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Looks like AI is going to do the mopping work with all the damage that social media has done to humanity.

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Social media has completely fucked up us in so many ways it is not funny.

It has dehumanized networking and human relations at a basic level so bad that we could be sitting in the same table, but rather be socializing with people far away, from other states or countries.


Also, social media has changed the dating game completely and skewed the perception of desirability for women (look for the tinder study about male and female dating percentages).


So AI comes around and what do you think it is going to do?


Destroy human interaction to the point of future generations rather having intimate relationships with AIs than real human beings.


I am calling it.

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The timeline of early cell phones that could only play Snake and send texts were perfect imo for an overall social balance.

What we got after that just fueled narcissism and retardation to unseen levels. People literally dying to take a dumb selfie for a few likes, others for a stupid viral challenge.

What seems constant is that the bastion of degeneracy where all these new ideas come from always seems to be America and its closest allies.

Maybe AI will accelerate their own destruction, and that's a good thing! :glad: 




Edited by bhytre
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