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Forspoken demo

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Yes, the dialogue seems bad and I hate the main character. Putting the attack/heavy attack to the triggers was dumb. World traversal is fun and despite the bad button mapping combat isn’t terrible. Nice map design and performance is good. I won’t get it for $70 but it might be worth a discount price. The main character looks like a potato though. I don’t understand how some of the textures on her cloak look amazing but her face looks bad. 

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what a weird fucking demo.


i don't have much experiences with Japanese open-world games, so I may describe things that other people are more used to., but they are really weird to me.


I guess it makes sorta sense if the story implies some sort of apocalyptic event took place and therefore there are small towns in which nobody is there.


For starters, I don't even think the game looks that good. Like the image, as a whole, might look decently cohesive at times, with the mountain imagery and the fog and the HDR sunlight. Like maybe it can fool you into looking like a nice-looking game, but up close things don't look that next-gen at all.


Stone architecture, especially the bridges, look like something out of the PS3/X360 era. So do things like wooden pickets and planks. I guess the main thing here is that she has this parkour sliding mechanic in which if you did it correctly, she could be sliding at a pretty fast rate to traverse. And I didn't notice any LOD pop-in, even with the foilage. So the graphics absolutely do not come close to the polygon count as Forbidden West, but maybe this helps with no pop-in when you are traversing fast through the world.


Like I said before, stone building architecture is so simple looking, except for the refuge house interiors, they look somewhat nice.


I played on the 30fps ray-tracing mode, which I guess it just ray-traced shadows and/or global illumination.


Combat looks like they possibly have a decent idea, but I don't know if its fully fleshed out. The controls are weird.


This looks like a Final Fantasy JRPG with traditional RPG turn-based combat, and halfway through development they decided to drop the turn-based combat and simply make it a melee and rudimentary shooting combat mechanic.


The way things are just there in the open world is so.....weird.


Kinda reminds me of the few hours I played of the first Neir on the X360 many years ago.

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y'know, i kept on thinking about the game. something about it just made me keep on thinking about it this past day.


so I went back to finish everything on the map. After doing the first 5 objectives, the demo says that its over, but it opens up an optional 6th objective.


and that map area that you are given still has like 8 other areas to explore and do little side missions, and there's still like 20 treasure chests left.


So that took me about an additional four hours to go around and do just about everything I could see on the map.


First of all, turned it on performance mode. I think 30fps is pretty aggravating. Even then, the 60fps mode doesn't feel like its hitting a solid 60. This helps with the parkour running and jumping.


The parkour, it CAN get better if you practice. Its almost like a Super Mario 64 triple-jump mechanic. If you time it just right, she will do a run-jump, and then do a bigger jump, and then do an even bigger jump. If they expand this further, this could be like Crackdown's expanding satisfying jumping mechanic. You could really get some distance.


Also, they never fucking told me about those glowing crystals on the side of cliffs. You press the Square button, and a little lock-on thing occurs on screen and you will connect with the glowing crystal with a red-glowing whip and sling yourself upwards. Other crystals are like ledges in order to do a spinning jump, like the newer Prince of Persia games. Maybe you need to upgrade your skills or magic before they give you this option. That might've been what I inadvertently did, upgrade my skills.


The upgrading and the magic, I'm sorta understanding it more. You use your Exp. that you gained from fighting enemies, to UNLOCK a skill or a magic. And then you select that skill from the tree, but you don't have that skill yet. It gives you an assignment. You have to perform a certain move x amount of times until you fulfill your assignment. And then you go back and activate that skill. And now you can select another skill/magic to make an assignment to unlock that. Somewhat interesting, and it is why they would want you to grind and defeat enemies that are situation out in the world.


The fighting. Its annoying against the basic enemies. But it was only when I started finding bigger, optional, enemies, did the combat start feeling more satisfying. I don't have much experience with Square-Enix RPGs, but I do know they like putting some badass enemies in the corners of the map. And that's exactly what I discovered the more I went poking around. That's where I had the most fun encounters. Gigantic Moose animal, or gigantic Polar Bear type of "mutant".


And then I came across a swamp area that they suddenly threw like FORTY fucking crocodile at me. And that's where I starting practicing my heavy charge-up moves and my secondary magic that helps with crowd control. It got me thinking, that they're trying to do a little Onimusha type of gameplay here.


And then I went to go investigate a barren village, and I soon as I was walking into the village, the sunlight went away and a storm engulfed the area, and these night demon ghoulish creatures started attacking me. They weren't that much harder, but I liked the surprise.


FINALLY we're starting to see some variety.


So, because I gave it another chance, I learned how to do combat better, I learned how to traverse significantly more satisfying, I found more variety in the enemies, and I learned the upgrading system better.


If I did everything on the map, hunt after ever icon, every treasure chest, I could burn out if this game has humongous maps. The problem is that the coolest stuff is probably optional, but you'd probably come across a whole bunch of optional stuff that is just filler.


But there's sssssssomething here. If I came across this game during the PS3 era, maybe I would stick with it all the way through.

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2 hours ago, Team 2019 said:


Yikes, sub 1080p lol


  • six visual modes
  • grass stretches far
  • environment is geometry dense
  • lighting is mixed, can look great, but indirectly lit areas can fall flat
    • light leaking and lack of energy conservation
  • time of day is fixed
  • at a distance, some objects lack shadows
  • reflections are screenspace and cubemaps are incongruent
  • early trailer looks more detailed than the demo
  • 60hz modes
    • quality
      • 30fps
      • 1296p average, dynamic
      • solid 30fps until combat
    • RT
      • 30fps
      • 1000p average, dynamic
      • rt shadows and AO
        • Oliver mentions no AO, but the game does have a hybrid RT AO solution
      • RT only apply to opaque geometry
      • very close objects only
      • penumbra is inaccurate
      • even the same object has inconsistent detail
      • solid 30fps until combat
    • performance
      • 60fps
      • 900p average, dynamic
      • frequently drops frames, ~40fps
    • fidelity is similar across modes aside from distance lods
    • uses FSR2
    • even hud is not native output res
  • 120Hz
    • quality
      • 40fps in traversal, 30s in combat
    • RT
      • 40fps in traversal, 30s in combat
    • performance
      • 60fps and 40fps in combat
    • dynamic resolution range is similar to 60hz mode, but sticks to the lower bounds
  • loading is very fast, <2 seconds
  • all the demo/early build caveats apply here
Edited by ghostz
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7 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Yikes, this game got downgraded like crazy from those earlier trailers.

Clearly it was running on PC before.. despite their trailers saying "PS5 dev footage" lol


But yea, pretty massive downgrade.

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Gotta admit though, the loading times are pretty incredible.


I'm also not saying it's a bad looking game.. it's just not next gen.  It's clear that the only workout the SSD is being given is when it loads upfront.. not really how much it's streaming in during gameplay.

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