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Have a Happy New Year you fucks. What are your resolutions?

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I've been struggling a bit with my shoulder and im not convinced its healing like it should be post-op. So my focus for the first half of the year is to try to get it as close to back to 'normal' as possible so I can return to working out even if it means changing my approach and modifying how I normally did things.

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nothing. I'm the best and perfect. 


GD be careful about the work stuff, man, that shit can be dangerous, my step dad worked himself almost to death, he only stopped like 2 years ago after he got stomach cancer and can't work anymore. The guy worked construction and he did NOTHING else, he always went to bed super early and one time woke up and was talking about putting some bricks somewhere then pissed on a few shoes in the hallway, while my fam and I sat in the kitchen, we could hear it. :D  fucking hell, his brain was mush. He's doing better now. sorry for off-topic.



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11 hours ago, kaz said:

nothing. I'm the best and perfect. 


GD be careful about the work stuff, man, that shit can be dangerous, my step dad worked himself almost to death, he only stopped like 2 years ago after he got stomach cancer and can't work anymore. The guy worked construction and he did NOTHING else, he always went to bed super early and one time woke up and was talking about putting some bricks somewhere then pissed on a few shoes in the hallway, while my fam and I sat in the kitchen, we could hear it. :D  fucking hell, his brain was mush. He's doing better now. sorry for off-topic.



Thanks bro. Yeah, I’ll work in my sleep. It’s gotten bad. I actually dropped one of my films. I’m going to finish my main one and I think i’m going to quit television and movies. 

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Get my fitness back, a few years ago I could run a marathon in 3 hours, I’d probably die if I tried to run at that pace now. Also, stop vaping again. I properly quit 3 years ago but the last few weeks I’ve basically relapsed on that shit. 

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5 hours ago, -GD-X said:

I was in bed by like 11:15 lol. Fuck, I’m old and boring now lol. 


nothing wrong with that. I prefer to stay in and have dinner with fam and friends anyway. Going outside and light up money and see it burn away is not my thing. :D  and even then, I always had a good view the last few years, just looking outside from an upper story flat where we usually stayed. this year i cancelled everything and was playing asscreed pyramids :ben:   just looked at the firework at midnight for 10 mins (again, I got a nice view from my flat too, high up and all)




happy new year everyone



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