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Why Dead Space Remake May One of the Biggest Games of 2023

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I really don't trust EA. For starters, they didn't really do a huge marketing push on this. They just sorta released a trailer during the fall that the game is coming.


And secondly, I doubt they will expand the game or re-work alot of things the way the game is designed.

Its is odd, because the first time I played it, they talked alot about having to go to this floor and do this thing, and then go to another floor to turn on another thing. And using the train terminal station to travel, I got the impression this game might be a Metroidvania design where you have to go to a place multiple times, like Batman Arkham Asylum. But they never really did that, or open it up for the player to do that. I think you may have gone to a couple of places twice.

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