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6 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Even if the story was somehow oscar worthy, there's no way I could sit in a movie theater for over 3 hours watching a single movie.

Cameron movies have great visuals, but awful stories. His earlier work was way better (terminator/the abyss). Though, Alien >>>>> Aliens. Titanic is still the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen. Avatar is a close second, but at least it was the first 3D movie that actually made me feel immersed in a living world. I loved it as an experience. I TRIED watching it on a new TV, a year later, and realized it’s unwatchable in 2D. Boring af..Ugly characters too. Now that 3D has lost its appeal, I refuse to see this bloated Smurfs flick. 

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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Even if the story was somehow oscar worthy, there's no way I could sit in a movie theater for over 3 hours watching a single movie.


You game more than that on the daily and you can't take a few hours to go to take your girl friend to see Avatar 2?.... Ohh wait... I get it now

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


You game more than that on the daily and you can't take a few hours to go to take your girl friend to see Avatar 2?.... Ohh wait... I get it now


Movies are passive entertainment, especially in a theater where you're expected not to talk. Sitting silently in a movie theater chair for 3:15 minutes would be torture for me. But lol @ you getting angry at TB for not liking it either and taking a shot at his sex life for it. You're a weird little guy.





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50 minutes ago, Saucer said:


Movies are passive entertainment, especially in a theater where you're expected not to talk. Sitting silently in a movie theater chair for 3:15 minutes would be torture for me. But lol @ you getting angry at TB for not liking it either and taking a shot at his sex life for it. You're a weird little guy.






Lol at you thinking I'm angry. 


Watching a movie with a woman in a theater is never passive entertainment but that's besides the point because it was a joke.


Why are you so sensitive to a lil joke?  Getting your panties all in a bunch. 


Take the stick out your butt chump. 


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Avatar made the most money and I dont think I've ever heard anyone ever talk about that movie, even when talking about SFX. It's easily the most forgettable blockbuster ever made. I've only ever seen it once and would never watch it again and I can name movies that I didnt like, even less than Avatar and have watched twice. It's kind of sickening that Avatar 2 will probably make more money than the first despite looking boring and even dumber than the first one.

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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Looked even blander than the first one from the trailer I saw. And the first one wasn't exactly setting a high bar to begin with.


I'll probably end up watching it on Bluray somewhere down the line though, ain't no way I'm paying to see this in a theater. Best way to watch these types of movies is knowing you can fast forward at a moments notice LOL...

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