there will be "Pro" consoles for this generation.  Not anymore.  The gen is starting late enough as it is already, and there's no real "new technology" adoption push to be made.  With the Pro consoles it was 4K TVs pushing that adoption.  With this generation, you don't have any of that.  8K is still far away from the market adopting it, and with Ray Tracing the tech already exists on consoles.  Sure, it's not great on consoles, but RT requirements ramp up very quickly.. and even AMDs biggest and baddest GPUs aren't great at it.


I think you'll see "slim" revisions and that's it.  They'll want to cut costs where possible and actually start making some money off these devices.  Sony apparently makes a bit off PS5, but MS isn't anywhere close to making money off Series consoles.. so yea.

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I really hope so, I despised that trend. It was like removing the core idea of a console for me. Just one system, that plays all the games the same way. 

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PS4 Pro was a great update which delivered real wins in quality. If you bought one in 2016, you're still getting your money's worth. But I don't think we're close to needing a PS5 Pro. We barely need PS5 based on AAA publisher output.

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19 hours ago, bhytre said:

A cheaper to manufacture slim version is more likely imo

Either way the PS5 is best on PC don't buy one

LOL lemmings are so pathetic at this point.

They're actually pleading with people to not buy Playstations. Couldn't sound more like a beta male, if you tried.

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