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Doctor Jordan Perterson to be sent to a social media re-education camp in Canada.

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dude’s probably the same as those people who wear a mask when driving in a car by themselves  poor brainwashed saps

Lmao at the simplistic labels. Transphobe, climate change denier, anti vaxxer.       Of course none of you have any issues with this. Totalitarian leftist scumbags showing their tr

yikes a literal human guinea pig vaxtard trying to justify being a brainwashed zombie   How many boosters left? ahahahahahahahaha Don't forget the mask buddy!

1 hour ago, Substatic said:

I was on the fence about this guy until I found out about him being a climate denier and anti-vaxxer. That's when you know they are just psychos or far right grifters.


Peterson is such a complete piece of shit. I've hated him from day one. 



4 hours ago, Ramza said:

Transphobe is sad another Transphobe is having another drama moment lol. 

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Lmao at the simplistic labels. Transphobe, climate change denier, anti vaxxer.




Of course none of you have any issues with this. Totalitarian leftist scumbags showing their true colors. 

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7 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Seems like you want a safe space from those words.


Maybe this utter retard shouldn't be those things if he doesn't want those labels? 

Oh man, you sure showed him. Great argumentation, will read again. 

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6 minutes ago, Substatic said:


He's a fucking climate denier and anti-vaxxer.  I don't even have to do anything, he owns himself.

Seems like your NPC.exe program is bugging out and is stuck in a loop.

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14 minutes ago, Substatic said:


He's a fucking climate denier and anti-vaxxer.  I don't even have to do anything, he owns himself.

He got vaxxed though and is still against it. Probably regretted it after he saw the insanity unfold from the degenerate pro-vaxtards :tom: 

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8 hours ago, Ramza said:

Canada is a dystopian commie shithole in the making. The good thing is this can't go on indefinitely and it will simply deteriorate year after year, with more draconian and retarded measures being instilled to try and control the mess they created.

The smart ones will leave and never look back :glad:


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Gonna start making up labels too. 


Alphabet people groomers

Climate change alarmists pro-taxes

Totalitarian mandates Karens 


Leftist trash and their moral high ground. :pavarotti:

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4 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Canada is a dystopian commie shithole in the making. The good thing is this can't go on indefinitely and it will simply deteriorate year after year, with more draconian and retarded measures being instilled to try and control the mess they created.

The smart ones will leave and never look back :glad:


There's still hope, not all the Provinces leaderships have completely lost their minds (they have a certain autonomy from the Federal Government) and Pierre Poilievre and the conservative party are saying the right things. 


Pretty insane how Justin Castro and the Liberals sycophants party has ruined the country in just a few years. Time to take away the guns of law abiding citizens and introduce lax laws for criminals with instant bails. :killzone:  This is a deliberate attempt at sabotaging the country. 

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1 hour ago, bhytre said:




You mean pretty much everyone before this was politicized by cuckservatives? 😂🤣. Old polling and CDC data shows near universal support before this LOW IQ anti-science degeneracy by the 3rd world right.


Fortunately for climate change, another thing Peterson the Retard is wrong on, the opposite happened.

Edited by Substatic
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1 hour ago, Substatic said:



You mean pretty much everyone before this was politicized by cuckservatives? 😂🤣. Old polling and CDC data shows near universal support before this LOW IQ anti-science degeneracy by the 3rd world right.


Fortunately for climate change, another thing Peterson the Retard is wrong on, the opposite happened.

Rofl how old are you? The vaccine mandate was unprecedented and it's not even the same type of vaccine. This is not comparable at all. 


I've had tetanos vaccines and some others. But I'm not going to weaken my immune system for a flu shot or covid that can be easily fought with natural immunity. Let's face it, Covid was a threat to 65 years + and morbidly obese people. But somehow everyone got to take the shots and the boosters (because it's so efficient).


The vaccine has it's uses, it's enforcing to everyone regardless of medical situation of the patient that is absolutely revolting and the Government coercion and lies. And then acting like the non protected are the problem, despite the fact we have more than enough data at this point to say with certainty that vaccinated people did not stop the spread and the masks are of little uses. 


And the problem isn't climate change being real or not, the problem is Government trying to enrich themselves with green agenda taxes that won't fight climate change whatsoever. It's just like when western countries prefer to let China do their dirty works and then pretend they are better than everyone else. Look our CO2 emissions are down, never mind the cargo ships coming in from Asia though. xD 


It's just another power grab. If you think the billionaires at WEF actually gives a shit about the environment then you're dumber than I thought. 

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27 minutes ago, bhytre said:

yikes a literal human guinea pig vaxtard trying to justify being a brainwashed zombie :tom: 

How many boosters left? ahahahahahahahaha :rofls:

Don't forget the mask buddy! :rofl:

He's the perfect cuck for Klaus Schwab future dystopia. 


Here Mr. Substatic, have a nice bowl of worms and crickets. Don't forget, you're actively saving the planet. 


But we are also sadden to tell you that your carbon footprint says you traveled too far away from home. Your social credits are down by 20 points. :mickey:

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I'm sure the reality is a bit different than he is presenting. This just bait for the retards that like him or what he stands for in their minds. 

He posted the list of demands and possible outcomes if he don't comply. I mean it all sounds nice on the surface but this is just political BS for wrong think and you know it. 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

He posted the list of demands and possible outcomes if he don't comply. I mean it all sounds nice on the surface but this is just political BS for wrong think and you know it. 



He is in a licensed field. That's how it works. 

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