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Tried to go back to Witcher 3

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I was pretty hyped to replay when the next gen patch came out but damn. I dunno if I can do it. Not sure if it's hindsight after BOTW and Elden Ring, but this shit's tough to go back to.


For starters, I always looked at Witcher as the "good" take on an Ubisoft style MMO, but going back to it now it really is just running around to a bunch of points on the map. Obviously still better than Ubisoft garbage and the world itself is pretty cool to look at but it pales in comparison to ER and BOTW.


Also, speaking of the map, the fucking thing takes like 4 seconds to enter and exit. Was it always this bad? Such an absolute pain to do something as simple as set a marker or check where you're heading next. The menu as a whole is so sluggish, which considering how often you have to go into it is a huge pain. Compare that to ER or BOTW where entering and exiting the map is seamless and basically instant.


Controls also just feel bad now, feels like there's a built in input lag to everything. Roach sucks to control. And everytime you call Roach he either doesn't show up or shows up but stands 10 meters away from you. Combat is just zzzzzzz.


So anyway, I stopped playing and started a new run of ER 🙂



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I like the game but I always criticized it for the same things:


The combat is garbage in every way imaginable.

The character builds options are shallow and boring. 

The copy and paste side activities on the map is worthless filler content. 


The open world is static and feels pointless at times. Like you said, point A to point B. Roach running auto pilot on dirt tracks until you reach your destination. Rarely did I ever take the time to actually explore, unless there was an indication on the map that there's something there, which kills all the fun of exploring an open world.


The good stuff:


Everything about the story, world and characters.

The music. 

The visuals. 

The questlines and the choices you have.


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1 hour ago, Voidler said:

It's a good game but the combat is so bad I don't get how reviewers were handing out 10s

Because they're all hacks who are more influenced by trendy content among 'gamers' than the actual content of the games they review. They're giving out the scores that feels appropriate at the time without any intelligent insight. 


And let's not forget, they all thought it was a better game than Bloodborne as proven by the number of GOTYs but now they're all sucking FromSoft dick because it's finally cool and popular. 

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6 hours ago, Ramza said:

Because they're all hacks who are more influenced by trendy content among 'gamers' than the actual content of the games they review. They're giving out the scores that feels appropriate at the time without any intelligent insight. 


And let's not forget, they all thought it was a better game than Bloodborne as proven by the number of GOTYs but now they're all sucking FromSoft dick because it's finally cool and popular. 

Facts. Reviewers chase trends


Open world = OMFG so amazing 

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Witcher 3 combat is bad but I still enjoyed it, the finisher moves were so much fun to look at, cutting off heads and limbs :aitch:   Ciri combat was actually quite fun tho, I love that warping.


It's a shame with the huge hype for GODpunk I always thought it will be CDPR last chance to prove they can actually make an interesting/skill based combat system but they failed again. So I just write that one off and don't ever expect them to make it happen, but that's fine with me. 

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9 minutes ago, kaz said:

Witcher 3 combat is bad but I still enjoyed it, the finisher moves were so much fun to look at, cutting off heads and limbs :aitch:   Ciri combat was actually quite fun tho, I love that warping.


It's a shame with the huge hype for GODpunk I always thought it will be CDPR last chance to prove they can actually make an interesting/skill based combat system but they failed again. So I just write that one off and don't ever expect them to make it happen, but that's fine with me. 

What does Ciri's pucci smell like after all that combat in murky swamps and Polish towns?

Edited by bhytre
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Game was always a chore to play since the very beginning.

It´s just that a lot of people had CD Project Red´s cock stuck in their throats.

But then that honeymoon phase ended quickly when they fucked up with Cyberpunk, everyone realized and saw TW3 for what it truly always was, a game with shitty controls.

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this always happens to me whenever I stopped and then started up again with Witcher 3.


It takes about 3-4 hours to start getting into the proper pacing of the game.


If you start the game and move around for like half an hour, its going to feel all weird.


Hopefully they try to smooth out the ray-tracing stuff, and then I'll start doing the Hearts of Stone DLC. I have no reason to replay the single player campaign.

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